Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 825 Alteration of the Altar

Chapter 825 Alteration of the Altar
Chapter 820 Six Changes in the Altar


"Suffer to death!"

While the three of them roared wildly, they actually launched some kind of combined attack formation and blocked Lin Chen.

Immediately, other people on the entire Death Star also saw Lin Chen, and all exclaimed.

"That's the sea of ​​clouds vertical and horizontal formation of the Yunhai Gate. Once surrounded, it will be very difficult to escape. That kid is doomed!"

"Are you blind? Look who it is!"

"Lin Chen, become the perfect emperor Lin Chen!"

Immediately, bursts of exclamations came out, and everyone recognized Lin Chen.

After all, compared to many children of the royal family who have been famous for a long time, Lin Chen is still very strange.

"Perfectly becoming an emperor, falling into this formation should not be a problem!"

The three Yunhaimen disciples were shocked when they heard such words.

He actually met the perfect emperor!
The three of them looked at each other, wanting to retreat, but how could Lin Chen give them this chance.

Immediately, there was a roar behind Lin Chen, and a huge immortal magical image of the Supreme God appeared, and the palm of his hand slapped down angrily, which actually gave the three people on the opposite side an irresistible and powerful feeling.

The complexion of the three of them changed dramatically, and they immediately pinched the handprint, wanting to jointly deal with this handprint, but when the handprint really came, they realized how naive their thoughts were!

Boom boom boom!
The roar continued, and the surface of the Death Star suddenly collapsed into a huge palm shape, and the smoke rose up. At the same time, the three true gods who had formed the formation all vomited blood and fell to the ground, losing their fighting ability. .

Looking at Lin Chen in horror, their hearts were filled with despair.

They never thought that Lin Chen would be so powerful!
With a swipe of the palm of his hand, Lin Chen took out the Dragon God's Halberd and chopped off the heads of three people. The number on his jade plaque also changed to four.

In this way, no one on the death star dared to stop Lin Chen, he went straight to the place, climbed up, and from the beginning to the end, no one dared to stop Lin Chen.

Stepping up the ladder, Lin Chen suddenly felt a surge of vitality completely different from the Death Star, which made his whole body feel comfortable. Then, he raised his head, as if he saw a huge sky above the ladder. The platform emerges.

Quickly going up, he came to this platform soon, stepped on the stone platform, and Lin Chen also saw many other people, who also passed the ladder and appeared on the stone platform.

"Lin Chen?!"

There was an exclamation, Lin Chen turned around and saw that it was Ding Zichao.

Ding Zichao's face was very gloomy, his arm was trembling uncontrollably, and blood was still flowing, as if he had suffered a loss in the battle just now.

With a fierce look in his eyes, Ding Zichao gritted his teeth.

Originally, he planned to attack Lin Chen as soon as he saw him, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen would step onto the platform unscathed, while he himself suffered some injuries.

"Damn it, Muyun! I want to destroy his whole family!"

Ding Zichao gritted his teeth viciously, hating that person named Mu Yun to the extreme in his heart.

Lin Chen didn't care about Ding Zichao, his eyes scanned the entire square, he saw that not far away, it was Qian Fengliu, but Qian Fengliu's condition was not very good, it seemed that he was in the process of climbing the ladder Injured.

"Brother Qian!"

Lin Chen immediately walked over and came to Qian Fengliu's side.

Seeing Lin Chen's arrival, Qian Fengliu was also very happy. From Qian Fengliu's mouth, Lin Chen learned that Qian Fengliu was also teleported to a death star and fought desperately before he climbed the ladder.

"Where is Wang Shaowei?"

Lin Chen glanced around, but didn't see Wang Shaowei.

"Wait a little longer, there are still people fighting on the Death Star."

Qian Fengliu said.

Lin Chen's heart sank. Generally speaking, those who have the strength to ascend the ladder should have already ascended by now, but Wang Shaowei has not ascended yet, so he must be in danger.

Looking quickly at the death stars below, Lin Chen searched, wanting to see Wang Shaowei's figure.

Soon, he saw that on a ladder, there was a figure surrounded by wind and fire, struggling upward.

Wang Shaowei!
Lin Chen's eyes and pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw that behind Wang Shaowei, there were four figures from the Yunhaimen, chasing Wang Shaowei, unleashing fierce attacks continuously, making the wind and fire around him thinner and thinner .

Murderous intent in Lin Chen's eyes soared, and he immediately rushed to this ladder. Behind him, a huge divine magic appeared, and rushed towards the four figures of Yunhaimen.

"Lin Chen!"

When Wang Shaowei saw Lin Chen, his eyes lit up.

If he had to rely on himself, it might be difficult to climb up, but now with Lin Chen's help, it will be different.

Immediately, the four Yunhaimen warriors were suppressed, making it difficult to move. At the same time, Lin Chen also unleashed a fierce attack, causing the body of a strong Yunhaimen below to explode and fall down.

The expressions of the other three Yunhaimen powerhouses changed, and they immediately gave up on Wang Shaowei and retreated hastily.

Lin Chen quickly pulled Wang Shaowei up to check on Wang Shaowei's injuries.

Fortunately, with the protection of the source of wind and fire, Wang Shaowei did not suffer much injury, but it will definitely affect the competition in the future.

"Do what you can. If you can't do it, don't continue. Life is the most important thing. It is enough for one of us to become the apprentice of the leader of the enemy."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, both Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei nodded.

Only then did Lin Chen feel relieved, and looked at the square again.

At this moment, there are more and more people on the square, among them are not only people from the Ditianmeng side, but also people from the Yunhaimen side, but everyone did not make a move, but waited instead.

Soon, as no one continued to climb on the ladder, pillars of light suddenly rose above the square. Finally, in the center of the square, an altar appeared almost out of thin air. Exudes a powerful breath like a prehistoric.

Lin Chen didn't know what this altar was, but with the appearance of this altar, he suddenly felt that the Tears of Chaos, which had been silent for a long time, had a reaction at this moment, a strong aura of chaos, Released, surged from its body, echoing the altar.

Immediately, Lin Chen became the focus of the audience.

Frowning tightly, Lin Chen immediately suppressed this fluctuation, but it was too late. Immediately, all eyes were fixed on him, especially Ding Zichao, whose fierce eyes revealed an undisguised killing intent , he rushed up first.

"Lin Chen, hand over what you're holding!"

Following Ding Zichao's actions, all the people present rushed straight at Lin Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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