Chapter 803

Chapter [-]: Sea of ​​Time and Space

The power of time and space surged violently. Immediately, Lin Chen felt that the time and space origin in his body trembled more violently, as if a big hand was pulling it, trying to bring it out of Lin Chen's body.

With his spirit refreshed, Lin Chen immediately exerted his strength, pushing the origin of time and space away from his body.

Responding from inside and outside, soon, the source of time and space was trembling, and was brought out by Bei Luozetian, and seeing this group of time and space sources, Bei Luozetian was so excited that he was about to take it into his body and refine it immediately Lose.

"Be careful, it has already given birth to its own consciousness, don't be affected by it!"

Lin Chen reminded.

Nodding his head, Bei Luo Zetian is not stupid. Being able to force the Demon Sheep and Lin Chen to this point is enough to prove how powerful this so-called origin of time and space is.

He must not take it lightly.

Carefully operating the power of time and space to suppress the source of time and space, Beiluo Zetian stretched out his palm and began to touch the source of time and space, intending to refine it into his body.


The origin of time and space trembled and struggled violently, but it didn't help.

Bei Luo Zetian held the time-space wheel, which had already taken the lead, and soon, this mass of time-space origin completely entered his body.

Bei Luozetian's whole body is manifested by strong time-space fluctuations. Behind him, the miniature universe is even released. Inside is a silver world, extremely mysterious.

Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Bei Luo Zetian is really amazingly talented, not inferior to him at all.

Stepping into the divine way with the avenue of time and space, Bei Luo Zetian's strength has definitely reached the point of being unpredictable.

Now that he has obtained the time-space wheel and the time-space origin, he will be even more powerful.

Bei Luo Zetian was also very excited, the silver brilliance in his eyes flickered, and he began to refine the origin of time and space.

Lin Chen and Gai Jiuyou stared nervously at the side, and if something happened, they would take action immediately.


Bei Luo Zetian's aura continued to skyrocket, and the miniature universe behind it also continued to expand, and the silver brilliance within it was even more shocking.

Finally, all the silver brilliance was restrained, Bei Luo Zetian let out a sigh of relief, and put away the miniature universe, the whole person was restrained, but it gave off an extremely powerful feeling.

Obviously, after refining the origin of time and space, his strength will skyrocket to an almost unimaginable level.

"Great, I feel like a big step has been taken in the False God Realm!"

Bei Luo Zetian said excitedly.

Lin Chen looked at Bei Luo Zetian, checked carefully, and repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Bei Luo Zetian, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he still reminded: "Bei Luo Zetian, you must check it carefully. This original consciousness, which condenses the evil of the entire universe, is definitely the three caves of cunning rabbits. It is extremely difficult to eliminate. In order to break it up, there was once a god. Emperor Qiang paid the price with his life!"

Hearing this, Bei Luo Zetian was also shocked.


Nodding his head, Lin Chen replied: "Yes, a god emperor is an existence that is enough to be called an emperor in the divine way, and an existence that can travel to the outer space!"

Hearing this, Bei Luo Zetian became serious, and checked the situation in his body more carefully.

In the end, he shook his head: "I don't feel anything unusual, and I will be careful."

"That's good." Bu Chen said.

Immediately afterwards, Bu Chen thought of something again, and asked Xiang Bei Luo Zetian: "Where is Senior Wang Shaowei? You and the devil sheep have both ascended, how is he, and the devil emperor and others, are you all okay?"

"Wang Shaowei is only half a step away. It is estimated that he will be able to ascend in a short time. The Devil Emperor is still a little behind, and he may not be able to do so in a short time. As for the others, you can rest assured that they are all doing well."

"The entire Xiaoqian world has been integrated, and the realms of the nine emperors are all in one accord. There are also alien species, and they have nothing else to do."

Hearing Bei Luo Zetian's words, Lin Chen was immediately relieved.

"It's just that Yu Qing disappeared, and she was not found." Bei Luo Zetian said.

Yu Qing!

Lin Chen's pupils shrank, and Yu Qing was also transformed by the source.

Emperor Cangtian once reminded that the original spirits are very cunning, so, could Yu Qing's previous surrender be just an appearance?

Lin Chen became worried.

"Everything is fine in the small thousand world, but what about the great thousand world, is there any strong enemy attacking?" Bei Luo Zetian asked.

He has just ascended, and what he needs most is time. With time, he can grow up. Once the war starts at this time, it will be difficult for him to practice with peace of mind.

Lin Chen didn't know much about this, so he looked at Gai Jiuyou.

"The situation is not very good. I can barely set foot in the outer starry sky. I have checked many times, and I can faintly feel a dangerous wave approaching. I estimate that within a hundred years, the Ferris Clan will descend."

Gai Jiuyou said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned.

Not only Bei Luo Zetian needs time, but he also needs it, and a hundred years is really too short.

The Motian tribe originally came here after hunting down alien species, but after discovering the existence of the Great Thousand World, they will definitely take down the Great Thousand World and take it as their own. It will definitely be a disaster.

"Time is running out, we should hurry up."

Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian looked at each other, and they could see the seriousness in each other's eyes.

"Let's go, get out of here first, Beiluo Zetian, you put away this time-space crystal, with it, the time-space wheel can exert its power." Lin Chen said.

Nodding his head, Bei Luo Zetian put away the time-space crystal.

Then, Bu Chen and others walked out of the space ship, and Gai Jiuyou directly displayed the miniature universe and took away the space ship.

"I've been collecting traces of spaceships over the years, and I've been putting things together. With this one in front of me, I should be able to create a spaceship capable of space travel!"

Gai Jiuyou said.

These space ships are more or less damaged, but now, if they can be used together, it will definitely be a sharp weapon.

Even if he loses to his opponent at that time, he can escape on a space ship and leave some hope for the world. Of course, that is the worst case.

"Then I'll go first, and I'm going to find Qian Fengliu, Bei Luo Zetian, what are your plans?" Lin Chen looked at Bei Luo Zetian.

He wasted a lot of time in this wilderness, and he was eager to go back to see Beihanyu.

Presumably Qian Fengliu has been waiting impatiently, to use the Demon Face Demon Flower to heal Beihanyu.

As for the devil sheep, it has stabilized for the time being, but it still needs the treasures of heaven and earth to restore its vitality. Gai Jiuyou said that he can take some out and take the devil sheep back first.

"I want to become stronger quickly!"

Bei Luo Zetian said.

"In this vast world, wherever there are opportunities, I will go there!"

Like Lin Chen, Beiluo Zetian has been dancing on the blade, so he can have the strength he has today.

"Go to Time and Space Sea, it's the most suitable place for you!" Gai Jiuyou looked at him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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