Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 805 Phantom Goddess

Chapter 805 Thousand Fantasy Goddess
Chapter [-]: The Goddess of Thousand Illusions
who are you?
These three words came out, but it was like a billowing thunder, hitting Qian Fengliu.

Lin Chen sighed in his heart, and the worst situation appeared.

Beihanyu seems to have lost her memory!

For Qian Fengliu, this was simply an unbearable blow.

"Ayu, you really don't know me anymore?"

Qian Fengliu still didn't give up, he took a deep breath and asked.

And Beihanyu still shook her head, her face was indifferent, as if Qian Fengliu was a stranger.

"I don't know you. I'm the goddess of the Thousand Illusory Starfield. How could I be here? This seems to be an extremely low-level world!"

Beihanyu slowly sat up and looked around.

Thousand Illusory Starfield?


Both Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu were stunned.

Could it be that Beihanyu was referring to the extraterrestrial starry sky?

But she is clearly Beihanyu, so how could she come from outside the region?
Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu looked at each other, completely confused.

"So that's how it is. This is an incarnation of my Thousand Illusory Clone. Since my real body came here, her memory and soul will naturally be wiped out!"

As Bei Hanyu spoke, her voice was still ice-cold.

And Qian Fengliu heard something from this sentence, his eyes widened, covered with bloodshot eyes, his whole body trembled, staring at Beihanyu.

"You, what are you talking about? What about Ayu, you give back my Ayu!"

Qian Fengliu was on the verge of collapse.

Lin Chen looked at Beihanyu, wanting to stop her from continuing, but there seemed to be an indescribable power in Beihanyu's body, which made his body completely uncontrollable and unable to move at all.

"Your Ayu is just an incarnation transformed by my kung fu, it doesn't exist in the first place!"

Beihanyu, or Goddess Qianhuan, opened her mouth coldly, causing Qianfengliu to spurt out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground on her back, and passed out immediately.

Seeing this, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, it would be better if he fainted, if Qian Fengliu was awake at this moment, he might not be able to bear such a blow at all.

He might even commit suicide!

At the same time, according to the words of the goddess, Lin Chen also thought of a lot. The goddess claimed to have a clone of the Thousand Illusion, so is Mei Wuer also one of her clones?


But Lin Chen didn't believe that the female assassin who liked to laugh jokingly and called her a little man was just the incarnation of a strong man in the unknown star field, and didn't really exist!

"You seem to have a lot of entanglements with one of my incarnations. That incarnation must be dead." Goddess Qianhuan looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Is there any way to bring her back to life, I am willing to pay any price!"

Lin Chen stared at her and said.

"Hehe, I never imagined that in this corner of the world, my incarnation could fascinate two people with the most potential so much." Goddess Qian Huan laughed, seeming very proud.

If it weren't for her words and deeds, Lin Chen would have almost decided that she would be Mei Wu'er!
Presumably Qian Fengliu thought so too, so when he heard that the Qianhuan Goddess was not Beihanyu, he lost his composure.

Still different from Lin Chen, he Qian Fengliu grew up in a big family, surrounded by stars, and cultivated all the way without any ups and downs, but Lin Chen has experienced too many things that ordinary people can't imagine. It also made his nerves stronger, able to withstand the shock of any news.

"Tell me, you must have a way."

But even Lin Chen was still trembling all over at this moment.

He is afraid.

If the Thousand Imaginary Goddess told him that there was no other way, then there would really be no other way, and it would be impossible for Mei Wuer to come back to life.

In Lin Chen's ears, the sound of his heartbeat and breathing continued to amplify, and the scene in front of him gradually became blurred. The beautiful face of the Thousand Illusion Goddess gradually twisted and changed, like a black hole, trying to suck his body in.

There was almost darkness in front of Lin Chen's eyes. He was only waiting for the answer from the Thousand Illusion Goddess. If the answer was no, he would no longer be able to bear it anymore and would collapse!

"Of course there is a way, but the price is too high."

The Thousand Illusion Goddess said coldly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen's whole body trembled, his eyes burst into brilliance again, and he looked at the Thousand Illusion Goddess.

"Tell me, what is the way, and I will do it at all costs!"

Hearing this, a different brilliance finally shone in the eyes of the Thousand Illusion Goddess who had been emotionless for a long time.

"I feel that your body should have the aura left by my incarnation. As long as there is a trace of aura, I can pay a huge price to bring her back to life, and even make her no longer my incarnation, but completely independent!"

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Lin Chen's heart was beating wildly. Looking at the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, he understood that there must be more to come.

Sure enough, the Thousand Illusion Goddess continued to speak: "Let's not mention the price I paid, first of all, you must let me meet this condition. Only by recovering to the strength of a god emperor can I help you."

"And this world is too backward. I can't practice here at all. You must help me leave here first. Moreover, if you want to see your beloved woman for the first time, you must also leave with me." ’” said the Goddess of Thousand Illusions.

Hearing this, Lin Chen immediately hesitated.

Within a hundred years, there will be a catastrophe in the Great Thousand World. The Motian Clan is coming to hunt down alien species, and they will never let the Great Thousand World go. How can Lin Chen leave at this time?

The land he needs to protect, his relatives and friends all need his arms to bear, and he really can't walk away.

"I want to protect this piece of land, even if it is so low-level in your eyes, but this is the homeland I live on, and there are people I love, and I will protect them at the cost of my life!" Lin Chen said firmly .

And his words seemed to touch this Thousand Illusion Goddess, so that many emotions finally appeared in the latter's eyes, no longer like a cold stone.

"I can feel the breath of the Motian clan and the alien race on your body, and even the demon-killing race. These three races are not weak, and the alien race has been extinct, but I can still feel the breath of the Ferris clan. From far to near, they are indeed aggressive, judging from the current situation, if I hadn't appeared, it would be absolutely impossible for you to block the Motian clan's offensive." Goddess Qianhuan said coldly.

Lin Chen caught a very crucial sentence in her words.

"So, if you appear, there is a solution?!" Lin Chen's eyes were filled with hope.

(End of this chapter)

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