Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 812 Meteorite Sea

Chapter 812 Meteorite Sea

Chapter 810 Three Meteorite Sea
At this moment, the entire spaceship has suffered considerable damage.

It was originally pieced together by the Thousand Fantasy Goddess. At this moment, it was hit by meteorites one by one, and there were large and small potholes on the entire ship. internal device.

The Imaginary Goddess looked very dignified, and tried her best to control the space ship to avoid the meteorites, but at this moment, as the ship approached the exit of the tunnel, the number of meteorites has become more and more dense, falling down like raindrops.

Bang bang bang!
There was a muffled sound, as if hitting the hearts of everyone, making them dare not breathe.

At this moment, once the space ship is destroyed, the people on board may not be able to survive.

Another meteorite struck, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

On this piece of meteorite, due to the high-speed flight, scorching flames have already been burned. Even with the protection of space ships, everyone can still feel the blazing heat.

This is even stronger than all of Lin Chen's Burning Glass Fires!

After a burst of shock, Lin Chen saw the magic of the outside world.

Just a piece of meteorite in the starry sky, the flame that burns out is stronger than the fire of Daoyuan!

It is conceivable how much mystery and power this vast and boundless starry sky will be filled with!

In an instant, fighting spirit rose in Lin Chen's heart.

Beside him, Mo Yang, Qian Fengliu, and Wang Shaowei were all like this, with burning eyes.

Everyone is extremely talented. It can be said that there is no room for them in the vast world at this moment. Only the vaster starry sky is their stage!
The huge meteorite came engulfed in flames, and suddenly the entire space ship seemed to tremble. The Imaginary Goddess's complexion was extremely ugly, and she manipulated the ship to dodge, but the right side of the ship was still hit by the meteorite, and there was a violent sound. shock.

Immediately, the ship swayed violently, and more and more meteorites ignored the defense and fell down. Several pieces even fell close to Lin Chen's body and hit the space ship.

"Damn it, we were unlucky, we should have encountered a meteorite rain!"

The Thousand Fantasy Goddess gritted her teeth and said.

Meteor shower!
Lin Chen and the others also changed their expressions and looked forward.

Although it is not far from the exit at this moment, this journey is obviously extremely difficult.

Gritting her teeth, Thousand Illusionary Goddess has transformed into clones here, flew out of the space ship, and exploded in front of her.

With the impact of her explosion, many meteorites were also shattered, or shifted away from the ship.

A series of explosions sounded endlessly. Immediately, the number of meteorites was much lighter than before, and the spaceship slowly recovered its stability. However, Goddess Qianhuan's complexion quickly turned pale.

Obviously, this is a huge burden for her.

The spaceship is moving forward at a high speed, and it is also approaching the exit. It will soon be able to rush out of this tunnel. The Thousand Imaginary Goddess continuously shoots her clones and explodes. The force of the impact shatters meteorites.

Finally, the spaceship dragged its broken hull and rushed out of the tunnel completely. In the dense meteorite rain, it narrowly escaped death and appeared in a vast and boundless starry sky.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, their whole bodies were drenched in cold sweat, and Goddess Qianhuan even collapsed and fell to the ground.

so close!

And as they escaped, in the rear tunnel, the meteorite rain became more violent, and pieces of meteorites comparable to the size of spaceships appeared, dragging long flame tails.

If they slow down a step, they will definitely die in this tunnel.

Fortunately, they came out after all.

Looking around, Lin Chen saw that this was a very desolate starry sky. There were no planets, just meteorites of different sizes hovering in the starry sky.

Here, there is no life, it seems to be eternal silence.

"This is a sea of ​​meteorites."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess looked at it and said.

Seeing the questioning gazes of Lin Chen and others, she said again: "The sea of ​​meteorites is an extremely desolate place in the universe, and there are few people. Of course, there may be people who come to mine the minerals contained in the meteorites."

Looking around, there are pieces of meteorites with no end in sight.

This sea of ​​meteorites alone is comparable to the size of the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, and even bigger.

Sure enough, the vastness of the universe is simply unimaginable.

"The spaceship has been damaged."

The Thousand Imaginary Goddess sighed.

During the voyage just now, in order to avoid the meteorites, she had exhausted her whole body's reflexes, but even so, the dense meteorites still damaged some core components, making this space ship completely scrapped.

"Then how do we get out of here?"

Lin Chen's pupils shrank, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"I have no choice but to wait for someone to come here by chance. This place is too desolate, and I don't think I can send a message." Said the Goddess Qianhuan.

With a chill in his heart, Lin Chen looked around, where there was half a figure!
"Can't we leave the spaceship?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Those who are strong in the Beginning God Realm can stay for a short time, but they will definitely not be able to support the distance across the meteorite sea. As for those below the Beginning God, I am afraid that as long as they leave the ship and enter the starry sky, they will be crushed to death by strong pressure."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

None of the people present could reach the Beginning God Realm!

This also means that this is almost a dead end!
Lin Chen gritted his teeth, he didn't expect that he would fall into such a situation just after leaving the Great Thousand World, this was beyond his expectation.

"Isn't there any way for the spaceship to recover?"

Hearing this, she shook her head, and the Thousand Fantasy Goddess said: "I brought all the spare parts here before, but the most damaged parts have no spares at all, and they cannot be replaced. Apart from protecting us from Apart from the pressure of the starry sky, it can't play any other role."

Lin Chen slammed his fist hard on the deck, his eyes were ruthless.

It's not in his character to just give up like this, he must fight hard.

"I want to go out and try!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth. Immediately afterwards, layers of glaring starlight flowed away from his body. The heart of the stars and the dotted visions were fully revealed. Gradually, a streak of stars formed beside him. An incarnation of stars that is exactly the same as him.

Lin Chen finally cast his star incarnation again.

He has been concentrating on cultivating Yuanli before, and he has fallen behind a lot as a star soul master, but as long as he has time, his meditation has never stopped. At this moment, he once again displayed the incarnation of stars, and Lin Chen suddenly felt that the vast starry sky Among them, an unknowable direction suddenly conveyed an extremely cordial perception.

(End of this chapter)

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