Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 807 Gai Jiuyou's Attitude

Chapter 807 Gai Jiuyou's Attitude
Chapter [-] Gai Jiuyou’s Attitude
"This is no ordinary dust."

The Thousand Illusion Goddess seemed to have all kinds of amorous feelings when she smiled, which made the whole world a little bit eclipsed.

And her words shocked everyone present to the extreme.

What she meant couldn't be more obvious.

Naturally, she would not help the Great Thousand World through the crisis for no reason. The reason for doing so was because the Great Thousand World was very special!

It is definitely not a coincidence that she will be reborn here.

"What's so special about this world?"

Lin Chen took a deep breath and asked.

"You don't have the slightest understanding of the outside world, so naturally you don't know. In fact, outside the domain, every world presents a huge spherical shape, while your world is top-down, from high-level to low-level. There is no such thing as Jie Feisheng outside the domain."

"Moreover, there is the source in this world. The source is an extremely rare existence in the vast universe. Warriors who can get the source will make great progress, but I see you, but you don't know how to use the power of the source. Or rather superficial."

Thousand Illusion Goddess said bluntly.

And these words completely subverted the people present.

The worlds outside the domain are all in the shape of huge spheres, but here in the Great Thousand World, it is a mode of ascension that has never been seen before!
"why is that?"

Lin Chen asked.

"I suspect that this world is a new world created by a strong man who broke through the peak countless years ago. It is running in a way different from the entire universe, and it must contain unspeakable Mystery, once you can break through one or two, the benefits you can get are also incomparable."

"So, this world must not fall into the hands of the Motian clan."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

In fact, there was still the second half of what she said.

Since it cannot fall into the hands of the Motian clan, then naturally it cannot remain free, but must belong to their Thousand Illusory Starfield!
Looking at each other with wry smiles, both Lin Chen and Patriarch Situ had bitterness in their eyes.

They knew that even if they could force the Skyscrapers back, they would attract another Thousand Illusory Starfield, but they had no choice at all!
"You must ensure that the peace of our world will not be endangered."

After a while, Lin Chen spoke slowly, his voice a little hoarse.

This is indeed very humiliating, but there is absolutely no way around it.

"I will try my best to keep it as safe as possible. However, you possess the original source. At that time, if someone in the star field wants to plot against your original source, I may not be able to protect you," said the Thousand Illusionary Goddess.

Lin Chen is not stupid, even though the Thousand Illusion Goddess just mentioned it in passing, he will understand how dangerous it is.

However, how could he have any fear along the way?
There are too many people who want to kill him, but he is always the one who stands at the end.

"The strongest man sent by the Motian clan this time is only the strong man of Shishen. In my vast world, if I use all my strength, I can still resist." Situ Patriarch said, a momentum has slowly risen from his body, including Gathered the whole valley.

Hearing this, Lin Chen's expression changed.

If one could kill the Thousand Imaginary Goddess, and then kill all the Motian clan intruders, their world would naturally be safe, but Lin Chen didn't think so.

"Hehe, as long as the strong Motian clan realizes the strangeness of this world of yours, they will send a message back immediately. At that time, the entire Motian clan will come out in full force, even my Thousand Illusory Star Region may not be able to stop it."

Goddess Qianhuan's understatement made Patriarch Situ's momentum slump.

It seems that everything is completely in the hands of this Thousand Illusion Goddess, and their vast world has become a piece of fat to be slaughtered!

Lin Chen was also very unwilling, but he had no other choice, and he still had some selfishness.

If you want to revive Mei Wu'er, you must rely on the Goddess Qianhuan.

He owed Mei Wuer too much, no matter what, he must save her.

"We will be friends, not enemies. Now, let me see that spaceship." Said the Thousand Illusion Goddess.

With a long sigh, Patriarch Situ had no choice but to release the miniature universe, making one of the spaceships manifest.

Seeing this spaceship, the Imaginary Goddess finally got a glimpse, and immediately came to the side of the spaceship and boarded it.

She walked into a cockpit, saw a large number of complicated instruments, and immediately tried to operate them, but after a long time, she sighed and shook her head.

"The core of this spaceship has been damaged and it is difficult to sail again."

Lin Chen gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"Let's go, let's go to the Demon Land of the Western Regions, there is another one at Gai Jiuyou's place, and he has collected many before, and he is trying to assemble a new space ship. His place will definitely be able to do it." Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, she nodded, and the Thousand Illusion Goddess thought about it, and said to Lin Chen: "Take this ship too, there are still a lot of parts in it, all of which can be used."

Lin Chen immediately displayed the miniature universe and took the spaceship into it.

"Brother Qian, you can stay here for now, don't worry, I will work hard, and Beihanyu will definitely come back to life." Lin Chen comforted Qian Fengliu.

Qian Fengliu's expression was still very dull, but it was much better than before.

Patriarch Situ was very worried. The one-sided words of Goddess Qianhuan were unbelievable, but there was no other way, and he was extremely anxious.

Lin Chen had no other choice, so he immediately went to the Demon Land of the Western Regions with Goddess Qianhuan to look for Gai Jiuyou.

This time, they were familiar with the road, and after a long trek, the two finally arrived at the Demon Land of the Western Regions, and went straight to Gai Jiuyou.

And just when Lin Chen and the two stepped into the demonic soil, he also received news from Gai Jiuyou, saying that the demon sheep had woken up and there was nothing serious about it.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was overjoyed, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground when he heard the news that the magic sheep was fine.

So, he sped up the speed, and he brought the goddess of thousands of illusions, and soon arrived at Gai Jiuyou's place.

In a terrifying and extremely dark palace, Gai Jiuyou sat on the devil's throne, and after listening to Lin Chen finish the series of things, unlike Patriarch Situ, he waved his hand and roared angrily: " Our Great Thousand World, guard it yourself, why do you need any Thousand Illusory Star Field to intervene!"

"This group of Motian clan is no stronger than Shishen, and they can naturally be destroyed by gathering all their strength. Even if they send a message, it will take time to bring more people. By then, you, Lin Chen, and Bei Luo Zetian and others will all grow up, so why should we be afraid?"

"We would rather die standing up than live on our knees!"

(End of this chapter)

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