Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 806 The only way

Chapter 806 The Only Way

Chapter [-] The only way

"Of course there are ways, but I don't know whether it will work or not."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

"In what way?"

Lin Chen asked anxiously.

At this moment, Qian Fengliu, who was in a coma, woke up and was on the verge of collapse. His whole body was like a piece of wood, without any reaction.

Lin Chen is also very helpless about this, no one else can help him in this test, he can only get through it by himself.

"The Motian Clan is very strong, and I, the Thousand Illusion Clan, are not willing to provoke them easily, but as the goddess of the Thousand Illusion Starfield, I can send a message to the clan and send a strong person."

"It is impossible for the Motian tribe to come out in full force to hunt down the remnants of the alien species. The highest they send is just a god of origin. On our side, as long as we send out a god emperor, the crisis will be solved by itself."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Lin Chen was shocked. From the words of the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, it is not difficult to hear that even a powerhouse at the level of a god emperor should be commonplace among them. It is hard to imagine that in the vast starry sky, what How many powerful existences there are.

Even in the vast world, it is still a speck of dust!
"How can you subpoena?" Lin Chen continued to ask.

"It's very simple. To go to the starry sky outside the domain, I can only have the opportunity to send a message when I go to the starry sky. At this moment, I can't send a message at all in this great world."

"I have suffered drastic changes, and I managed to survive by relying on this incarnation. My strength has been greatly damaged, and I can't reach the universe at all. The Motian clan will arrive within a hundred years, and this time is too short. It is not enough for me to recover my strength. into the universe."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen gritted his teeth.

No matter how you look at it, this is a dead end.

"How can I bring you into the universe?" Lin Chen murmured, his brain spinning rapidly.

Only those who have reached the beginning of God Realm can barely set foot in the starry sky outside the territory, but if they want to stay outside the territory for a long time, I am afraid that only the God Emperor can do it.

Looking at the entire Great Thousand World, where do you go to find a god emperor?
"By the way, Gai Jiuyou!"

Lin Chen had a flash of inspiration and thought of Gai Jiuyou.

"The space ship should be able to take you into the universe!" Lin Chen asked excitedly.

"Space ship, do you have a space ship?" The Thousand Illusion Goddess was also a little excited, "If there is a space ship, then in a hundred years, I can return to the Thousand Illusion Starfield and bring strong people to help you!"

"There are, but most of them are damaged. I don't know if it will work. People in the world don't know much about space ships." Lin Chen said truthfully.

Moreover, in his heart, he didn't really believe in the Goddess of Thousand Illusions.

This person is a big shot in the star field, how can he care about the survival of a weak world.

Also, she suffered a drastic change, and she was reborn with the help of an incarnation here, which already had huge doubts, but at this moment, Lin Chen had no choice but to believe in the Thousand Illusion Goddess.

You know, if he wants to resurrect Mei Wu'er, he still needs to rely on Goddess Qianhuan.

"Come on, I'll take you to see, there is a dilapidated ship here!" Lin Chen said.

Within the Situ Dynasty, there was the ship that Lin Chen brought back last time, and it was placed in the valley where the ancestor was.

Hearing this, the Goddess Qianhuan's expression changed, and she immediately followed Lin Chen to the valley.

In addition, under Lin Chen's repeated calls, Qian Fengliu followed the two of them like a walking corpse.

His eyes were fixed on Goddess Qianhuan, and he was still murmuring Beihanyu's name, which made people feel sad.

"Beihanyu, is there really no hope of surviving?"

Lin Chen couldn't help asking quietly.

Hearing this, the Thousand Illusion Goddess looked thoughtful, and then said: "It's not impossible, it's just that it's impossible to do it in a short period of time, and even in the future, I may not be sure."

"Your lover, there is a breath left. That is the last hope. I think it should be the last juncture of her life, when she realized what kind of existence she is, and left a glimmer of life."

"However, Qian Fengliu's lover was already dead when the mysterious ice was frozen, and I was just reviving the corpse. Unless I can reach the realm above the god emperor, it is possible to rely on the mystery of the kung fu to forcefully Steal the sky and change the day, and recreate her."

Lin Chen's heart was shocked by the words of Goddess Qianhuan.

These things have already exceeded the scope of what he can accept. Obviously, they are all things in the wonderful and infinite extraterrestrial starry sky.

Therefore, he yearned for the extraterrestrial starry sky even more, which is the most exciting place.

And as if she knew what Lin Chen was thinking, the Thousand Illusion Goddess also smiled: "The outer starry sky is vast and endless. Although the Thousand Illusion Starfield is much larger than your world, it is just a corner after all. There are too many places that have not been explored by humans, and no one knows what else exists in the universe."

All the way to say this, Lin Chen also heard many secrets in the universe, and the three of them finally came to the valley.

After Qian Fengliu learned that there was still a chance to revive Beihanyu, he became a little angry, but it was still very bad, and Lin Chen had nothing to do about it.


From afar, Lin Chen saw the ancestor standing outside the wooden house, watching them from afar.

Moreover, the ancestor's eyes fell on the Thousand Illusion Goddess, and there was a faint shock in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, it must be a big man!"

The ancestor said to Goddess Qianhuan.

He has already felt the power and mystery of the Thousand Imaginary Goddess.

"It's just people in trouble."

Sensing the aura of Patriarch, Goddess Qianhuan didn't panic in the slightest. After all, in her peak period, she had already killed countless people like Patriarch Situ.

Just standing where she was, she had already put great pressure on Patriarch Situ.

"Old Ancestor, the Motian Clan will attack within a hundred years. With the power of the Great Thousand World, I can't resist it. I have to find a way to go to the outside world to ask for help. This is the only way." Lin Chen said.

The old ancestor's face was also very dignified. He looked at Goddess Thousand Illusion: "This friend must be from outside the territory."

In his life, he has seen all kinds of storms and waves, even when dealing with people from outside the territory, the ancestor can still deal with them indifferently.

"This world is vast and rich to us, but in the eyes of people outside the region, I'm afraid it's just a speck of dust. Then why does this friend help us?"

The ancestor asked the Goddess Qianhuan.

This is what Lin Chen wanted to ask, but he couldn't ask. Now, hearing the words of the ancestor, the complexion of the Thousand Illusion Goddess changed.

And then, her answer shocked everyone present, including Qian Fengliu who had been dumbfounded all this time.

(End of this chapter)

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