Chapter 826
Chapter 820 The Seventh Chapter
Lin Chen's whole body was shaken, and he immediately rushed towards the altar. At the same time, behind him, a huge magical image appeared, and the powerful coercion immediately deterred many people.

His heart was beating wildly, Lin Chen didn't expect that the Tears of Chaos, which had been refraining from oil and salt, would actually move.

As he rushed towards the altar, he kept an eye on the Tears of Chaos.

I saw layers of intense chaotic brilliance surge and release from the tears of chaos, echoing the altar. At the same time, Lin Chen also felt that in the center of the tears of chaos, there was a drop of powerful and domineering ancient gods and demons. The blood slowly released an incomparable breath.

"What's on this altar?" Lin Chen was startled.

He only knew that the second round was to enter the battlefield to kill the enemy, but he didn't know that there were so many strange things in this battlefield.

"Stop him! Don't let him approach the Chaos Altar!" Ding Zichao was furious.

Following his angry shout, suddenly, many people launched powerful attacks and attacked Lin Chen.

And those who belonged to Yunhaimen spared no effort to attack Lin Chen frantically.

Lin Chen directly released the miniature universe to resist numerous attacks. At the same time, he discovered that the power of chaos in the tears of chaos began to surge into his body, and there was also a majestic power of chaos in the chaotic altar. Power surged in.


The roar continued, and the entire square was covered with a layer of chaotic colors at this moment. Here, Lin Chen's whole body was wrapped in chaotic colors, and his body could not be seen at all.

"Ahhh, damn it!"

Ding Zichao was furious, and attacked Lin Chen frantically, but when his attack touched Lin Chen, he was directly melted away by the power of chaos, and he couldn't hurt Lin Chen at all.

"The Altar of Chaos has chosen him, you can't change it." Sui Chaoqi looked at Ding Zichao and said coldly.

Hearing this, Ding Zichao gritted his teeth, feeling extremely unwilling.

how can that be!

Why did Lin Chen be identified as soon as the altar appeared? What is so special about him?

Although it is impossible to bestow the power of chaos on this altar to a warrior, as long as he is still in this battlefield, he can be blessed by the power of chaos and become a nearly invincible existence!

And this honor should belong to him, Ding Zichao!
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The power of chaos that can only be touched by Shishen in the period of true gods is also of great benefit to future cultivation.

As for Lin Chen, he felt that the chaotic power in the altar surged crazily, and it actually directly reached the tears of chaos, converging on that drop of blood of gods and demons!

Shocked, he instinctively wanted to stop it, but Lin Chen was powerless to stop the surging power of chaos.

The matter had reached the point where it was completely uncontrollable, Lin Chen could only watch helplessly as a large amount of Chaos Power poured into the Tears of Chaos.

Gradually, the Tears of Chaos continued to shrink, which also made that drop of primordial gods and demons' blood essence more active, and a ferocious power that seemed to be able to overwhelm the sky, permeated the air.

The audience was shocked, and everyone was staring at Lin Chen, with unbelievable color in their eyes.

It's hard to imagine that such a power can be exuded from a person who is a master of the true god realm.

Bearing the brunt, Ding Zichao, who had been following Lin Chen, felt as if he was about to suffocate, his eyes were terrified, and he subconsciously wanted to back away.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen, with chaotic brilliance shining all over his body, was filled with monstrous power, and he turned around directly, facing Shang Ding Zichao's terrified eyes.

With a loud shout, Lin Chen could only feel the terrifying energy from that drop of primordial spirit blood filling his whole body, bringing him a terrifying force.

Do not spit too fast!

Lin Chen punched from the air, and suddenly blasted out. At this moment, behind him, it seemed that a mysterious and powerful image that spanned the ancient times emerged, and an absolute pressure enveloped the audience.

Ding Zichao's whole body was stiff, he couldn't move at all, cold sweat oozes from his whole body, his eyes were full of horror, staring at Lin Chen.

The next moment, Lin Chen's attack had arrived, and Ding Zichao felt an irresistible force sweeping towards his chest, bringing him a feeling of death.

At the juncture of life and death, Ding Zichao spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were stern, and while retreating violently, he took out a puppet and threw it out. At the same time, he kept grabbing the people around him to block in front of him.

