Chapter 814

Chapter 810 Five Star Core
Lin Chen was hit by a meteorite, and immediately felt great pain all over his body, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

In the ordinary true god state, in the turbulent flow of this meteorite, I am afraid that if I can't even last a few breaths, I will die suddenly on the spot.

Lin Chen's body was full of stars, and he barely resisted the strong pressure, but his figure was still like duckweed in the turbulent flow. He was hit by meteorites one by one, and disappeared in the turbulent flow in a blink of an eye.

"That kid is done!"

"We dare not go in, he is a true god, and he will definitely die!"

"That's not right, how could it appear here in the mere True God Realm? There is something strange!"

"Go, go and see!"

Immediately, the thieves searched around.

At the same time, Lin Chen rushed into the turbulent flow here, and dense meteorites smashed towards him carrying a fatal crisis. Lin Chen was quickly drawn into the depths of the turbulent flow of meteorites and hit the front On top of a boulder.

Forcibly grasping the edges and corners of the boulder, barely steadying his figure, Lin Chen looked around, his heart sank.

This place is already deep in the turbulent flow of meteorites. With his current state, it is basically impossible to get out.

And the gang of thieves outside will definitely search around, and they will soon find the Thousand Illusion Goddess and the others.

For these desperadoes, the name of the Thousand Illusion Goddess may not be useful!
Lin Chen was worried, but there was nothing he could do.

Barely standing on top of this huge meteorite, Lin Chen thought about countermeasures.

"Damn it, how do you get out here!"

At this moment, Lin Chen heard a panicked voice from another direction, which made his whole body tremble.

There are others here!
Lin Chen took a deep breath and leaned over cautiously.

Soon, he saw that there was a hole on the other side of the huge meteorite, and the sound came from this hole.

At the same time, he also saw that within the entrance of the cave, there seemed to be a figure sitting cross-legged on the ground, with yellow hair like weeds.

What's more, this person is actually holding a palm-sized crystal in his hand, from which comes a majestic star power that is extremely pure!


This person must be the Karl that the gang of thieves mentioned before, and the crystal in his hand is likely to be the so-called star core!

The power of the stars in his whole body was surging, Lin Chen felt that once he got this piece of star core, his star soul master cultivation base would definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and it would not be too difficult to leave here by then!

However, this Karl's aura is impressively in the Beginning God Realm!

Lin Chen is still in the realm of the true gods at this moment, and his chances of winning against Karl are slim.

But Karl is obviously not a star warrior, and he does not have an advantage in this starry sky. If Lin Chen makes a sneak attack and makes Karl fall into turbulence again, there may be some chances.

"We can't delay any longer, that gang of thieves should have found the ship by now!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and had a plan in mind.

Stepping forward, he immediately appeared in front of the hole. He looked at Karl and shouted angrily.

"Carl, hand over the star core!"

Karl was shocked when he heard this, and looked at Lin Chen with shock in his eyes.

"Star Warrior?!"

Looking at the entire outside world, star warriors are rare goods to live in, and this kid in front of him is actually a star warrior.

He also knows his name and the star core!

"You were sent by Wentai?!"

Carl asked.

Wen Tai must be the boss of that gang of thieves.

Lin Chen nodded.

"Now that you know your way back, you may still have a way out. The star core is not something you can swallow alone. If you don't hand over the star core, you won't have a chance when Wen Tai and the others come in later!"

Lin Chen shouted upon hearing the words.

Hearing this, Carl struggled in his eyes.

He did think about it before and fled here with the star core, but now, he has completely regretted it.

In order to avoid Wen Tai and others, he arrived at the center of this turbulent flow, and he was unable to get out at all. Even if he did, he didn't know how to face Wen Tai and the others. It could be described as a dilemma.

And the star core is only useful to star fighters, he won't be able to refine it after getting the star core!

Hiding in this meteorite, Karl almost wanted to slap himself a few times.

But at this moment, Lin Chen's appearance gave him hope.

To hand over the star core, Wen Tai and others may not embarrass him because of their friendship for many years.

Thinking of this, Carl immediately stood up, holding the star core in his hand, and was about to pass it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen also reached out his hand at the same time, grabbed the star core, and was about to get the star core from Karl's hand.

However, at this moment, Karl's eyes suddenly burst out with a bright light, and his whole body was shocked.

"No, I haven't seen you before, you are not with us!"

It's too late to wake up now!

Lin Chen exerted his strength suddenly and grabbed the star core from Karl's hand. At the same time, he retreated violently and quickly dodged and escaped by taking advantage of the turbulent current.

"Damn it, you dare to lie to me!"

Carl was furious, and immediately left the meteorite, chasing after Lin Chen, but when his figure appeared for the first time, he was affected by the powerful turbulence, and he was a little unstable.

Even if he is at the Beginning God Realm, in this turbulent current, he is no different from Lin Chen who is a star warrior.

In the huge extraterrestrial starry sky, star fighters are really very popular.

Blocked in stature, almost crazy, Karl burst out all the power of his cultivation, and rushed towards Lin Chen. On Lin Chen's side, he was holding the star core and using the power of the stars. He felt that the power in the star core At this moment, the power of the stars surged madly into his body, which also made his star soul master cultivation base, which had not made much progress, start to skyrocket.

Excited, Lin Chen looked at the star core in his hand, his eyes sparkled.

"It really is a good thing!"

And in the rear, Karl pursued him hotly, his body full of murderous aura.

"Damn boy, don't run!"

Lin Chen snorted coldly, speeded up, and ran away at high speed in the turbulent current with the power of the meteorite.

With the strengthening of the star soul master's cultivation base, he felt that in this starry sky, the pressure he received was getting lower and lower, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

All the way forward, going deeper into this turbulent flow, Lin Chen found that the meteorites in front of him had begun to thin out, and there was a mysterious aura emanating from it.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Lin Chen felt the heart of the stars in his chest beating, as if there was an attraction, calling him forward.

Curious in his heart, Lin Chen flew forward, and at this moment, Karl had already been thrown away by him.

Holding the star core in his hand, Lin Chen saw an even bigger meteorite appearing in front of him, and the feeling of calling came from this meteorite.

Rushing over without hesitation, Lin Chen stepped on the meteorite, and soon saw a huge hole, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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