Chapter 822
Chapter 820 Three Geniuses Come Out in Plenty

He was very excited, Lin Chen's break through the first round was a certainty.

At this moment, many geniuses on the square also began to display their own miniature universes, which contained many avenues, which made people dazzled.

These miniature universes are big and small, with different colors, and some of them startled even Lin Chen.

"That's the Sky Poison Universe, created by Ding Zichao!"

"Among the nine royal families, the genius Ding Zichao of the Ding family?!"

"This person is vicious and vicious, he practices the Heavenly Poison Dao, and he can poison and kill ordinary true god realm powerhouses with a flick of his fingers!"

Accompanied by a roar, an incomparably huge miniature universe that reached one hundred thousand feet manifested in the sky above the square, instantly suppressing other miniature universes.

Seeing this miniature universe, there are colorful and gorgeous colors, and even a strange fragrance is faintly emitted. Lin Chen's whole body is tense, and he suddenly feels that under this gorgeousness, there is a fierce poison hidden!
Immediately, the miniature universes of other people present were all affected, and there was even a very weak one that was instantly strongly corroded!

Even the stone slabs on the square gradually turned into a dark color, corroded by the poison.

Lin Chen went down the miniature universe, and also saw a young man with a sullen face, a sneer slowly appeared on his face, his eyes were narrowed, and there was an astonishing fierce light inside, and his hooked nose, like A hook!
This person is Ding Zichao!

"The children of the royal family are really extraordinary."

Lin Chen's heart became serious, this person is definitely a strong enemy.

There is no doubt that Ding Zichao's miniature universe won, and he has entered the second round without any suspense just because of his perfect Chengdi miniature universe.

Enjoying the adoring eyes of the audience, Ding Zichao sneered, retracted the miniature universe, landed, and left the square.

On the side of the League Leader Ditian, he looked at Ding Zichao with admiration. The Leader Ditian was originally a villain, and he could tell that Ding Zichao was also a vicious person.

"The royal family of the Ding family, Ding Zichao, became emperor perfectly and entered the second round!"

He waved his hand and announced.

The audience immediately cast admiring gazes at Ding Zichao, and Ding Zichao smiled even more, enjoying the feeling of being watched by everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the selection continued, and many powerful miniature universes appeared, but none of them could be compared with Ding Zichao.

Even in the extraterritorial starry sky, there are still not many perfect emperors.

"Hmph, crazy!"

At this moment, a muffled sound came out, and then, a heroic and extraordinary figure stepped out and stepped onto the square. Immediately, there seemed to be an invisible attraction that drew everyone's attention to him. body.

This person seems to be born with a powerful appealing ability, which can make people believe him involuntarily.

"Sui Chaoqi is Sui Chaoqi of the Sui royal family!"

"This person is full of righteousness, and he will also come to participate in the apprenticeship of the enemy leader!"

"What do you know? This is not as simple as accepting apprentices. It is said that there are greater benefits in it. Otherwise, why do these royal children have to worship the Lord of the Enemy Heaven as their teacher?"

Many onlookers started discussing and looked at Sui Chaoqi adoringly.

The difference is that before, Ding Zichao was admired because of his terrifying methods and strength, but now, it is because of Sui Chaoqi's personality.

"This person, at first glance, is a upright person, and that Dingzi is far inferior to him!"

Lin Chen couldn't help admiring Sui Chaoqi's demeanor.

The starry sky outside the territory is vast, and it is indeed a place where outstanding people come forth in large numbers.

The next moment, Sui Chaoqi directly released his own miniature universe, which also reached the level of one hundred thousand feet, and he was also a perfect emperor. Moreover, in his miniature universe, there were nine rounds of bright sun rising, emitting blazing high temperatures , is daunting.

"Nine Suns Avenue!"

"Sui Chaoqi is indeed a genius of heaven, and he has already cultivated the Nine Suns Dao to such an extent at such an age!"

"This time, he will definitely win the championship!"

Everyone exclaimed and looked at Sui Chaoqi.

Ding Zichao, who was in the crowd, had a flash of resentment in his eyes.

His limelight was taken away by Sui Chaoqi. The relationship between the Ding royal family and the Sui royal family was not good. This time, he was also ordered to kill Sui Chaoqi whenever he had the chance!

"The royal family of the Sui family, Sui Chaoqi, became emperor perfectly, entering the second round!"

The enemy leader said.

It's just that he doesn't appreciate Sui Chaoqi as much as Ding Zichao.

In his eyes, no righteous person will end well, and only evil can last forever.

"Hmph, so what if you are a stupid person and become an emperor perfectly!"

Ding Zichao said bitterly, staring at Sui Chaoqi with fierce eyes.

As if aware of Ding Zichao's gaze, Sui Chaoqi turned his head, and the two looked at each other, each seeing the murderous intent in the other's eyes.

Immediately, Sui Chaoqi snorted softly, retracted the miniature universe, and left the square.

With the astonishing talents of these two people, the next show will look a little dull. Although the other royal children are also excellent, they are not as good as these two. There is only one Fang Hao from the Fang royal family who has reached the level of The realm of becoming an emperor is perfect and directly enters the second round.

Soon, it was Lin Chen's turn, and he stepped onto the square. Lin Chen took a deep breath and already had a plan in mind.

Absolutely can't display the most perfect one hundred and eighty-one feet, the tree is big and attracts the wind, he is not very strong now, once he is hated by Ding Zichao and his ilk, he will be in danger.

One hundred thousand feet is enough to pass this round.

With a bang, behind Lin Chen, a huge miniature universe of ten thousand feet was released, as if it could accommodate everything in the world, and the all-encompassing world road shocked everyone.

What's more, Lin Chen's Great Dao of the World seems to contain some things that other perfect emperors don't have, which is even more miraculous.

Even the leader of Ditian Alliance cast a surprised look at Lin Chen.

"Pass down the order to thoroughly investigate the origin of this person!"

Directly ordered, in the impression of the leader of Ditian, there is no such person in Liancheng Starfield.

"A perfect emperor again!"

"World Road, all-encompassing!"

"Who is this person, and why didn't he become famous before?"

One after another exclamation resounded, and it also caught Lin Chen's attention.

Ding Zichao fixed his gaze on Lin Chen. For some reason, he actually smelled a faint dangerous aura from Lin Chen. Among his peers, only Sui Chaoqi could do it.

"What's your name? Which faction?"

The leader of Ditian looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"Junior, Lin Chen, has no influence."

Lin Chen saluted and replied, and the leader of Ditian nodded.

"Lin Chen, become an emperor perfectly and enter the second round."

Waving his hand, the League Leader Ditian said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen saluted again and exited the square.

ps: I drank too much at the party yesterday, so I couldn't update, sorry everyone!In addition, I would like to thank the second young master of the Gao family for rewarding again and becoming the rudder owner of this book. I will make up yesterday's update in these two days, and I would like to thank the second young master of the Gao family!
(End of this chapter)

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