Bang bang bang!
One after another silhouettes directly shattered to death. Under Lin Chen's punch, any true god would bow their heads.

Ding Zichao took the opportunity to keep retreating. Although he vomited blood and was seriously injured, he was lucky enough to survive.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ding Zichao fled directly, flew away from the battlefield, took out a space ship, and fled.

Lin Chen intends to chase and kill this person, but at this moment, that drop of blood essence of the ancient gods and demons has already penetrated into his body, making him feel as if he is going to explode, and he must vent.

Lin Chen opened his mouth and let out a roar that didn't look like a human being, and the phantom of a god and demon behind him became more solid, exuding a fierce power that shocked the universe.

Everyone was retreating, but Lin Chen's speed was even faster. A dodge had already appeared in front of a strong Yunhaimen, and he was beaten into a blood mist with a direct palm.

Swish swish!
Every time Lin Chen's figure flickered, one of the Yunhaimen strongmen would die unexpectedly. In a few breaths, there were actually none of the Yunhaimen strongmen present!

Everyone was terrified and desperately wanted to escape from this platform, and their gazes at Lin Chen were filled with horror.

At the same time, on the enemy star, everyone was staring at the light curtain intently, shocked to the extreme.

"What is Lin Chen doing!"

"God, how many people did he kill!"

"How is this possible, what happened in the battlefield?!"

Everyone looked at the light curtain in disbelief, and even the leader of Ditian had a dull gaze, unable to believe it.

According to the figures, Lin Chen had already killed thousands of people!
This is almost a one-sided massacre!

"what happened?"

The devil sheep has long been accustomed to seeing Lin Chen's monsters, so he is relatively calm at the moment.

But the Thousand Illusion Goddess was a little speechless, staring at the number that was still increasing, she was dumbfounded.

Even if she entered the battlefield in person, or in her prime, she probably wouldn't be able to achieve such a result!

Then Lin Chen, how did he do it?
Wen Tai and Gauss were also completely dumbfounded. They both knew that this master was mysterious and powerful, but they didn't expect that it would reach such a level!

Everyone on Ditian Star fell into a sluggish state, looking at the light curtain in disbelief, while the leader of Ditian's expression changed, and he disappeared in place, rushing to the small battlefield.

At the same time, there was an uproar in the Yunhai Gate.

"What? They're all dead?"

In the Yunhai Gate, a domineering middle-aged man suddenly stood up and shouted angrily.

"Old Ditian, he must have played some tricks! Do you really think I, Yunhaimen, are easy to bully?!"

After all, he stamped the sole of his foot on the ground, and his figure had disappeared in place, heading straight for the direction of the battlefield.

And in the battlefield, Lin Chen's whole body seemed to boil, and there seemed to be an indescribably hot and terrifying flame burning his whole body.

The huge power was not consumed much in the frantic beheading, and Lin Chen still felt as if his whole body was going to be exploded.

Looking around, there were not many people from Yunhaimen, and the entire square was almost stained red with blood, and there was a horrible smell of blood everywhere.

Almost all the people in Yunhaimen were dead, only a few people fled and fled towards the Death Star in all directions.

The people on the Ditianmeng's side also ran away in panic, not daring to approach Lin Chen.

Only Sui Chaoqi stared at Lin Chen, and he found that Lin Chen's condition was very bad.

He can't control such power at all, and his final fate may be very miserable.

Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei also looked at Lin Chen's appearance and were terrified.

"Has he ever been like this before?"

Sui Chaoqi looked at the two and asked.

Hearing this, the two of them shook their heads. They ascended together with Lin Chen and came to the outside world together. They can be considered to know Lin Chen very well. Although this guy can always create miracles one by one, but the current situation is very difficult. is unprecedented.

Hearing this, Sui Chaoqi's complexion became serious.

"Obviously, his condition is not very good, we must find a way to suppress this force!" Sui Chaoqi said.

Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei nodded one after another, but at the same time they encountered difficulties.

Lin Chen at this moment was too terrifying, they didn't even dare to get close, how could they suppress this force?

What's more, Lin Chen released fierce power from his whole body, his eyes were red, and he seemed to have lost his mind. If he stepped forward rashly in this situation, he might be killed by Lin Chen's punch!

Sui Chaoqi was also very dignified, and immediately released his Nine Suns Dao.

