Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 823 Deterrence

Chapter 823 Deterrence
Chapter 820 Deterrence

On the other side, Ding Zichao, the poisonous snake, had already set his sights on Lin Chen.

"Investigate immediately, what is the origin of this person!"

With an order, Ding Zichao's subordinates have already dispatched to search Lin Chen's details.

And then, the selection continued. The Demon Sheep, Qian Fengliu, and Wang Shaowei also showed. The elder's attention was accepted by the elder.

Qian Fengliu also entered the second round, and Wang Shaowei also entered the second round because of his unique Fenghuoyuan.

All the geniuses have completed the show, some are happy and some are sad, among the tens of thousands of geniuses in the audience, only a very few have passed the first round.

"Take a break. After three days, I will teleport you to the battlefield. I hope you can fight the enemy bravely."

The leader of Ditian League said, and disappeared in a flash.

On Lin Chen's side, just as he was about to leave, he found a gaze staring at him from behind. Looking back, it was Ding Zichao!
Obviously, his performance just now has aroused Ding Zichao's hostility.

This guy is vicious and narrow-minded, so naturally he can't see the excellence of others!

Lin Chen secretly became vigilant, this Ding Zichao was likely to attack him on the battlefield.

A group of people left straight away and returned to the place where they stayed.

"Master, it's amazing!"

"I didn't expect the master to be the perfect emperor!"

Wen Tai was very excited, and he praised Lin Chen all the way. If Lin Chen became the disciple of the leader of the enemy, his status would also rise.

Before, I just thought that Lin Chen was lucky and got the puppet left by Daoist Tian Xing, but I didn't expect that he was really a great genius.

Wen Tai saw the hope of rising.

Gauss was also a little surprised, but he didn't lose his composure like Wen Tai.

"Be careful these few days, someone may try to harm me."

Lin Chen felt a little heavy in his heart. He had already noticed that Ding Zichao had sent someone to follow him.

Hearing this, Wen Tai was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately restrained himself a lot. They are all people who have wandered in the stars, and they still have this awareness. As for Gauss, he is more cautious, and he still exudes a faint evil spirit, which is shocking.

The group quickly returned to the residence.

"That Ding Zichao doesn't look good at first glance!" Wang Shaowei said.

Qian Fengliu nodded: "After entering the battlefield, be careful with this person."

As for the devil sheep, he had already been accepted by an elder, and was taken away by the elder at this moment, so he did not come back together.

At this time, the Demon Sheep has already gained a firm foothold in the Liancheng star field. With the resources in this star sea, his hidden wounds can definitely be recovered, and he will even go further. With his aptitude, it is only a matter of time before he rises.

In this regard, Lin Chen and others were all happy for the devil sheep.

"Wen Tai, go and inquire about the battlefield, and what powerful people are there in the Yunhai Gate." Lin Chen ordered.

Wen Tai nodded, and immediately went to work. Gauss was worried that he would go by himself, so he followed out.

"Lin Chen, I saw you displaying the miniature universe today, and it seems that you didn't use all your strength." Wang Shaowei said.

"The big tree attracts the wind, and my universe is more perfect. If it is fully unfolded, I am afraid that some people will hold grudges." Lin Chen sighed.

But even if he didn't try his best, it still aroused Ding Zichao's hatred.

"Maybe using all of them can make the leader of the Ditian League more favored, and it is possible to directly accept disciples!" Qian Fengliu thought for a while and said.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen said: "I can't take this risk. Besides, I think that battlefield is also a rare experience. Going there will also be good for my strength improvement."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

And then, Lin Chen continued to practice, waiting for Wen Tai and others to return, but instead of waiting for them, he got a piece of news.

Wen Tai and others had a conflict with others and were confronting each other in the city!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and immediately rushed out. From a distance, he saw a group of people surrounding him, and there was a powerful roar inside, which was amazing.

"Wentai, Gauss!"

Lin Chen gave a low drink, and rushed into the crowd, seeing the situation at a glance.

I saw that Wen Tai was injured, and one arm was weak and drooping, which was obviously interrupted. Gauss's condition was not very good, and his blood was a little vain. He must have experienced a strong collision.

Opposite them was a group of powerful warriors. With a glance, Lin Chen had already seen five primordial gods.

At the same time, he also noticed that Ding Zichao was holding a glass of wine in a nearby restaurant and looking down coldly.

It really was Ding Zichao!

In Lin Chen's heart, there was already a killing intent towards this person.

"what happened?"

Lin Chen looked at Gauss and asked.

"We came out and were about to go back. When we met this group of people, they insisted that Wen Tai stole their things and wanted to search them. We would definitely not accept it, and they would do it!"

Gauss said angrily.

"I didn't steal anything!"

Wen Tai blushed.

"Hehe, it's just a bunch of thieves. Don't think that no one will recognize you if you change your appearance. These two are both interstellar pirates. This man in blue is definitely not a good guy!"

The other party took the lead and said.

Obviously, the identities of Wen Tai and Gao Si have been found out, but Ding Zichao can't find Lin Chen at all, as if he appeared out of thin air.

That's why Ding Zichao deliberately designed it to attract Lin Chen to come forward to find out the truth.

"They are all my soul slaves, they have been subdued by me, how dare they steal things without my order?"

Lin Chen knew that the other party was testing him, so he wasn't afraid, so he let them know the truth first.

"Soul slave, what a joke, you are a true god, can you subdue the beginning god?"

"Stop joking, you and this group of gangsters are all in the same group!"

The person on the opposite side had a stern voice.

Lin Chen sneered, and at the same time made a move with the palm of his hand. Suddenly, ten puppet gods appeared, and the majestic momentum directly suppressed the five gods opposite, making their hearts tremble.

Ding Zichao on top of the restaurant also stared at him, barely holding the wine glass in his hand. ,

Shishen level puppets are very difficult to refine, and some sorcerers need to be refined with living Shishen powerhouses. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen could have ten puppets of Shishen!
In this way, it is not impossible for him to subdue Wen Tai and Gauss.

"If you still want to mess around, I don't mind having a few more soul slaves." Lin Chen said coldly.

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the one who took the lead was summoned by Ding Zichao, and they immediately turned around and left in embarrassment.

Here, Lin Chen put away Shishen's puppet and took the two of them back to their residence.

I believe that after this incident, Ding Zichao should not dare to act rashly. There must be treasures on his body that can deal with Shishen's puppet, but it must not be used now!

(End of this chapter)

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