Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 820 Dragon Blood Gauss

Chapter 820 Dragon Blood Gauss
Chapter 820 Dragon Blood Gauss

When the first person saw Wen Tai, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Hand over the star core, and spare you!"

This person is the leader of the Gauss Pirates, Gauss, a half-step god emperor level powerhouse, only half a step away from the god emperor realm.

Although Wentai is also equivalent to a half-step god emperor, he is still a little worse than Gauss.

"Don't panic, I have 36 Shishen puppets here, by surprise, I will definitely take them down!"

Lin Chen said.

It is not impossible to take down Gauss, but it must be taken by surprise, otherwise, Gauss is likely to escape.

After all, it is not so easy to subdue the half-step god emperor. If one is not careful, Lin Chen's Shishen puppet may also be damaged.

Lin Chen couldn't refine these 36 puppets in a short period of time, so if one was broken, one was missing.

"If you want a star core, come and get it yourself!"

Under Lin Chen's gesture, Wen Tai said.

Hearing this, Gauss sneered.

He is absolutely sure of his own strength, Wentai is a wimp in his eyes, and the entire Wentai Pirates will not be his opponent alone.

Therefore, after hearing Wentai's words, Gauss left the pirate ship without the slightest hesitation and came towards Wentai.

As for Lin Chen and others, they were directly ignored by Gauss.

A few guys in the real god realm are not enough for him to move.

In the blink of an eye, Gauss' figure had appeared in front of Wen Tai, and the powerful coercion enveloped him, making everyone's hearts tense.

Very strong!

Facing Gauss, Lin Chen seemed to see a peerless beast, and more importantly, he actually felt that the dragon soul in his body had a throbbing at this moment!
However, there was no time to think about it at this time, Lin Chen waved his hand directly, and a total of 36 Shishen puppets appeared at this moment, and immediately burst into shape, surrounding Gauss.

Boom boom boom!
A series of absolute attacks were released, and the 36 puppets put great pressure on Gauss.

Wen Tai backed away immediately, watching this astonishing scene from a distance, trembling in his heart.

He didn't hesitate, as long as he slowed down a bit, he would be torn to pieces by Gauss.

"what is this?!"

Gauss was shocked. He looked at the puppet of the 36 gods and frowned.

The next moment, he let out a roar that was almost like a beast, and his figure exploded. Suddenly, his skin cracked, and there were strange dark blue scales emerging from his flesh and blood. , he turned into a humanoid monster.

"Gauss will transform!"

Only then did Wen Tai recall a rumor about Gauss.

According to legend, at the moment of extreme danger, Gauss's body will undergo tremendous changes, but all the people who have seen this scene, without exception, all died in the hands of Gauss.

It is said that the woman Gauss loved the most died at his hands, so he became disheartened and started Star Pirate.

"This is the blood of some kind of dragon!"

Lin Chen was shocked. On Gauss, he felt a coercion that belonged exclusively to the dragon. It was obvious that Gauss had some kind of dragon blood in his body.

Without hesitation, he unleashed his own dragon soul and released two powerful and pure dragon prestige. Lin Chen's place here immediately made Gauss feel like he was about to worship.

Obviously, whether it is a different species of golden dragon or the Jielong of the Motian clan, they are far more powerful than Gauss' dragon blood.

A hesitation, here, Gauss has been attacked by the 36 Shishen puppets most violently, blood is sprayed from the mouth, and the scales all over his body are also exploded, which is very embarrassing.

"Submit, or die!"

Lin Chen said coldly, and then ordered 36 puppets to lock Gauss' body tightly so that he could not move at all.

In just a few breaths, such a terrible accident happened, which caused a storm in Gauss' heart.

He is not afraid of death, since he embarked on this road of no return, he never thought that he would be able to die.

However, what really surprised him was the Longwei on this young man!
That is the purest dragon's power. In comparison, the dragon's power in Gauss's body is too mottled.

"Hahaha, surrender, Gauss, I have already surrendered, the master's future is limitless, following the master, there is no need to live such a life again!"

Wen Tai said from the side.

He was naturally very happy to be able to pull Gauss into the water.

He snorted coldly, and instead of looking at Wen Tai, Gauss' eyes fell on Lin Chen.

"Why do you have a dragon soul?"

Lin Chen looked at Gauss, and replied, "I was born with it."

Indeed, these two dragon souls were probably already in his body before he was born.

"Gauss, I am willing to serve you as master!"

After a while, Gauss made up his mind, and finally a soul seal flew out from between his brows. Lin Chen directly refined it and controlled Gauss.

"You, those who don't want to surrender, die."

Gauss turned around and looked at his many subordinates.

At this time, these people had already been frightened and stupid. They had never seen such a battle before, and they surrendered one by one.

The 36 Shishen puppets are not joking, if they don't submit, they will really die, they have no other choice.

Therefore, Lin Chen subdued these two pirate groups as a matter of course, and suddenly had a large number of subordinates in the Beginning God Realm!
This was something he hadn't expected.

"Gauss, why is there dragon power in your body?"

Lin Chen asked.

Gauss also has a martial soul, but it is not a dragon martial soul, but now, dragon power appears on his body.

This was something Lin Chen couldn't figure out.

"What flows in my body is not human blood, but dragon blood." Gauss said.

Dragon blood!

Lin Chen was astonished, it was hard to imagine that what was flowing in Gauss's body in front of him was actually the blood of a dragon.

"It's still hard for me to control the power of this dragon's blood. I've been looking for a way." Gauss said.

"Don't worry, since you followed me, I will take care of you." Lin Chen said.

He felt that Gauss would be a sharp knife in his hand.

"Keep going."

With Lin Chen's order, Gauss' pirate ship was also cleared of the mark, and together with Wen Tai's ship, they headed towards the enemy star.

And as we moved forward like this, we also saw more and more spaceships along the way. Compared with their ships, they were more luxurious and huge. My disciples, I want to participate in this apprenticeship.

"Liancheng Starfield has a total of nine royal families, each occupying one side, and they are all overlords. Among the children of these royal families, there are also many outstanding figures, who are all popular this time. If you want to become the apprentice of the enemy leader, you must defeat them," Goss said.

(End of this chapter)

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