The miniature universe spread out, and the nine suns within it rose up, enveloping the audience with an extremely masculine and powerful aura.

Immediately, under the light of the Nine Suns, the terrifying power in Lin Chen's body was suppressed.

Obviously, under the pure sunlight, the evil forces were suppressed.

"Lin Chen, suppress this force!"

Sui Chaoqi shouted.

And as he shouted, Lin Chen finally felt something, and gradually there was a gleam of clarity in his eyes.

After a while of fear, Lin Chen's whole body was covered with cold sweat.

He felt that just now, the tears of chaos were completely disintegrated, and the blood essence of ancient gods and demons in it instantly merged into his whole body, penetrating into every inch of his flesh and blood.

In an instant, the terrifying and fierce power from the ancient times surged into his blood, rushed straight to his forehead, and occupied his consciousness in an instant, making him plunge into an extreme violence.


Murder was all in his mind, and Lin Chen realized that he had already killed thousands of people.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen tried his best to force out the blood of the gods and demons in his body. The Immortal Taishang Dharma appeared behind him, and the two dragon shadows were also entangled with each other, constantly suppressing.

However, all the efforts seemed insignificant in front of this mere drop of the blood of the ancient gods and demons.

With just a drop of blood essence, the power within it was unimaginable to Lin Chen, and even with all his strength, it was difficult to suppress it.

And with his actions like this, the majestic power in the blood essence continued to surge up, affecting his sanity.

Sui Chaoqi gritted his teeth and tried his best to activate the Nine Suns Dao, trying to use his most masculine and masculine power to suppress the sinister and evil primordial spirit and blood power in Lin Chen's body.

At the same time, Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei also shot at the same time, assisting Sui Chaoqi to suppress Xiang Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen's whole body was trembling. He felt that the blood of the gods and demons in his body had penetrated into every corner of his body, as if it had penetrated into the bone marrow, and it was impossible to get rid of it.

"Calm down, calm down, there must be a way!"

Lin Chen tried his best to calm down, thinking about the Tears of Chaos.

This Tears of Chaos was discovered by the alien species, and it also caused the catastrophe of almost genocide for the alien species.

The Motian tribe has not given up chasing the alien race until now, just to get this tear of chaos, or in other words, for the drop of blood of gods and demons in the tears of chaos!

The Power of the Ferris Clan!
Lin Chen immediately unleashed the power of the Motian Clan, and the huge cyan dragon spun around and galloped directly into Lin Chen's body.

In an instant, an incredible change erupted between the blood essence of the god and demon and Jielong. The blood essence of the ancient god and demon that had already penetrated into Lin Chen's body surged into Jielong's body one after another.

Immediately, the cyan Jielong let out a roar, and gradually changed into a terrifying blood-ink color, and the power within it also began to become more ancient and boundless.

Behind Lin Chen, a dragon shadow that was completely different from before emerged, with a figure that swelled in a large circle, surrounded by a halo of blood-black power. Behind Jielong, hideous bone spurs protruded, The sharpness in it seems to be able to pierce the starry sky.

Lin Chen only felt that this Jielong Wuhun had changed too much from before, it seemed that it had completely changed into a life of another level, far surpassing the previous Jielong.

In the end, all the blood essence of gods and demons began to gather towards Jielong's head, causing a thick and thick sky horn to grow on Jielong's head. In an instant, the terrifying power that was extremely violent radiated out, shocking the whole world. piece of starry sky.

"what is that?"

"Why did Lin Chen's martial spirit change like this?"

Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei exclaimed one after another, and Sui Chaoqi was also very surprised. He could feel that the phantom behind Lin Chen had a level of life that was completely unimaginable.

"It's too scary. Such a creature probably dates back to an unknown distance!" Sui Chaoqi's vision is still very high, and he can see the clue at a glance.

Above the sky, there seemed to be thunder resounding, making the battlefield tremble continuously under the obscenity from the ancient times.

Behind Lin Chen, the blood-black ferocious dragon shadow swirled, and the starry sky burst apart wherever it passed. At the same time, it also brought more powerful power to Lin Chen, and subtly, it caused a leap in his life level. .

Clenching his fists, Lin Chen felt that he was now so powerful that he could rival Shishen! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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