Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 797 Lake Bottom Compass [Part 3]

Chapter 797 The Compass at the Bottom of the Lake

Chapter 790 Eighth Lake Compass

"Sure enough, there are two strokes, and the combination of reality and emptiness can give birth to the power of chaos!"

Yan Beichen, who had always been calm and calm, finally changed his color.

Reaching this level is enough to attract his attention.

Even if he wants to defeat Geng Tianlang, he still has to go through a lot of troubles, but now, two guys who have just entered the realm of true gods can actually do it to this extent.

"You are already worth my shot, I can give you another chance, leave now, or die."

Yan Beichen's face was indifferent, and he had already grasped the huge black magic sword behind his back.

The fierce sword energy raged, completely splitting the space around him, and the water of Tianmo Lake seemed to be swept away by countless sword energy, and the magic power splashed.

At the same time, behind him, a huge miniature universe manifested, which was completely condensed by an unimaginable sword intent, presenting an extreme black.

Devil Sword Universe!

Yan Beichen has only cultivated this sword in his life, and his miniature universe is completely constructed by his unparalleled swordsmanship. In terms of attack, it is afraid that no one can compare.

Just releasing his own miniature universe has already crushed everyone present. Only the demon sword Yan Beichen has the cold arrogance that is so high!
Both Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu felt extremely solemn in their hearts.

Having reached this point, how could they be willing to give up, but Yan Beichen on the opposite side is really capable of crushing them.

"Brother Qian, you go first, I will deal with him."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Qian Fengliu shook his head: "Brother Situ, don't be brave, we are not his opponents, the demon face and devil flower, in the whole world, I am afraid that this is not the only place where we can cultivate, let's look elsewhere! "

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen knew that this was the most sensible choice, but he still had other thoughts in his heart.

There must be something in this magic lake that can interact with the space-time compass. Lin Chen has a hunch that if he can get it, he will definitely be able to greatly improve his strength. He is not willing to give up this opportunity.

Furthermore, if he got this opportunity, he might be able to deal with Yan Beichen with certainty!

For a moment, Lin Chen thought a lot, and then, he stomped the ground with his foot, and his figure flew up, rushing straight to Yan Beichen!
"Overestimate your own strength, the two of you may be able to fight against one or two together, but you want to die so much!"

Yan Beichen sneered.

In his opinion, Lin Chen's actions were undoubtedly very stupid.

"Brother Situ!"

Qian Fengliu exclaimed, and immediately followed up, wanting to fight the enemy with Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen was obviously one step faster and had already rushed in front of Yan Beichen. At the same time, Yan Beichen swung his sword suddenly, and that sword seemed to be able to split the sky!

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the huge divine and magical figure behind Lin Chen collapsed, and a deep sword mark appeared on Lin Chen's chest, bringing an extremely strong force and impacting on his body , causing him to fly upside down, and smashed hard onto the Demonic Lake.

The water splashed open, the magic power splashed, Lin Chen's figure dived directly into the lake, and at the same time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is what he wants!
He is not a moth, so naturally he would not be so stupid as to seek death, pretending to attack Yan Beichen, just to take the opportunity to enter Tianmo Lake!
Obviously, the proud Yan Beichen didn't think of this.

And as Lin Chen's figure entered the water of Tianmo Lake, he immediately began to crazily absorb the pure magic power in the lake water, refining it into his body.

At the same time, he took out the silver space-time compass, and suddenly found that at this moment, the pointer on the compass was spinning wildly, pointing to a direction.

Following the direction pointed by the pointer, Lin Chen dived at full speed and headed towards the bottom of Tianmo Lake.

The people waiting on the shore soon realized that something was wrong.

"Why hasn't that guy come out yet, is he dead?"

"No, no! He just laughed!"

"His purpose is not to fight Yan Beichen, but to enter the lake!"

A series of exclamations sounded, and everyone reacted, staring at the lake.

Yan Beichen's face was ugly. He didn't expect that he would be swayed by this kid.

"He must have wanted to snatch the Demon Flower before it was born in the lake!"

"Stop him!"

I don't know who took the lead, but at this moment, all the figures rushed straight into the Tianmo Lake, splashing a lot of water.

The scene is extremely out of control!

No matter when, this Tianmo Lake does not allow Moxiu to enter it to absorb energy, but now, no matter whether it is to chase Lin Chen or absorb energy, everyone present entered without hesitation. In the demon lake.

Qian Fengliu gritted his teeth, jumped into it with Xuan Bing in his arms, and began to search for Lin Chen's trace.

Yan Beichen snorted coldly, his body transformed into a sharp sword, pierced the lake directly, and crashed down.

Lin Chen was hit by him, and his sword intent was attached to his body. Yan Beichen could feel that Lin Chen was going down at a high speed at this moment.

"It's not right, this kid's purpose is probably not just the demon flower!"

The intuition in Yan Beichen's heart told him that Lin Chen was definitely a ghost, and he chased him with all his strength, causing a vacuum in the lake!
Sensing the pursuit from behind, Lin Chen's heart tightened, and he clenched the space-time compass in his hand. He felt that it was very close.

In the black lake in front of him, a brilliant silver light had already manifested. Lin Chen's pupils narrowed and saw that the silver light was a bigger compass!

And in the center of this huge compass, there is a groove, judging by its size, it can just put down the compass in Lin Chen's hand!
Without hesitation, he waved his hand and pushed the small compass in his hand into the big compass, and it fit into it perfectly. Lin Chen's figure followed closely behind, arrived on top of the huge compass, and stood in the center.

Yan Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly. He never knew that there was such a rare treasure at the bottom of Tianmo Lake. The fluctuation clearly represented time and space!
The demonic sword in his hand slashed out, facing Lin Chen, but it was still a step too late.

I saw that as Lin Chen embedded the small compass, the entire huge compass suddenly started to rotate. Around Lin Chen, time and space suddenly stagnated. Yan Beichen's sword, even if it was strong, still stopped at Lin Chen's. In front of you, you can't get an inch!
At the same time, a mighty force of time and space erupted, covering the entire area of ​​Tianmo Lake, making everything stand still. Only Lin Chen on the compass could keep moving!
ps: Thanks to the book friend 1383732751 for the support of the monthly ticket, and thanks to the book friend who wrote the pen and wrote the miss again for the reward and book review, and a new chapter is specially added!
(End of this chapter)

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