Chapter 828

Chapter 820 IX Chasing and Escaping

"The pursuers have arrived!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and made preparations in his heart.

This part of the journey must be extremely dangerous, whether he can return to the enemy star or not depends on his own luck.

"Brother Qian, Shaowei, if you can't do anything, run away on your own, they are going to kill me, don't get implicated because of me, and brother Sui, if Lin Chen survives this time, he will definitely drink wine in the future! "

Lin Chen said to everyone.

Everyone wanted to say something, but they interrupted them with a wave of their hands. They stood on the deck, looked at the starry sky in the distance, and waited for the enemy to come.

Soon, a series of murderous auras, from far to near, quickly appeared in front of Lin Chen and the others.

On each of the ships, there is also the mark of Yunhaimen, and there is no doubt that they are the people of Yunhaimen.

With a serious expression on his face, Lin Chen could already feel that a strong man with the level of Shishen had come.

Standing ready, not only Lin Chen, Sui Chaoqi, Qian Fengliu, Wang Shaowei and others all exerted their full strength to help Lin Chen fight the enemy together.

At the same time, on the enemy star, an accident also happened.

The huge light curtain above the sky disappeared, replaced by a phantom of the enemy leader.

With a serious face, he issued orders, ordering everyone to rush towards the battlefield, and to save Lin Chen at all costs!
"Something happened to Lin Chen!"

Thousand Illusion Goddess' complexion changed.

At this moment, she wants to rush back to the Thousand Fantasy Starfield to rescue as soon as possible. The only hope is Lin Chen. If something happens to Lin Chen, she may not be able to let the leader of the enemy sky take action.

At the same time, both Wen Tai and Gauss were in a cold sweat.

They were all Lin Chen's soul slaves, and it could be said that they shared weal and woe with Lin Chen. Once Lin Chen died, they would not be able to live alone.

Panicked, Wen Tai, Gauss, and all the pirates rushed out one after another, heading in Lin Chen's direction to rescue him.

At the same time, here, the devil sheep immediately begged the elders he had just apprenticed to take action.

With Ditian's leader's death order, no one dared to neglect it. Immediately, a large number of people rushed out to rescue Lin Chen, and the entire Ditian star was in a mess.

"Lin Chen, die!"

At this moment, in front of the spaceship of Lin Chen and others, there was also a berserk figure, rushing out, jumping directly onto the deck of Lin Chen and others, a powerful aura belonging to the beginning of the gods burst out, straight Take forest dust.

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, three puppets of the god of origin appeared, entangled with this person, and his complexion changed drastically.

"A puppet of Shishen level?!"

Everyone turned pale with shock, and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief, with a shocked expression on their faces.

A Shishen-level puppet is no less precious than a real Shishen powerhouse. Generally, only extremely powerful forces can casually take out a Shishen-level puppet to the family genius for self-defense.

As for Lin Chen, he actually took out a full three.

"Hmph! He must have lost this puppet, let's continue!"

On another space ship, a thin and thin person shouted angrily, and rushed over directly, intending to attack Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen sneered, and while waving his hands, two more puppets of the Primordial God attacked this person, causing his whole body to tremble, and his complexion turned extremely ugly.

"How is this possible, why does he still have such a puppet?"

The man turned pale with shock.

At the same time, all the Yunhaimen strongmen who came to chase Lin Chen were trembling in their hearts and did not dare to act rashly.

The two who made the move at this moment have already retreated steadily under the attack of Shishen's puppet. Before confirming whether Lin Chen still has such a puppet, no one dared to act rashly.

Although Yunhai's blood order must be carried out, there is only one life, and no one is willing to go all out.

For a while, the two sides confronted each other and reached a stalemate.

Lin Chen was very anxious. The situation at this moment must not be delayed any longer. If there is any further delay, more experts from Yunhaimen will arrive.

"We must enter the Meteorite Sea as soon as possible. As long as we enter the Meteorite Sea and use the terrain there, we can move around, otherwise it will be dangerous if we fall into siege." Sui Chaoqi said.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen directly activated the space ship.

At the same time, seeing Lin Chen activate the space ship, immediately, many people from the Yunhai Sect around him also mobilized to surround the space ship and prevent Lin Chen from leaving.

Seeing this, Lin Chen gave a cold snort, and waved his hands directly, one after another of the powerful Shishen puppets flew out, and swung their fists at the space ships blocking the way.

The violent power poured out, and immediately, fist marks appeared on the numerous space ships, making people's hearts tremble.

All the people from Yunhaimen who were blocking the way were extremely shocked when they saw this scene.

According to a rough calculation, Lin Chen has brought out more than 30 Shishen puppets, which is really too scary.

If this continues, I'm afraid everyone will stay here today!
"Retire, this person cannot be forcibly blocked, let's wait and see from afar, and wait for more people to arrive!"

One person retreated immediately, manipulating the space ship to retreat, not daring to compete with Lin Chen.

At this time, there are already some space ships, which are close to being scrapped under the violent attack of Shishen's puppets, and they dare not stop them at all.

Seeing this, Lin Chen immediately steered the ship forward, heading towards the meteorite sea.

At the same time, he could also feel that in the distance in the starry sky, there were more powerful auras galloping towards him, which made him flustered.

This time, the battle is getting bigger, and the entire Yunhai Sect will be dispatched to hunt him down!
Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen's eyes were red, and he didn't even have time to digest the terrifying power from the blood essence of gods and demons.

The spaceship galloped towards the sea of ​​meteorites, and soon, large chunks of meteorites appeared in front of it, which were still rotating and moving, very mysterious.


The sound of piercing the sky spread, and in the distance, there were already figures flying over. Lin Chen saw that there were experts from Yunhaimen, and there were also people from the Ditian League. Among them were Wen Tai and Gauss, and some Ditian The elders of the League also came, and they were all old monsters from the Beginning God Realm.

Lin Chen also saw the Thousand Illusion Goddess and the Demon Sheep.

Feeling warm in his heart, Lin Chen continued to control the ship and was about to rush into the sea of ​​meteorites. However, at this moment, a more powerful and domineering aura spread from behind, and immediately after, there seemed to be an invisible The big hand grabbed Lin Chen's space ship, making it impossible for the huge ship to advance an inch!
Everyone turned around in astonishment, and looked at a figure in the starry sky with shocked expressions.

I saw that this person only had one left arm, but this left arm seemed to be made of thousands of stars, full of strong starlight, and the piercing people couldn't open their eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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