Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 793 Forcing Back the Strong Enemy

Chapter 793 Forcing Back the Strong Enemy
Chapter 790
"It does have some strength, but I'm afraid it's not enough to show off so much in my demon land!"

The big man roared, and a pair of iron fists hit Lin Chen.

"Whether it's enough or not, it's not up to you!"

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and the Immortal Taishang Faxiang behind him had already slammed down. For a moment, the movements of this big man seemed to be much slower.

"The power of time!"

The big man's eyelids twitched, the veins on his arms swelled, he increased his strength, and he recovered his speed in an instant!

Lin Chen's power of time can't be considered very strong, so now that the big man increased his strength, he immediately broke through the obstacles.

With a punch, Lin Chen collided with the big man, and there was a loud noise, and the ground below collapsed at this moment. The scene was extremely shocking.

At the same time, Qian Fengliu's figure was illusory, and he had already arrived behind the big man. With a swipe of his palm, the phantom array unfolded, and the powerful phantom beast had already bit the big man.

"Go away!"

Raising his hand was a punch, which directly blasted a phantom beast. Immediately afterwards, the phantom beast condensed again, but its body was much more illusory.

Obviously, the strength of this big man is by no means comparable to the five true gods just now.

"If you have any means, just use it!"

The big man's voice was like thunder, and he rushed out of the range of the phantom array and continued to attack Lin Chen.

And Lin Chen's face was dignified, and he was also unfolding a huge miniature universe. The magic of the Immortal Supreme God behind him shrunk and merged with his body, filling his whole body with indescribable power.

With another punch, Lin Chen and the big man collided again, and the two stepped back at the same time, their blood surging.

This guy's body training technique has actually reached such a level!

"Illusory Realm!"

Qian Fengliu shouted angrily at the back, and also displayed his own miniature universe. A world that seemed to be completely illusory immediately enveloped the big man, making him feel extremely unreal.

And the big man's crazy attack also caused the space around him to crack and open, making Qian Fengliu's virtual world a little unstable.

Break the law with force!

Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu looked at each other, seeing the seriousness in each other's eyes.

"Hahaha, it's just two brats. No matter how many tricks you use, what's the use of it!" The man laughed wildly and continued to bombard. Soon, Qian Fengliu's virtual world also began to collapse.

"Join us!"

Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu met for the first time, and their miniature universes merged together. Between the combination of reality and emptiness, a chaotic atmosphere erupted, making the whole world tremble at this moment .

"What method is this?"

Sensing such a dangerous atmosphere, the big man finally changed his expression for the first time.

However, before he retreated, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu pressed their palms down at the same time, and the powerful chaotic power born from the combination of reality and emptiness flew out and hit the big man directly.

Wherever he passed, everything was almost distorted.

Seeing this, the big man roared angrily, and a huge miniature universe appeared behind him, and then, it turned into an extremely fierce tiger-headed demon god and attached to him!
Immediately, the already burly body swelled even more, looking like a giant that pierced through the sky, making people feel their insignificance.

"Break it for me!"

The strength of the big man's whole body was condensed on a pair of fists, as if carrying an unparalleled power. With this punch, the whole world seemed to fall into despair.

In the next moment, the power of chaos born from the combination of truth and emptiness flew in, and collided with the big man's fist fiercely, causing the whole world to flash with light, and at the center of the collision, a tyrannical energy storm It was rumored that the world within a radius of ten thousand miles fell into a terrible distortion.

The onlookers in the distance all retreated rapidly, and some who retreated slowly were directly affected by this energy, their faces were horrified, and they flew upside down, unable to control their bodies.

At this time, the energy storm in the center of the collision has reached a certain level of violence. I am afraid that even the strong who have just entered the realm of true gods will find it difficult to protect themselves under such a storm.

The big man stepped back, his huge body was trembling, and his face was pale.

The blow just now was already with all his strength, but he didn't expect that he would faintly fall into the wind when confronted with these two people. The chaotic atmosphere cast a shadow in his heart.

If there is another attack like that, he really doesn't know if he can take it!
"Back! No more fights!"

The big man immediately made a decision in his heart.

To be able to grow to such a level, brute force alone is definitely not enough. He also has a unique grasp of the situation. He understands that if he continues to fight, he will not get any benefits, and there will even be great danger. Therefore, he immediately decided to run away.

Before the energy storm dissipated, his figure had turned into a long rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

And this scene immediately made all the onlookers dumbfounded.

"The violent tiger has escaped!"

"Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen a tiger run away!"

"Everyone who offends him will have their heads smashed by him. This time, he escaped without success!"

Shouts of astonishment spread throughout the world, and this news also spread throughout the entire Demon Land of the Western Regions at an unimaginable speed!

At this time, the powerful energy storm had begun to dissipate slowly, and only the devastated land below witnessed this terrifying battle.

Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu withdrew their strength and looked at each other with lingering fears.

If it wasn't for the opportunity in the imaginary world not long ago, it might not be so easy to repel this violent tiger this time.

"Don't underestimate the masters in the world. Although the man just now is only the Great Perfection of the True God Realm, his real combat power may be close to half a step of Shishen!" Lin Chen said solemnly.

"This is already the ranks of the top experts. Even if the strong ones from my family come to help, I'm afraid they won't get much benefit!" Qian Fengliu also had lingering fears.

"I'm afraid there will be more strong people competing for the demon flower. We can't be careless." Lin Chen's heart was heavy.

Before becoming the holy son of the Heavenly Temple, his strength soared, which made him feel a little complacent. Now it seems that although he has stepped into the ranks of top powerhouses, he still has a long way to go if he wants to be invincible.

The world is vast and abundant, and everyone has their own chances, and the demonic land of the Western Regions is full of capable people and strangers. If he continues to take it lightly, it may be difficult for him to get the demon flower.

At this moment, Lin Chen understood why Gai Jiuyou made such a bet with him.

Because Gai Jiuyou has confidence, the strong in the Demon Land of the Western Regions are enough to block Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu!

(End of this chapter)

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