Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 801 The Despicable Origin of Time and Space

Chapter 801 The Despicable Origin of Time and Space

Chapter [-]: The Despicable Origin of Time and Space

Absolutely can not give it!

Lin Chen immediately made up his mind. If he handed over his source, not only his own strength would be greatly reduced, but also the opponent would grow up quickly, causing disaster to the whole world.

At that time, not only the devil sheep will die, but Lin Chen will also die, and those people Lin Chen wants to protect will all die!

"Magic sheep, I'm sorry."

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, he let out a loud roar, and the Immortal Supreme God's magic phase roared behind him, sending out the strongest force, and attacked the opposite demon sheep.


With a cold snort, on the side of the demon sheep, a flame was burning all over his body. While burning, he released a terrifying power far beyond his realm!
Burn life!

This source of time and space directly burned the life of the demon sheep. In this way, even if the demon sheep did not die, it would suffer unimaginable trauma.

"Ahhh, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Lin Chen looked crazy, but for the sake of the overall situation, he had to kill the devil sheep!
For him, it was even worse than killing himself.

"Hahaha, stupid boy, how about it, do you want to kill your good brother with your own hands?"

The source of time and space sneered, manipulating the magic sheep to attack Lin Chen constantly.

"Magic sheep, wake up!"

Lin Chen roared, but in the eyes of the demon sheep, there was only a silver brilliance, without any sense.

"It's useless, he is a life born in this great world, and as the source of the great thousand, it is easy for me to manipulate him!" The source of time and space sneered triumphantly.

Lin Chen was furious and used all his strength.

On the side of the devil sheep, even if they burn their lives, they can only fight Lin Chen on an equal footing. After a long time, defeat is inevitable.

Realizing this, the source of time and space became a little anxious, and no longer had a hard time with Lin Chen, but flew towards the spaceship.

There, there is still a crystallization of the power of time and space. If it is obtained, its strength can be greatly increased. At that time, it will be much easier to kill Lin Chen when it cooperates with the space-time wheel.

The figure flew over, bringing up a long rainbow, and the origin of time and space manipulated the body of the demon sheep, flew straight to the spaceship, and went straight to the hatch, bombarding the hatch frantically.

Boom boom boom!
The loud noise was like thunder, centering on this place, it spread out continuously, and soon spread throughout the small half of the wilderness, and finally attracted the attention of the troops sent by Gai Jiuyou.

"What kind of fluctuation is that?!"

"Still in the depths, report to the God King immediately!"

Soon, Gai Jiuyou got the news, he pondered for a moment, and immediately flew to the wild place.

The half-step Shishen realm supported him, released his divine thoughts, and sensed them carefully. Soon, his complexion changed.

He was sure that Lin Chen was in the depths of the wilderness, but he also felt another powerful aura that was no less powerful than Lin Chen, attacking something frantically.

The complexion changed, and Gai Jiuyou quickly made a decision.

Enter the wilderness yourself!

After making up his mind, without hesitation, he immediately flew towards the place where the wave came out. Soon, he saw an unparalleled loud noise coming from a huge pothole in the distance, which seemed to be shaking Break this world.

Looking straight for the pothole, Gai Jiuyou was even more surprised when he saw the space ship. He naturally knew that this is an extremely precious space ship, and he can travel on the space ship to travel to the outer starry sky .

Unexpectedly, in the depths of this wilderness, there is actually a space ship hidden. This is a priceless treasure!

Carefully entering the space ship, Gai Jiuyou went straight forward, and soon, he saw the demon sheep madly attacking the hatch.

"Yang Xiao?!"

Gai Jiuyou really did not expect to see Yang Xiao here.

At the beginning, Yang Xiao lost the battle with him for the Senluo Demon Tablet, and finally used the Sijiu Xuangong to transform into a sheep, and then barely escaped, but the Senluo Demon Tablet was swept away by him, which always made Gai Jiuyou very annoyed.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Yang Xiao actually returned to the Great Thousand World.

However, what makes Gai Jiuyou puzzled is that Yang Xiao's situation seems to be very wrong at the moment.

"Help, open this hatch!"

Lin Chen was overjoyed when he saw Gai Jiuyou coming.

The devil sheep burned its life to attack the hatch, and he could only help. If the stone door was not blasted open as soon as possible, the life of the devil sheep would definitely burn out. This is definitely not a scene that Lin Chen wants to see.

And under the desperate attack of him and the demon sheep, the hatch had already shown signs of rupture. With the addition of Gai Jiuyou at this moment, the hatch would be blasted open soon.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Gai Jiuyou was stunned for a moment, not understanding the situation, Lin Chen quickly explained, which made him understand a little bit.

Looking at the demon sheep, Gai Jiuyou's eyes flickered with strange light.

"Unexpectedly, you have fallen to such a point."

Gai Jiuyou sneered.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Chen.

"Boy, do you know what it means to put the overall situation first?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart sank, and he immediately understood what Gai Jiuyou meant.

In terms of emotion and reason, they should not help the demon sheep to open the hatch at this moment, because no one knows what kind of power the demon sheep holding the time-space wheel will possess after obtaining the crystallization of the power of time and space.

Lin Chen has used the time-space wheel himself, and he has seen the power of the time-space wheel, which can make time and space stand still.

Once the demon sheep kills itself and Gai Jiuyou by using the wheel of time, space and sky, it can almost run amok. After growing stronger and returning to its original strength, how can there be a second emperor to break it up?
The best way is to ignore the magic sheep and kill him, so as to deal with the origin of time and space!

However, this was something Lin Chen was absolutely unwilling to do.

"I don't care, I want to keep the devil alive!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth.

"He can't live anymore, his life is almost burned, even if this time and space origin leaves his body, it will be difficult for him to survive." Gai Jiuyou said sharply.

"There must be rare treasures in the world that can replenish the power of life, if not, I will give the source to the magic sheep!" Lin Chen roared.

He has experienced the death of his closest relatives in front of him, and he doesn't want to experience it again!
The Demon Sheep is both a teacher and a friend to him, and they have supported each other along the way, and they have already had a deep friendship. How could he give up the life of the Demon Sheep so easily?

The origin of time and space snorted again and again. Under its crazy attack, a large gap had been cracked on the hatch, and then, a silver brilliance flashed, and it flew directly out of the demon sheep's body, along the way. After entering the hatch through the gap!
The demon sheep's body froze for a moment, and then fell straight to the ground, gasping like gossamer.

No matter what, he never imagined that he had just ascended to the Great Thousand World, and he would encounter such a disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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