Chapter 810
Chapter 810 is about to set off

On the space ship, mysterious lights flickered, as if the ship was alive at this moment!
The mysterious lines kept wandering, causing waves to surge around the space ship, distorting the space.

"It's done."

Hundreds of figures merged together at this moment, turning into a Thousand Illusion Goddess. She looked at the space ship in front of her, and there was a different kind of expression in her beautiful eyes.

With this space ship, it is possible to go outside the territory!
Lin Chen looked at the space ship and felt emotional in his heart.

There were originally six spaceships, each of which was almost a waste product, but at this moment, under the repair of the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, there appeared a spaceship capable of space travel!

"This spaceship can sail at any time."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen looked at Gai Jiuyou.

"Is there any news from Qian Fengliu and Beiluo Zetian?"

Hearing this, Gai Jiuyou shook his head.

"Qian Fengliu's condition is very bad, he has almost become a useless person, and there is no news at all from Beiluo Zetian. The sea of ​​time and space is boundless. After he enters, it will be difficult to find him again."

"Brother Qian..."

Lin Chen's eyes were very worried.

Qian Fengliu's talent is not inferior to him, but at this moment, he has encountered such a change, which directly makes him devastated.

Lin Chen would feel very sorry if he fell away like a meteor from now on without a name.

"No, we must cheer up Brother Qian!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth.

"It's fine if you can't find it in Beiluo Zetian, you guys wait here, I'll go find Qian Fengliu and come back, and then go outside the territory." Lin Chen said.

Immediately afterwards, he was about to set off and head towards Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Qian Fengliu suffered a major blow, and is still in Situ Shenchao at this moment.

If this matter is reported back to the Qian family, I am afraid that the Qian family will also blame Situ Shenchao, which will affect the relationship between the two great forces.

"Wait, take this space ship to go, it can be very fast."

The Thousand Imaginary Goddess pointed to the space ship and said.

With a raised eyebrow, Lin Chen realized that this ship can sail outside the territory, especially in the vast world at this moment.

Nodding his head, he stepped onto the space ship.

"Magic sheep, come with you too!"

Lin Chen said to the magic sheep.

The demon sheep gritted its teeth and stepped onto the ship.

His current situation is very bad. If he wants to break through the realm, I am afraid that the only way to find opportunities is to go outside the territory. The Great Thousand World can no longer help him.

"I have decided to go outside the territory. Only when I go outside the territory can I have a chance to break through and stand up." said the demon sheep.

In fact, he still has other thoughts. He can only be with Lin Chen when he is outside the territory. In the final analysis, he is still worried that Lin Chen will be with this Thousand Illusion Goddess.

Hearing this, Gai Jiuyou's eyes flashed with hesitation.

He also wants to go, but there are too many unpredictable things in this matter, and he may die outside the territory!
Gai Jiuyou is not afraid of death, but only by living can he guard this land.

"I want to stay."

Gai Jiuyou said.

Nodding his head, the Demon Sheep didn't say anything more. After all, everyone has his own ambitions.

Different from the madness in the bones of his demon sheep, Gai Jiuyou is more secure.

In fact, it was the best choice for Lin Chen and others to go outside the territory to develop, and Gai Jiuyou stayed behind.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen said to Goddess Qianhuan.

Hearing this, the Thousand Imaginary Goddess waved her jade hand, and a burst of energy shot out. Immediately, the entire space ship roared, and it stayed in place for a moment, but in the next moment, it was actually moving at an unimaginable speed, as if it was moving in space. Generally, he disappeared in place and drove towards Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Can't help but be speechless, Lin Chen couldn't even see the change of scenery outside the ship, only a blur!
This represents that the speed of the ship has reached a certain extreme.

In just half a day, they arrived at Dongsheng Shenzhou directly from the Demon Land of the Western Regions. This speed is simply unimaginable.

"So fast!"

Both Lin Chen and the magic sheep saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

The spaceships are really powerful, so it can be seen how wonderful the starry sky outside the domain will be!
Soon, Lin Chen came to Situ Shenchao and saw Qian Fengliu.

At this moment, Qian Fengliu is still like a piece of wood, his eyes are dull, and he doesn't say a word.

Only when he saw the Goddess of Thousand Illusions, did a look of light appear in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he swallowed it back.

"You are not Ayu, Ayu is dead, dead..."

This scene made Lin Chen feel very uncomfortable.

He knew very well how high-spirited Qian Fengliu was, but it was difficult for anyone to accept such blows twice in a row. Qian Fengliu was not crazy, which was already very rare.

"Brother Qian, cheer up, there is still a chance."

Lin Chen said.

"No, there is no chance." Qian Fengliu shook his head.

He could hear it very clearly. Goddess Qian Huan had already said that Bei Hanyu was dead.

"If there is a chance, as long as I can reach the realm of the ancestors, I can make any clone completely independent, and your Ayu can also be resurrected." Said the Thousand Fantasy Goddess.

Qian Fengliu's body shook.


As if he had grasped a life-saving straw, he looked at the Thousand Illusion Goddess, his eyes widened, very frightening.

"Really, it's true!"

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Qian Fengliu stood up abruptly: "How can you reach the domain ancestor realm?"

"Going outside, the vast world at this moment can't help us much. If we want to become stronger, we can only go to the vast outer starry sky, where there are infinite opportunities, and we can quickly increase our strength!"

Lin Chen said.

"Extraterritorial, extraterritorial!"

Qian Fengliu murmured and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, let's go outside the territory together!"

Looking at his eyes, he finally recovered a little spirit, and Lin Chen was relieved.

"Are there only these people, then we can start our journey now." Said the Thousand Illusionary Goddess.

At this moment, Lin Chen, Mo Yang, Qian Fengliu, and Qian Huan Goddess, there are four people in total.

Hearing this, Lin Chen hesitated.

He learned from Bei Luo Zetian that Wang Shaowei was about to break through the boundary and ascend, so he really wanted to take Wang Shaowei with him.

However, he didn't know how long he would have to wait before he could wait for Wang Shaowei.

"Wang Shaowei is estimated to be able to ascend soon, otherwise, we will wait for him for a few days." Demon Sheep said.

"Half a month, if we can find him within half a month, we will take him with us." Lin Chen thought for a while.

Both Mo Yang and Qian Fengliu nodded, and Goddess Qian Huan had no objection, so they flew in the universe on a space ship, looking for Wang Shaowei at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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