Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 813 Star Core

Chapter 813 Star Core
Chapter 810 Star Core

The cultivation of a star soul master is to absorb the power of the stars in the endless starry sky. At this moment, Lin Chen displayed the incarnation of the stars, and immediately, he felt the kindness conveyed by the entire starry sky.

Now that he is outside the territory, he has a much stronger feeling for the natal stars than if he is in the Great Thousand World.

"You, you are a star fighter?!"

For the first time, the Thousand Fantasy Goddess showed a surprised expression, and she looked at Lin Chen with a sense of disbelief.

"Star Warrior?"

This was the first time Lin Chen heard this title.

"In our world, although star soul masters are rare, there are still many of them. Don't they exist outside the domain?"

Lin Chen asked.

"It's different, it's different. A real star fighter must have a star that belongs to him, a star that belongs to him completely. Start from being weak and become stronger step by step!"

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

When she said that, Lin Chen immediately understood.

Immediately, he secretly rejoiced in his heart for his original choice.

If he coveted temporary strength and chose a secondary star, or a main star, he might not be able to be called a star warrior.

Because no matter the auxiliary star or the main star, they are destined not to belong to any warrior.

And although there are many people who are as ambitious as Lin Chen and make such a choice, almost none of them can reach this step. As far as Lin Chen knows, only the former Star Soul Emperor, together with the Star Soul Master, Set foot on the level of the emperor.

The star-scattered phenomenon on his body is also thanks to him.

"It's great that you are a star warrior. It doesn't take much for a star warrior to be immune to the pressure in the starry sky. You can try it!"

The Thousand Fantasy Goddess became excited and saw hope.

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded, and immediately manipulated the star clone to step out of the range covered by the space ship.

As soon as he left the spaceship, he felt an extremely violent pressure crushing him in an instant, as if it was irresistible, making his whole body stagnate.

And then, in the entire vast starry sky, a friendly star power surged from everywhere, directly replacing this star clone, blocking most of the pressure, and also made Lin Chen relax a little. in one breath.

Sure enough, with the cultivation base of a star soul master, this starry sky will relieve his pressure.

This is the huge starry sky, a blessing for the people!

"What should I do to lead you out of here?"

Lin Chen asked.

"With your own strength, it is still impossible to take away the space ship. This is not your Great Thousand World. How about this, you leave here first, walk outside, and see if you can meet other people. If you can meet If you find a living person, report my name, it should work.”

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen's star incarnation returned to the space ship and became one with Lin Chen himself.

Immediately afterwards, he took a full step, and the whole person walked out of the space ship. The strong pressure shrouded him again, and the light of stars burst out from his whole body. He could barely withstand the pressure and straightened up again.

Looking at the ship, Lin Chen smiled: "You are waiting for me here!"

After all, he stepped forward, found a direction, and then walked away.

On the space ship, everyone continued to wait, but on Lin Chen's side, his figure flickered and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Looking around, he saw the dead and silent meteorite, without the slightest trace of a living person, Lin Chen continued to move forward, and he didn't know how long or how far he walked.

Large pieces of meteorites were suspended, and some meteorites were still burning with flames. Lin Chen avoided it far away.

And among these meteorites, he also saw the wreckage of many space ships, which were beyond recognition. It was obvious that they had suffered heavy damage. The people in this ship must have all died.

Lin Chen investigated one by one, and found a few space rings in some space ships, but he couldn't open them for the time being, so he had to give up.

Along the way, Lin Chen finally felt that there seemed to be some anger in the distance.

His whole body was shaken, and he quickened his pace and moved forward. Soon, he saw, among the meteorites, a huge space ship docked, and several people seemed to be arguing about something.

Lin Chen saw that there seemed to be a huge red skull carved on this space ship, which gave him a bad feeling.

Moreover, the aura of these people in front of them is very strong, and the weakest one has reached the level of Shishen. Everyone's face is fierce, not like a good person.

"This may be a thief ship!"

Thinking like this, Lin Chen tried his best to hide his aura, approached slowly, and hid behind the meteorite, he also faintly heard the conversation of these people.

"Damn it, that guy Carl, where did he go?!"

"Who cares about his life, the key is the star core! That's half a star core, enough for us to spend half our lives!"

"Brothers are born to die for this. If Karl wants to take it all by himself, I will never spare him!"

Lin Chen pricked up his ears to listen, and he caught a very crucial word, that is star core.

Obviously, the star core is very precious, and now there is a person who has disappeared with the star core, and this group of people is looking for him.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lin Chen felt that this group of people must be extremely vicious and he cannot be relied on, let alone let them know of his existence.

Stepping back slowly, Lin Chen wanted to leave here, but at this moment, he didn't pay attention, and a meteorite was crushed under his feet, and there was a crisp sound.


This group of people immediately noticed the sound, and then, the momentum exploded, and the figure rushed over.

Lin Chen immediately ran away desperately, dodging among the meteorites, and behind him, there were powerful attacks flying towards him, causing the meteorites to explode.

Boom boom boom!
In the originally lonely starry sky, there was a sound of explosions.

"Stop that kid!"

"Where did he come from?"

The people in the rear exclaimed and accelerated their speed.

Lin Chen groaned secretly. He didn't dare to flee towards the spaceship, but ran in the opposite direction. Soon, there was a strong turbulent current ahead, and the meteorites in it told the rotation. Can't find the edge.


As soon as Lin Chen gritted his teeth, he took a step and rushed into the turbulent flow.

Seeing this, the pursuers in the rear immediately hesitated.

It is easy to enter this turbulent current, but difficult to get out of it. Even with their strength, they dare not set foot in it easily.

"Stop, boy, if you go in, you won't be able to get out!"


But how could Lin Chen listen to them, and directly dived into the turbulent flow, his body was immediately hit by a rapidly rotating meteorite, and flew out like a fallen leaf.

(End of this chapter)

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