Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 798 Succeeded, Time and Space Wheel!

Chapter 798 Succeeded, Time and Space Wheel!
Chapter 790 The ninth chapter is successful, the wheel of time and space!

Time and space come to a complete stop!

This scene is very similar to the method Bei Luo Zetian used back then.

But obviously, it is stronger.

After all, this is the Great Thousand World, and the time and space are much more stable than the Small Thousand World, and there are many true God Realm powerhouses present, all of whom are completely imprisoned.

Standing on the huge compass, Lin Chen was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that this compass was so powerful, even stronger than Yan Beichen, and under such confinement, he couldn't move a single bit!

The compass under his feet rotated, giving Lin Chen an extremely unreal feeling. Then, the compass gradually became smaller, turned into the size of a palm, and flew into Lin Chen's hand.

At the same time, a huge message came into Lin Chen's mind, he digested it a little, and immediately got the information about the compass.

Time and space wheel!

This is the name of the compass, and, like the Senluo Demon Stele, this compass also comes from outside the territory, a mysterious and unfathomable place.

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Chen held the compass in his hand, and with a thought, Qian Fengliu had resumed his actions, looking at Lin Chen in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, ignoring Qian Fengliu, Lin Chen looked at a black flower that had already begun to take shape in the lake ahead, and excitement appeared in his eyes.

The petals of this flower gathered together, as if it turned into a strange face, half crying but not crying, half smiling but not smiling.

Demon Flower!

There is no doubt that this is the Demon Faced Demon Flower, but it may take some time for it to fully mature.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't have to wait!

With a thought, a mighty force of time immediately enveloped the entire Demon Faced Demon Flower, causing the flow of time around the Demon Flower to skyrocket. Immediately, the surrounding magic surged wildly and gathered in the Demon Flower, causing the entire A magic flower, quickly matures.


That monstrous face became more and more mature, which also made this demon flower gradually bloom.

Under the influence of time, the demon-faced devil flower directly matured. This scene shocked everyone to the extreme.

However, except for Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, no one else could make any movements or make any sounds!
Reaching out his hand to pick off the demon flower, Lin Chen handed it to Qian Fengliu.

Immediately afterwards, the two went ashore, and Lin Chen controlled the wheel of time and space to continue to remain still.

"Brother Qian, you leave first, I still have some things to deal with." Lin Chen said.

The moment he got the time-space wheel, he understood how precious this treasure is. At the same time, he also learned that there was a piece of crystallization of the power of time and space in the demonic soil of the Western Regions. Only by crystallizing can the maximum energy of the space-time wheel be exerted.

If not, the stagnation of time and space this time will not last long, and Lin Chen will not be able to continue to use such methods in the future.

To put it simply, the crystallization of the power of time and space is the energy source of the space-time wheel. Lin Chen can stop time and space at this moment, relying on some remaining energy in the wheel.

He opened his mouth, and wanted to propose to go together, but Qian Fengliu swallowed the words anyway.

"Okay, I'll go back first, and when you come back, I must drink!"


After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left, his figure flew away into the distance.

And with his departure, the water of the Heavenly Demon Lake faintly began to tumbling, and the many strong men in it began to gradually recover their ability to move.

Seeing this, Qian Fengliu immediately flew away from here and rushed towards Dongsheng Shenzhou. On the way, he met Qianjia and Situ Yu from Situ Shenchao. After explaining the situation, the group decided to return. Only Situ Yu stayed and took care of Lin Chen.

At this time, Qian Fengliu got the demon face demon flower, and rushed to Dongsheng Shenzhou, not to mention, Lin Chen's side, flying at a high speed, had already left the range of Tianmo Lake, and went straight to a great wilderness in the Demon Land of the Western Regions.

According to the information he got, the crystallization of the power of time and space is in this wilderness.

It is miraculous to say that the power of time and space is so wonderful that it can be condensed into crystals. I really don't know how powerful the master of the time, space and sky wheel was at the beginning.

This also gave Lin Chen hope.

If his cultivation of time and space can reach that level, maybe it will be a trivial matter to reverse time and space.

Feeling overwhelmed, Lin Chen headed for the Great Wilderness at top speed.

But at this time, above the Tianmo Lake, a phantom slowly emerged, looking down with anger in his eyes.

Gai Jiuyou has been paying attention to this matter all the time, after all, it is related to his bet with Lin Chen, but just now, he suddenly found that he could not investigate this world again no matter what, he immediately understood , there has been a terrible turn of events.

In a short period of time, Gai Jiuyou tried his best, until now, the power of time and space gradually dissipated, and he descended a phantom, projected here.

"What happened, Yan Beichen, with you here, can that kid still fly with wings?" Gai Jiuyou was furious when he didn't see Lin Chen.

And Yan Beichen's expression was still a little dazed, he hadn't recovered from the extreme shock, he couldn't make any movements at all just now, if Lin Chen wanted to kill him, it would be like picking something out of a pocket!
He was secretly glad that Lin Chen didn't care about it.

In fact, Lin Chen really couldn't kill him here.

After all, the energy in the wheel of time, space and sky is limited. It is not impossible to completely imprison Yan Beichen and let Lin Chen kill him, but in this way, Lin Chen will not be able to quickly mature the demon flower.

Later, things changed. Lin Chen chose the demon face and the devil flower between the two, and did not care about Yan Beichen.

However, if Lin Chen could obtain the crystallization of the power of space-time and fully exert the power of the space-time wheel, it would be an extremely simple matter to kill Yan Beichen.

Along the way, Lin Chen also tried to stimulate his own source of time and space, pouring it into the space-time wheel, but for some reason, the space-time wheel did not accept the power of this source.

Unable to figure it out, Lin Chen stopped thinking about it. He hurried on his way, and soon, a large barren scene appeared in front of him in the distance.

The crystallization of the power of time and space should be hidden here.

However, when Lin Chen saw this vast wasteland, his body was shocked suddenly, and he stood there dumbfounded, as if struck by a thunderbolt. The shock in the middle is indescribable.

If he remembers correctly, in the scene of the Sky Watching Treasure Box, the place where he fought fiercely with the demon sheep was in this wilderness! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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