Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 824 Kill the enemy on the battlefield!

Chapter 824 Kill the enemy on the battlefield!
Chapter 820 Kill the enemy on the battlefield!
"This person's origin is unknown, his methods are mysterious, and he cannot move for the time being."

Ding Zichao looked gloomy.

Sure enough, the perfect emperor is not a soft persimmon. Lin Chen here is very likely to have a large background from a more distant star field.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to have ten god puppet body protection!
Even Ding Zichao, a genius of the royal family, did not receive such treatment.

Lin Chen's action can be said to have shocked everyone.

In the following time, no one dared to trouble them. Finally, the second round of selection was about to begin.

This time, there were still huge crowds of people, but most of them just came to watch the excitement, and only thousands of people were really qualified to enter the second round.

Lin Chen saw that on the square, the leader of the Ditian Alliance was standing very majestically. In front of him, there was a huge formation slowly moving, and a surge of tyrannical space power was shocking.

Obviously, this formation is the battlefield leading to the second round.

Seeing that everyone had already gathered, the leader of Ditian Alliance waved his hand. Immediately, a jade talisman appeared in the hands of Lin Chen and the others, with the word Ditian engraved on it, exuding a sense of majesty.

"The number of enemies killed will be marked on this jade talisman. Within half a month, only the 100 people who have killed the most enemies can enter the third round."

The leader of Ditian said lightly, indicating that everyone can enter the formation.

half a month.

For Lin Chen and the others, time is very tight at this moment, half a month is still acceptable.

Immediately, someone couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed into the formation. Lin Chen, Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei also stepped into the formation. Suddenly, a tyrannical force of space entangled, making Lin Chen felt his whole body spinning, and in the next moment, he disappeared in place.

Regarding the way of space, Lin Chen didn't study deeply, and he couldn't control his body when he was teleported at this moment, and he found that such teleportation was not allowed together, that is to say, he, Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei, Once it enters the battlefield, it must be scattered.

This made Lin Chen a little worried. Ding Zichao, the poisonous snake, had already set his sights on him. He didn't dare to do anything on the enemy star, but he would definitely find a way to get rid of him when he was on the battlefield.

Just those ten Shishen puppets are enough to make Ding Zichao greedy.

Seeing Lin Chen and the others stepping into the teleportation formation, Ding Zichao also sneered, and followed them in.

On the other side, Sui Chaoqi frowned upon seeing this, and immediately followed into the teleportation array.

Sui Chaoqi, who insists on justice, will never allow Ding Zichao to do things that are morally depraved!

Soon, everyone had entered the battlefield, and the brilliance of the teleportation array gradually faded. At the same time, as the leader of the Ditian League waved his hand, a huge light curtain appeared above the sky. Above the light curtain, impressively There are names one by one, followed by numbers.

Now, of course, everyone's number is zero.

Just entered the battlefield, where there is time to kill the enemy.

Immediately, everyone's eyes focused on the light curtain, staring at the killing data of the geniuses.

The Demon Sheep, the Thousand Imaginary Goddess, Wen Tai, and Gauss were all staring at Lin Chen's name, expecting Lin Chen to kill the enemy quickly.

At the same time, on Lin Chen's side, the teleportation had also been completed, and the soles of his feet landed on the ground again. He looked around, and there was already a strong Xiao Sha rushing toward his face.

This is obviously the so-called battlefield.

Looking further away, Lin Chen actually saw the boundless starry sky. Obviously, under his feet was a planet.

However, this planet has already become a dead star, and more than half of the sphere has exploded, filled with the breath of death.

Lin Chen was speechless secretly, and he didn't know what kind of battle could cause a planet to explode and become a death star!

I am afraid that only the super strong at the domain ancestor level can do it.

At the same time, Lin Chen also saw that above the broken death star, there was actually a ladder leading straight to the sky, and he didn't know where it was going!
And in the starry sky in the distance, he can also see death stars one after another, and there are also ladders appearing, converging towards the starry sky.

Swish swish!
While Lin Chen was observing the battlefield, there were also the sounds of teleportation, and figures appeared on the death star one by one, constantly watching.

Lin Chen glanced around, but didn't see Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei, so he had to give up.

"Where's the enemy?"

Lin Chen took a look and found that the geniuses sent here were all from Liancheng Starfield, but none from Yunhaimen.

Similarly, other people are also looking for enemies and preparing to kill them.

The competition is very fierce, only the top [-] kills have a chance to enter the third round, and they must fight hard!

"Where's the enemy?"

"Why are there no people from Yunhaimen?"

"Look! What's that?!"

While the group was discussing a lot, they also saw that in the distant starry sky, spaceships came through the sky one after another, impacting on the death stars one after another. On these spaceships, You can also see a sign of the sea of ​​clouds, obviously, this is the person from the sea of ​​clouds.

"Here we come, prepare to kill the enemy!"

I don't know who yelled first, and immediately, everyone released their aura and stood ready.

"Kill them all, don't let them rush to the ladder!"

There was a roar in the starry sky in the distance, and then, figures flew out from the spaceships, landed on the Death Star, and launched a fierce attack.

"Ladder! It seems that if you want to climb the ladder, you may get huge benefits!"

Lin Chen understood immediately, and was about to rush to the ladder.

It's just that there is already a genius in the true god realm of Yunhaimen who rushed over and stood in front of him.

"court death!"

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and let out a dragon chant, which shocked people's souls, and immediately shocked the disciple of Yunhaimen, and a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen cast the ancient Motian seal without hesitation, hit the man's chest, and directly blasted his body, turning him into a mass of flesh and blood.

In one face-to-face meeting, Lin Chen instantly killed an ordinary true god-level powerhouse, and also made the number on the token on his body change from zero to one!

At the same time, the name on the huge light curtain on the enemy star also changed.

Behind a large number of names, the numbers have changed, and they are sorted according to the size of the numbers, and the arrangement has begun.

Mo Yang and others saw that the number after Lin Chen's name directly changed to one.

"Lin Chen killed someone!"

"Come on, Lin Chen!"

They all silently cheered for Lin Chen.

On Lin Chen's side, after killing one person, he continued to charge towards the ladder, and suddenly, there were three more people standing in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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