Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 819 Gauss Pirates

Chapter 819 Gauss Pirates

Chapter 820 Gauss Pirates

As soon as he set foot on this iron bull star, Lin Chen felt a sudden increase in pressure due to a wonderful gravitational force. Obviously, there is a strong gravitational force on this life star, causing gravity.

This is completely different from the Great Thousand World.

In the Great Thousand World, the extraordinary and strong can fly in the air, but here, I am afraid that only the king can fly.

"This is just a low-level star. Above the high-level star, the pressure is even greater."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

"It's really unique. I feel that this planet seems to have its own life!" Lin Chen said.

"Yes, that's why it can be called a living planet. Only such a planet can breed life. There are many dead stars in the universe, and there is no way to breed life on it because of the desolation on it."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

"That's right, only advanced life planets can gestate star cores, and every star core can cause looting." Wen Tai said.

Obviously, he was still thinking about the half of the star core in Lin Chen's hand.

That's what they got through risking their lives, but now it's cheap for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen smiled and didn't answer him.

Just kidding, how can such a good thing be returned to Wen Tai?

Wen Tai also knew that it was impossible to get the star core, and now he was reduced to a prisoner, his life and death depended on Lin Chen's thoughts, his eyes were gloomy, and he felt at a loss about the future.

The pirate leader who used to be good at calling the wind and rain is now a slave.

They followed Lin Chen dejectedly, and soon, everyone came to a tavern and sat down.

Although this extraterrestrial starry sky is very different from the Great Thousand World, many places are still very similar.

After ordering some food and wine, Lin Chen signaled for Wen Tai to go to work.

It is Wen Tai's business to prepare supplies and inquire about news.

Wen Tai didn't dare to disobey in the slightest, and left with a bitter face.

As soon as Lin Chen and the others sat down, they heard many discussions in the tavern.

"Hey, have you guys heard that the enemy Tianmeng is about to move recently!"

"That's right, the leader of Ditian Alliance is going to accept apprentices, I don't know what he thinks!"

"As long as you are under the Beginning God Realm, you can participate. It is said that he plans to accept three closed disciples!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen was shocked all over.

Zhengchou didn't have a chance to get close to the leader of the enemy, but now, he is going to accept disciples.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

This is a great opportunity!

Not to mention becoming the apprentice of a powerful person in the realm of the ancestors, you can get many benefits. Once you become the apprentice of the lord of the enemy, you can ask him to help and send everyone to the Thousand Illusionary Starfield!
Imaginary Goddess suddenly became excited and looked at Lin Chen.

She herself is a goddess of the Thousand Illusory Starfield, so it is naturally impossible to worship the leader of the Enemy Sky as a teacher, but Lin Chen has no scruples here, and, Lin Chen's talent, the chance of winning is very high!

"I'm going to participate!"

Lin Chen nodded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone listened attentively and got more news.

This time, the Ditian Alliance Master's apprenticeship was huge. In addition to the entire Liancheng star field, many geniuses from other surrounding star fields also rushed over, wanting to become the Ditian Alliance Master's apprentice.

There is no other reason, it is because there is a unique skill in the hands of the leader of Ditian!


This is very difficult for the strong in the ancestral domain to obtain. Once you learn a unique skill, your combat power can be greatly increased. A ancestral domain with a unique skill and a ancestral domain without a unique skill are two different things!
This unique skill of the leader of the Ditian League is called the Ditian Nine Styles!
Lin Chen's heart suddenly became hot. According to legend, the leader of the Ditian Alliance was able to flee all the way to this place, destroying countless living planets and causing an uproar, because of this Ditian Nine Style.

"You must get this unique skill!"

No one thinks less capable. Lin Chen understands that when he is outside the territory, there are more geniuses. In order to deal with powerful enemies, he must have more means. This unique skill is undoubtedly an extremely powerful means.

"There's still one month left, and it's time for Ditian's lord to accept disciples publicly. We have to rush to Ditian to participate!" said Qianhuan Goddess.

Everyone's eyes are shining.

Not only Lin Chen, Moyang, Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei's hearts are also burning up. This is a great opportunity.

Once he climbed up to the leader of the enemy, he would have more confidence even in the face of the Motian clan.

With the support of the enemy leader, their strength can also be improved faster.

"It's not too late, when Wen Tai comes back, we'll leave immediately!"

Lin Chen had already made up his mind.

After a while, Wen Tai rushed back. He was out of breath, his expression was full of surprise, and he opened his mouth and said, "The Ditian League is mainly accepting disciples. This is a great opportunity!"

Lin Chen nodded: "I already know, let's set off now and rush to the enemy star."

Wen Tai also cheered up. He is a villain in the first place, and he has always admired such a villain as the leader of the Ditian Alliance. It is not in vain to meet the leader of the Ditian Alliance during this trip!
He immediately prepared with a few of his subordinates, and everyone left Tieniu Xing.

Wen Tai controlled the space ship, started sailing again, and headed towards the enemy star, while Lin Chen retreated again here to stabilize his realm and improve his strength to prepare for this competition.

There are too many people who want to become the apprentice of the leader of the Ditian alliance. He is new here, and it is not an easy task to win a place.

Others are also concentrating on cultivation one after another, fighting for places.

The space ship is moving forward at high speed, surrounded by vast stars, and occasionally a few living planets can be seen spinning, full of vitality, which makes people feel the magic of the universe.

The universe is too big. There are hundreds of thousands of star fields known to people so far, but there are more places that are inaccessible, and there are too many mysteries that make people feel awe.

And following this flight, half a month passed quietly, and an explosion interrupted the calm.

Everyone rushed out of the cabin immediately and looked forward.

Wen Tai's complexion was pale, and he saw that there was actually a larger space ship in front of him, with a huge red skull painted on it, and it was actually an interstellar pirate ship!

"No, it's the Gauss Pirates. They want to seize the star core and chase us all the way!"

Wen Tai's words made Lin Chen's heart sink.

This is a big hassle.

"Don't panic, tell me first, how strong is the Gauss Pirates?" Lin Chen said.

"There are twelve Shishen, all of whom are very powerful. Gauss, who is the leader, is only a step away from the God Emperor in strength. It is very difficult to deal with!" Wen Tai said.

Half-step god emperor!

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slowly, this is really tricky.

At this moment, on the huge pirate ship on the opposite side, several figures have already appeared, covering this place with aura.

(End of this chapter)

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