Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 821 Start

Chapter 821 Start

Chapter 820: The Second Begins

Nine royal families!

Lin Chen's heart became serious when he heard this.

The children of the royal family must have been trained by a lot of resources since childhood, and their strength will also be extremely terrifying and difficult to deal with.

"Many disciples of the royal family were able to kill those in the Beginning God Realm during the period of the True God Realm, and only such people are qualified to become the disciples of the Lord of the Enemy God." Gauss said.

The True God Realm kills the Beginning God Realm!
Even Lin Chen at the moment couldn't do this, unless he used 36 Shishen puppets.

However, in this kind of competition, the use of such puppets is probably prohibited. Even if they can be used, those royal children may be able to produce even more terrifying treasures.

Lin Chen frowned tightly, and the smug Demon Sheep and the others were also silent.

Sure enough, if they want to become the disciples of the leader of Ditian, they are still far behind.

"Always have to try."

Lin Chen said, and ordered Gauss to continue driving, while he continued to practice.

At this moment, he has reached the great achievement of the True God Realm, and he feels that as long as he has reached the Great Perfection of the True God Realm, it is not impossible to deal with Shishen.


Starting to refine the god crystal and absorb the energy in the starry sky at the same time, Lin Chen crazily improved his strength.

Next, no one blocked the way. After all, they were already very close to Ditian Star, and no one dared to make trouble under the eyes of the leader of Ditian.

It has been half a month since the group successfully arrived at Ditian Star, that is to say, there is only half a month left before the Ditian leader accepts his disciples.

Lin Chen had just broken into the Real God Realm, and it was obviously unrealistic to break through again. A strong person in the Divine Dao Realm retreats for several years at a time, and it is really difficult to achieve any results in just half a month.

With a heavy heart, Lin Chen understood that this was the only chance, and he must not let it go.

"Gauss, if you ask for more information, it would be best to know how the apprenticeship competition is conducted."

After everyone found a place to stay, Lin Chen gave orders.

Gauss took the order and left with Wentai and the others.

They have been in the sea of ​​stars all year round, and they are very tactful in their dealings with others. When they were sent to inquire about news, Lin Chen was at ease.

Soon, both Gauss and Wen Tai came back, and the news they reported was similar.

"Leader Ditian has set up three full rounds of competition, and if you pass all three rounds, you may become his disciple!"

"The first round of the competition is about the miniature universe. The martial artist's perception is reflected in the miniature universe. The size and strength of the miniature universe are all standard. Only qualified people can enter the second round!"

Hearing these words, Lin Chen felt a little relieved.

He is the true perfect emperor of the world, and the miniature universe is even more perfect. There shouldn't be any problems in this first round.

"What about the second round?"

Lin Chen continued to ask.

Gauss said: "The second round is about killing people!"

With the current level of cultivation, which person's hands are not stained with blood, but how is this competition to kill people?

"The Ditian League has a great enemy, which is the Yunhai Gate in a star field next to it. Only when you kill a certain amount will you be eligible to enter the third round!"

Nodding his head, Lin Chen felt that there was still a chance.

"What about the third round?"

"The third round, no news!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen took a deep breath, and he had already made up his mind.

The first round was very favorable to him, and there was hope for the second round. As for the third round, just work hard.

In this competition, there are still many opportunities in the second round. The fight in the battlefield can quickly improve the strength of the warriors to deal with the third round.

"Just wait, we will go to participate when the time comes!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he began to practice again.

Demon Sheep frowned tightly. He should have no chance here. His cultivation base has regressed, and the root of the disease has already fallen, and it is difficult to make up for it.

But Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei both want to participate, and their qualifications do have the strength to compete, especially Qian Fengliu.

And as the day of the competition approached, the entire Enemy Star was overcrowded, and more and more people rushed to the Enemy Star, wanting to observe the demeanor of the royal family's children.

Luxurious and powerful spaceships continued one after another, and there was nowhere to park.

Such a grand event was unprecedented.

Time passed, and soon, half a month passed, and the entire Enemy Star was full of voices, and everyone rushed to a huge square with a radius of thousands of miles.

Lin Chen and the others, following the flow of people, were shocked when they saw this huge square.

The square made of unknown materials glows with a wonderful brilliance, giving people a very mysterious feeling. On the square, a black throne stands, and on the throne, there is an old figure, full of people. Majestic, giving people a feeling that they dare not violate the slightest.

Obviously, this is the enemy leader.

But with the leader of the Ditian alliance, no one dared to make noise, and no one dared to look at him wherever his eyes passed.

Nodding his head, the leader of Ditian stood up and scanned the audience.

"Those who want to compete, stand up now and walk to the square."

As the voice of the leader of the enemy alliance fell, immediately, a large number of people walked onto the square and stood proudly. They were all geniuses and experts from all major forces.

Lin Chen also walked over, and Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei were also among them.

At this time, they also saw that not far behind the leader of Ditian Alliance, there were still many strong men sitting in the void, looking at many geniuses.

"Even if I can't be accepted by the old man, I still have a chance. Becoming the disciple of many elders of our enemy alliance is no less than accepting my training!" said the leader of the enemy alliance.

His words gave many elders enough face.

Immediately, the hearts of many people who just wanted to give it a try became hot.

It is good not to worship under the sect of the leader of the enemy, but to worship under the sect of an elder!

It seems that this time, the Ditian League is going to absorb a lot of fresh blood.

As these words came out, many people stood up, even the devil sheep gritted their teeth and stood up.

Although the square is very large, it also feels crowded at the moment, which shows how many people there are.

"So, from now on, a group of [-] people will release the miniature universe, choose the strongest three, and continue to choose!"

"The perfect emperor will step directly into the second round."

Perfectly become an emperor!

Isn't he talking about himself? !
Lin Chen didn't expect Perfect Chengdi to be so valuable in the extraterritorial starry sky, and he felt more sure that he was Perfect Chengdi, and he could directly enter the second round!
(End of this chapter)

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