Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 802 Beiluo Zetian!

Chapter 802 Beiluo Zetian!

Chapter [-] Beiluo Zetian!

"Magic sheep!"

Lin Chen exclaimed and looked at the devil sheep.

At this moment, the demon sheep's face was ashen, and he passed out just after glancing at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen immediately took out the elixir and stuffed it into the mouth of the demon sheep desperately.

"Magic sheep, wake up!"

However, no matter how he shouted, the devil sheep couldn't open its eyes.

Gai Jiuyou glanced at the demon sheep with a complicated expression, and finally sighed, and shot a burst of energy into the demon sheep's body.

Gai Jiuyou is a half-step God of Beginning, and his power is more effective for the demon sheep. With Gai Jiuyou's help, Lin Chen heaved a sigh of relief. At least in a short time, the demon sheep should not die.

"Don't be too happy, Yang Xiao's vitality is very low. He was a person who died once, and his body was taken away. After suffering such a severe injury, even if he can survive, his future cultivation will have a great impact. Obstacle." Gai Jiuyou said.

Lin Chen nodded, but now, he doesn't care about that much anymore.

He looked at the hatch in front of him, exchanged glances with Gai Jiuyou, and both shot at the same time, bombarding the hatch.

This is not the time for internal fighting, the two of them put aside their prejudices and act together, at least they have to deal with the origin of time and space first.

With Gai Jiuyou joining in, the hatch, which was about to collapse, was finally completely shattered after several rounds of attacks, allowing the two to see what was inside the hatch.

At that time, the source of space was suspended in mid-air, and in front of it, there was a large silver crystal.

At this time, the origin of time and space is frantically absorbing the power of this crystal to strengthen itself, causing the fluctuations of time and space around it to become distorted.

"Stop it!"

Lin Chen exclaimed and stretched out all his strength, while Gai Jiuyou on the side had already made a move, grabbing at the source of time and space.


While the origin of time and space trembled, a strong wave of time and space spread, making it difficult for Gai Jiuyou's palm to get in. There was even a terrifying strangulation force that surrounded the two of them.

"evil creature!"

Gai Jiuyou roared furiously, exerting all his strength, and the power that was infinitely close to Shishen surged, making the whole cabin tremble, and cracks appeared in the space-time crystal in front of him.

With such a mighty power, the origin of time and space suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

"I'm not Yang Xiao!"

Gai Jiuyou snorted coldly, and suppressed it with all his strength towards the origin of time and space.

And it seemed to realize that Gai Jiuyou was invincible, and the origin of time and space wanted to repeat the old trick, rushing into Lin Chen's body, turning into a silver light, and heading straight for Lin Chen's face.

However, how could Lin Chen let it succeed.

The miniature universe was displayed, and the gods and magic of the Immortal Supreme appeared, accompanied by the dragon's chant, suppressing the origin of time and space.

However, the origin of time and space is very powerful. Around it, time and space are all distorted, reaching a level that Lin Chen cannot understand, moving forward quickly, breaking through the obstacles of his miniature universe.

The origin of time and space is extremely fast, Lin Chen only saw a flash of silver light, and felt a strong wave pouring into his body, wanting to occupy his body.

"Get out!"

Lin Chen shouted angrily, urging all his strength to drive away the time-space origin, but the time-space origin was raging, making his strength stagnant, and a time-space storm was set off in his body.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lin Chen had already been severely injured.

He finally understood why someone who was as strong as a god emperor had to rely on his life to break up the original source.

Now this origin is not complete, and it harms the demon sheep, making it difficult for him to resist. The origin of chaos in the former East Pole Continent is also the three caves of the cunning rabbit, which is difficult to deal with.

"Kid hold on!"

Gai Jiuyou's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately helped Lin Chen.

Although his views are different from Lin Chen's, he is still very optimistic about this young man. It is really rare to have cultivated to such a level in a short period of time.

In the future catastrophe, Lin Chen will definitely glow with incomparable brilliance.

Moreover, if Lin Chen's body is occupied by the origin of time and space at this moment, it will cause him great trouble.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth tightly, using his power to fight against the origin of time and space, his whole body glowed with a layer of silver light of time and space.

"Jielong Transformation!"

Squeezing his handprints, Lin Chen directly performed the Jielong Transformation, trying to assimilate this power, but the origin of time and space is not the energy without an owner, but his own consciousness has already been born, even the Jielong Transformation, it is difficult to deal with .

After resisting for a while, Lin Chen used the Senluo Demon Tablet again, trying to rely on the Senluo Demon Tablet to absorb the original power of time and space.

After all, the Dao of Time is contained within the Senluo Monument.

Sure enough, with the appearance of the Senluo Demon Tablet, there was finally some turning point. The time avenue in the Demon Tablet formed a force of attraction, and it began to absorb the power of time in the origin of time and space.


This time, the origin of time and space buzzed again, but there was a wave of panic.

The Senluo Demon Tablet was made by a good friend of Emperor Cangtian, a strong man from the Demon Killing Clan. The strength of that strong man from the Demon Killing Clan should be comparable to that of the Emperor Cangtian. Therefore, the Senluo Demon Tablet can suppress The origin of time and space.

Temporarily stabilizing the situation, Lin Chen heaved a sigh of relief. He saw that beside the huge space-time spar, the space-time sky wheel was also absorbing the power of the space-time spar, sending out violent fluctuations.

Lin Chen immediately made a move and grabbed the time-space wheel.

Fight poison with poison!

If you want to completely deal with the origin of time and space, perhaps you can only use the power of time and space to suppress it.

However, just when Lin Chen's palm was about to grab the time-space wheel, the time-space wheel suddenly trembled, turned into a streamer, and shot directly outside the cabin door, and happened to be caught by someone inside.

Looking at it, Lin Chen was stunned as if struck by lightning.


I saw the excited light in Bei Luo Zetian's eyes, looking at the space-time wheel in his hand, he couldn't help but marvel.

And the time-space wheel trembled slightly, as if it had found the most suitable master.

"This baby is tailor-made for me, Bei Luo Zetian!" Bei Luo Zetian laughed.

Immediately, he also looked at Lin Chen and the unconscious devil sheep.

"What happened, Yang Xiao broke through the boundary and ascended before me, why did he end up like this?" Bei Luo Zetian asked.

"It's a long story, hurry up and use the wheel of time and space to help me. There is a space-time origin that gave birth to consciousness in my body that is making trouble, and it is difficult to suppress it." Lin Chen said quickly.

The origin of time and space!

Bei Luo Zetian's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't expect to meet such an opportunity just after ascending, it was really unimaginable for him.

"Hahaha, the wheel of time and space, the origin of time and space, what a great opportunity!"

Bei Luozetian was excited, and immediately turned the wheel of time and space, and suddenly, an incomparably pure power of time and space surged out of him, wrapping towards Lin Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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