Chapter 815
Chapter 810

After rushing into the entrance of the cave, Lin Chen suddenly felt that the pressure in the turbulent flow dissipated, replaced by a mysterious and ancient aura blowing towards his face.

Eyes widened, Lin Chen also saw the scene in front of him clearly, and his heart shook even more.

I saw that this huge meteorite was almost hollowed out, and giants with metallic colors stood impressively inside it, exuding a deterrent aura.

Lin Chen broke out in cold sweat all over his body. At a glance, there were at least 30 of these giants, and each of them possessed the coercion of Shishen level!
"What the hell is going on, so many Shishen powerhouses?!"

Lin Chen suppressed the shock in his heart. He saw that in the center of many giants, like stars holding the moon, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. From this figure, there was a terrifying aura, which made people suffocate.

"At least at the level of a god emperor!"

Lin Chen was shocked, he didn't expect that in this turbulent flow, a strong man at the level of a god emperor fell.

That's right, although this aura is huge, it is already lifeless, including the surrounding giants, no one has life, otherwise, how could Lin Chen stand here safe and sound.

At the same time, he also felt that the calling from the heart of the stars in his body came from this figure.

Looking closely, he saw that this person's body was already stiff, but there was not a trace of dust falling on his body. If it wasn't for the breath, Lin Chen would really think that he was still alive.

And in his hand, he was also holding a throbbing star heart, which was resonating with the star heart in Lin Chen's body.

Obviously, this person is also a powerful star warrior, and even the star heart in his hand is a circle bigger than Lin Chen's.


Lin Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, temporarily stopped refining the star core, stretched out his palm, and touched the heart of the star. Suddenly, the heart of the star melted directly, pouring into him along Lin Chen's palm. inside!
Immediately, a powerful and pure force poured into Lin Chen's body, causing his whole body to explode with starlight, and also made his star soul master cultivation base, which was already advancing by leaps and bounds, take another step forward , I am afraid that it can already be compared with the power of the Shinto.

And more importantly, he felt that as the heart of the stars entered his body, he also felt a lot of information pouring into his mind, allowing him to understand the identity of this person.

Daoist Heavenly Star!

This person's name is Daoist Tian Xing, he is a powerful star fighter, and he even created a secret method, making puppets out of meteors, which is very powerful.

But later, this person was murdered by a traitor and fled all the way here. The hundreds of meteor puppets under him were also damaged to only more than 30, and they came here with no ammunition and food, and were seriously injured.

"Those who get my inheritance must make a blood oath in the starry sky, and must avenge me in this life, otherwise, my meteorite puppets will collectively explode themselves, and unless they reach the domain ancestors, they will all die!"

So cruel!

Lin Chen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, this Taoist Master Tian Xing was still uneasy after death, so he wanted to drag him into it.

But at this moment, once these meteorite puppets exploded, he would definitely die, and he would not be able to escape at all, so he had no choice but to accept this condition.

According to the guidance of the message left by Daoist Tian Xing, Lin Chen made the starry sky blood oath, and immediately, another message came.

It is the secret method of Taoist Master Tianxing, which can control some meteorite puppets, and at the same time, there is a message about the enemy of Taoist Master Tianxing.

"Taitian Shrine, Chu Lingxiao!"

Don't even think about it, this Taitian Temple must be an extremely huge force, and this Chu Lingxiao can defeat the powerful Tianxing Daoist and make him fall with hatred, and his strength must be extremely good.

Lin Chen sighed, now that he had made the Starry Sky Blood Oath, he had to stand against this Chu Lingxiao.

However, what is gratifying is that he has received the inheritance of Daoist Tian Xing. At this moment, not only is the star soul master's cultivation base greatly improved, but he also got these 36 meteorite puppets!
If you go out at this moment, you should be able to win against that group of thieves!
And just after Lin Chen had accepted the inheritance, Karl's figure had already chased him and rushed towards him.

Scanning his eyes, Karl was startled when he saw these giants. Obviously, there is a huge opportunity here!
"Kid to die!"

Karl rushed in and was no longer affected by the turbulence. The coercion belonging to the Beginning God Realm erupted and directly charged towards Lin Chen.

This opportunity must not let this kid get his hands on it!
Seeing this scene, a sneer flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and then, with a thought, a meteorite puppet behind Karl moved, and he punched Karl in the back. back.

Unprepared, Karl was sent flying, spitting out blood in the air, his face extremely horrified.

And before he had any reaction, the other puppets moved in unison at this moment, and they all charged at Karl. The scalp-numbing attacks fell like raindrops, breaking Karl's tendons and bones, which was extremely miserable.

"Forgive your life, spare your life!"

Karl screamed, looking at Lin Chen with horror.

He didn't expect that within a short period of time, Lin Chen had already obtained the opportunity here to manipulate these puppets, allowing the roles of hunter and prey to be exchanged!
This time, Carl was completely resigned.

"Why should I forgive you?"

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and manipulated the puppet to continue attacking Karl.

"I am willing to donate my soul seal and be a cow or a horse!"

Karl screamed, dodging the meteor puppet's attack, and a soul imprint flew out from between his eyebrows, and came in front of Lin Chen.

Soul seal?

Lin Chen frowned, looked at this soul mark, and then at Karl.

Lin Chen didn't know the soul seal, he was afraid of being blown up by Karl, so he shook his head.

"I don't believe you."

At the same time, he continued to give orders to kill Karl.

Immediately, 36 meteorite puppets attacked at the same time and smashed towards Karl. Amidst bursts of screams, Karl's body quickly turned into a pile of minced meat.

"Get out of here quickly!"

After killing Carl, Lin Chen immediately ordered 36 meteor puppets to take him to the ship.

After such a long time, the gang of thieves must have found the Thousand Illusion Goddess and the others. The strength of the two sides is completely unequal, and they are likely to encounter great danger.

Immediately, 36 meteorite puppets surrounded Lin Chen, left here, quickly rushed out of the turbulent flow of meteorites, and went straight in the direction of the space ship.

And from a long distance away, Lin Chen noticed that there seemed to be waves of battle waves spreading in the distance, which made people look sideways.


Lin Chen felt urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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