Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 811 Breaking out of the big world!

Chapter 811 Breaking out of the world!

Chapter 810 Breaking out of the world!
Wang Shaowei can be said to be extremely talented.

Back then, Lin Chen was able to understand the true meaning of Fenghuo, all thanks to him.

Afterwards, he devoted himself to research, achieved the power of wind and fire, possessed a strong combat power, and made a great contribution to Xiaoqian world.

At this moment, if he can be taken to the outer starry sky, with his talent, he will definitely be able to get a greater promotion!

The space ship sailed in the Great Thousand Worlds, during which time it went to the Sea of ​​Time and Space, but the time and space here was in chaos. Even driving the space ship could not find Bei Luo Zetian, so he had to give up.

And following such a voyage, Lin Chen had traveled all over the Great Thousand World, but no trace of Wang Shaowei was found.

Half a month was about to pass in the blink of an eye, and the magic sheep even went to find Gai Jiuyou once, but Gai Jiuyou still refused to go outside the territory.

"Why hasn't Wang Shaowei ascended yet?"

Lin Chen was a little anxious.

If possible, he would naturally want to bring Wang Shaowei with him, but now it seems that it is not realistic.

Once stuck at the last step, it is possible to be trapped for hundreds of thousands of years. With Lin Chen's current conditions, he still cannot return to Xiaoqian World, so it is impossible to know Wang Shaowei's situation.

"Let's go, the sooner the better, as soon as I get outside the domain, I can send a message to the Thousand Fantasy Starfield to help you stop the Motian clan!" said the Thousand Fantasy Goddess.

Although their situation in the Thousand Illusion Starfield is not good, but it is still possible to send a Shishen to block the Motian clan.

And only by getting in touch with the Thousand Illusory Starfield, can they gain a foothold outside the huge domain, otherwise, they will be nothing more than a speck of dust outside the domain while riding a space ship.

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded, and Lin Chen had nothing to do.

Seeing this, the Thousand Imaginary Goddess immediately started to start the space ship and began to fly out of the domain.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, bursts of roar erupted from this huge space ship, causing the ground below to collapse at this moment, and a powerful impact force swept away, causing the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles to collapse. Inside, everything is like annihilation.

An extremely violent driving force emanated from the stern of the ship, trying to propel the ship, fly out, break through the obstacles of the great world, and head to the outside world!
And at this moment, above the sky below, suddenly there was a fierce force of wind and fire swaying, and then, the space shattered, and a figure stepped out, and all the surrounding divine power surged crazily to his body!

The power of wind and fire!

Wang Shaowei!
Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw at a glance that the person who broke through the boundary and ascended was Wang Shaowei!

"Wang Shaowei, come here!"

Lin Chen shouted quickly.

At this time, the space ship has already started to launch, and it cannot be stopped. If Wang Shaowei slows down a step, he will completely miss this trip to the outside world.

Hearing this, Wang Shaowei was also surprised when he saw Lin Chen and the demon sheep on the space ship.

He didn't expect to see these two people just after breaking through the boundary and ascending, which immediately made him feel very kind in his heart.

As for Lin Chen's words, he didn't have the slightest doubt, and flew directly towards the spaceship.

The space ship has already started, causing the surrounding space to be broken. Wang Shaowei's expression was startled, and he was greatly hindered.

"Magic sheep Qian Fengliu help!"

Lin Chen yelled, and immediately wanted to rush out of the space ship and take Wang Shaowei over. Mo Yang and Qian Feng also shot immediately after hearing the rumors, but the goddess Qian Huan waved her jade hand and immediately blocked the three of them.

"Leaving the ship at this time, none of you can come back!"

As she said that, her figure flashed, and she had transformed into flying bodies, appearing outside the ship.

These one after another flew towards Wang Shaowei, and then exploded directly, bursting out with a strong force, pushing Wang Shaowei forward, approaching the space ship.

This scene stunned Wang Shaowei.

He couldn't imagine that this woman could actually have such power, and it seemed that she was as strong as Lin Chen and the devil sheep, and they all followed her wishes!
There is also such a method of avatar explosion, which is not something ordinary people can use.

While startled, Wang Shaowei didn't hesitate. With this thrust, he moved forward quickly, and soon approached the spaceship. The Goddess of Thousand Illusions continued to attack, and finally brought Wang Shaowei onto the spaceship.

Just ascension to the Great Thousand World, Wang Shaowei is also the No. 1 in all ages!

After learning the details of the matter from Lin Chen's narration, Wang Shaowei couldn't calm down for a long time.

As for Lin Chen, he took out a large number of divine crystals, almost burying Wang Shaowei's body in them.

"Hurry up and absorb the divine crystal. You have just ascended, and you need to convert all the power in your body into divine power. It was interrupted just now. If you don't continue at this moment, it will affect the foundation."

Hearing this, Wang Shaowei nodded, and immediately began to absorb the divine power in the divine crystal.

At the same time, the Thousand Illusion Goddess manipulated the space ship, and finally broke out at extreme speed, flying towards the sky, breaking through the obstacles of the entire Great Thousand World, and completely leaving this mysterious world!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen only felt a blackness in front of his eyes, and he had already appeared in the starry sky outside the territory!

Looking from a distance, in the darkness and silence, there seemed to be a little bit of starlight flashing. What appeared in front of everyone was a terrifying tunnel, and the breath inside it might be enough to wipe out the powerhouses of the Beginning God Realm.

The Thousand Illusion Goddess looked nervous, and manipulated the space ship to move forward at high speed in the tunnel, while a large number of meteorites hit the front, which made the space ship a little unstable and suffered an impact.

"It's no wonder the previous spaceships were so severely damaged. It turned out that they had to go through such a tunnel to get to your world!"

The Thousand Fantasy Goddess gritted her teeth.

According to her inference, this side of the world was left behind by the strong from ancient times. The reason why it has been able to develop until now is probably due to the protection of this tunnel.

Only through tunnels can one discover the Great Thousand World, and ordinary people, seeing such a tunnel, would not choose to enter it at all.

That is to say, the previous alien species encountered a catastrophe and panicked, and then passed through the tunnel and broke into the Great Thousand World, which exposed the Great Thousand World.

Otherwise, I am afraid that no one will know that there is such a world in the vast universe for an unknown period of time!
Lin Chen secretly sighed in his heart. Seeing that the Thousand Illusion Goddess kept manipulating the spaceship to avoid the meteorite, he also felt that the spaceship had flown a very long distance, and there seemed to be bright spots of light appearing in the distance ahead.

Obviously, they are not far away from actually stepping into the extraterrestrial starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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