Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 804 Who Are You? 【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival】

Chapter 804 Who Are You? 【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival】

Chapter [-] Who are you?
The sea of ​​time and space!
Hearing this name, Bei Luo Zetian and Lin Chen's expressions changed.

Obviously, the sea of ​​time and space has a deep connection with the avenue of time and space, and it is very suitable for Beiluo Zetian who is practicing the way of time and space.

"The Sea of ​​Time and Space is a dangerous place in the Great Thousand World. It has not been fully explored so far. Its depths are even more dangerous and unpredictable. It is difficult for the strong Shishen to get out. You have to do what you can."

"The Sea of ​​Time and Space is located at the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, at the end of a vast ocean, you can easily sense it."

Gai Jiuyou said.

Nodding his head, Bei Luo Zetian's eyes shone brightly.

He could feel that he had been distanced by Lin Chen, and he was unwilling to admit defeat, so he naturally wanted to use all means to improve his strength.

"Going to Dongsheng Shenzhou, you two are also on the way, so I won't go. Yang Xiao is my enemy and friend. I will take good care of him. When he wakes up, I will notify you." Gai Jiuyou Looking at Lin Chen.

"Then let's go first."

Lin Chen sighed.

Although he doesn't agree with Gai Jiuyou's Tao, he has to admit that Gai Jiuyou's starting point is still good, and now it doesn't make sense for him to fight against Gai Jiuyou no matter what point it is.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian turned into two long rainbows and disappeared into the sky. After a long time, Gai Jiuyou took the demon sheep and left the Great Wilderness.

At this time, the power of time and space in the core of the wilderness has disappeared. I believe that in the future, this place will become an ordinary place, and there will be no more danger.

However, Lin Chen always had a slight uneasiness in his heart.

Intuition told him that it might not be so easy for Beiluo Zetian to refine the source of cunning, and the disappearance of Yu Qing also made him feel a haze that lingered in his heart.

Shaking his head, he doesn't need to think about it for the time being. What Lin Chen has to do is to revive Beihan Yu, and then improve his own strength, so that he can have the strength to deal with the catastrophe after a hundred years.

There was no words all the way, Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian hurried on the road with all their strength, and soon they arrived in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Lin Chen took the teleportation array to Situ Shenchao, while Beiluo Zetian rushed directly to the Sea of ​​Time and Space.

Looking at Bei Luo Zetian's leaving figure, Lin Chen felt more and more ominous in his heart, but in the end, he sighed and returned to Situ Shenchao.

Qian Fengliu had already been waiting outside Shenchao, and he was relieved to see Lin Chen return.

The two have always maintained contact, but after Lin Chen entered the Great Wilderness, the contact was interrupted, not only Qian Fengliu, but the entire Situ Shenchao was very nervous.

The current Lin Chen's status in the Situ Dynasty is no less than that of his ancestors. The Situ Dynasty was able to rule the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, at least half of Lin Chen's credit.

So many forces are willing to surrender to Situ Shenchao, not for anything else, but because Situ Shenchao has a Situ Lingfeng, Situ Lingfeng who has the potential to achieve the beginning of God!

This point, even the ancestors can't do it.

You must know that the ancestor of Zhou Tianshen Dynasty burned his life back then, so he barely had the strength to set foot on the threshold of the Primordial God Realm. At this age, he has no potential at all, and there will be no miracles. Situ Shen The same is true for the ancestor of Chao Dynasty. If there is no accident, he will not have too much time left.

"Brother Situ, the demon face flower cannot be left for too long. I have been waiting for you to come back and revive Ayu together. In a few days, the magic flower will wither!"

Qian Fengliu said eagerly.

Hearing this, he nodded, and Lin Chen said, "I encountered some delays in the devil's land again. Brother Qian, don't worry, we will start immediately to revive Beihanyu!"

Qian Fengliu was overjoyed, and had already taken out the demon face flower, holding it tightly in his hand.

To him, this is not just a demon flower, but also the hope of reviving his lover!

"How to use the demon flower, do you know?"

Lin Chen looked at the demon-faced demon flower. He found that the power of the demon-faced demon flower was indeed weaker than when it first appeared. If it continues like this, it will definitely wither.

"I've already gone to Dongshengshen Tower to ask the old man guarding the tower. He told me, just put the demon flower on Ayu's forehead and melt the ice. If you don't come back, I really don't know Is there any other way to melt the mysterious ice!"

Qian Fengliu was very eager, pulled Lin Chen, and rushed into a palace.

Lin Chen saw that the piece of Xuanbing was lying quietly on the ground, and the Beihanyu inside it had a calm face, just like Wu'er back then.

"let us start."

Regardless of the exhaustion of the journey, Lin Chen made a move with his palm, and a sky-burning glazed fire appeared, which made the temperature of the whole palace rise quietly.

At the same time, Qian Fengliu had already placed the demon flower on the black ice, on Beihan Yu's forehead, and immediately after, Lin Chen released flames, carefully burning them towards this piece of black ice.


The flames rose up, and the tongues of fire licked the black ice, which also caused the extremely solid ice to gradually melt, and puffs of white mist came out, making chi-chi sounds.

Qian Fengliu clenched his fists nervously and stared at Xuanbing intently. Soon, part of the Xuanbing melted, revealing Beihanyu's calves.

Being sealed by the mysterious ice for so long, Beihanyu's body was supposed to melt away along with the mysterious ice, but at this moment, the demon flower trembled, and unexpectedly released traces of black airflow, flowing towards Beihanyu. The whole body protects her body!
Seeing the meritorious service of the demon flower with the demon face, Lin Chen also quietly increased the intensity of the flame, and quickly melted the mysterious ice.

Soon, Beihanyu's lower body was unsealed, revealing her gleaming waist, plump breasts, and snow-white jade neck. Finally, she completely recovered from the frozen state.

At this time, her whole body was wrapped in black airflows, and as the black ice melted, the black airflows also disappeared due to the exhaustion of energy.

The strange face on the entire Demon Face Demon Flower disappeared, and the Demon Flower slowly withered, and finally collapsed, turning into the light spots of stars, which ceased to exist.

Instead, Beihanyu, who had been sleeping all this time, opened her eyes!
This pair of eyes seemed to be as cold as Xuan Bing, without any emotion, just staring at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, with a hint of confusion flashing in their eyes.

The secret way is not good, Lin Chen looked at Qian Fengliu, only to see that Qian Fengliu's whole body was trembling at the moment, his face was ashen, staring at Beihanyu, he was speechless at all.

"Ah, Yu!"

Qian Fengliu finally spoke, and shouted at Beihanyu.

It's just that Beihanyu's face is still icy cold, and she looks at Qian Fengliu without emotion in her beautiful eyes.

"who are you?"

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, remember to eat mooncakes!

(End of this chapter)

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