Chapter 829
Chapter 830
Lin Chen looked back and saw that this person's aura was infinitely close to the level of a god emperor. Where he stood, the entire starry sky seemed to be blessing him with strength. Obviously, he was a star warrior!
However, the cultivation base of the star fighters has been cultivated to the level of a god emperor, and the real combat power can be compared with the real god emperor!

If there is no domain ancestor here, then this person is the strongest present!
Lin Chen's heart sank immediately. Such a strong man could no longer be stopped by Shishen's puppet.

With just one move by this person, he restrained the huge space ship, making it impossible for this ship to make an inch of progress!
"Who is he, how can he be so strong?"

Qian Fengliu turned pale with shock.

On the other hand, Sui Chaoqi's expression changed, and he had already recognized the origin of this person.

"Shaking the sky hand! He is Zhang Yichen, the left hand of Shaking the sky!"

Shaking left hand!

From the name alone, one can tell that this person is unusual.

Lin Chen looked very solemn, and looked at Sui Chaoqi.

"He is from Yunhaimen?"

This Zhang Yichen, the left hand of Shaking Heaven, is probably only a step behind the master of the Yunhai Sect. Could such a character be inferior to the master of the Yunhai Sect?

"No, but he and the master of the Yunhai sect are close friends, and the master of the Yunhai sect is going to kill you, so he will definitely help!"

Sui Chaoqi replied.

What a hassle!
Lin Chen had a headache, and it was difficult for them to escape when such a powerful enemy came to stop him.

In the starry sky, a majestic star stretched across its arms, grabbed the spaceship, and a huge force came. Lin Chen was shocked to find that this spaceship was twisted a little.

too strong!
Lin Chen's scalp was numb. I'm afraid even Shishen's puppet would be vulnerable in front of Zhang Yichen!
As for his own strength, it is even less worth mentioning.

This seems to be in a deadlock.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen stared at the lonely figure with only one arm in the starry sky, thinking about countermeasures.

"Abandon ship!"

Without hesitation, he decided to abandon the spaceship, create chaos and take the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​meteorites.

Only by entering the meteorite sea can escape be possible!

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Sui Chaoqi and others were shocked, and immediately admired Lin Chen's courage.


Sui Chaoqi kicked the ground, and flew straight forward, leaving the space ship.

Suddenly, the huge pressure from the starry sky made his figure hunched a bit, Sui Chaoqi immediately released the Nine Suns Universe to resist the pressure, and quickly rushed towards the meteorite sea.

On the other side, Qian Fengliu and Wang Shaowei did the same, wanting to rush out, but Lin Chen stepped directly in front of the two of them, stopping them.

"You are not strong enough, so don't follow me, listen to me, go to the magic sheep and they will make peace, and wait for my good news!"

After all, Lin Chen flew away from the space ship directly, with stars shining all over his body, resisting the pressure, and headed towards Sui Chaoqi.

His original intention was not to let Sui Chaoqi take risks, but before he could stop it, Sui Chaoqi had already acted.

This person is righteous and passionate, really worth making friends with.

At the rear, seeing Lin Chen breaking through the siege and rushing out of the space ship, Zhang Yichen snorted coldly, and with a flick of his arm in the air, the entire space ship was swept away. Wherever it passed, the starry sky All made waves.

After a moment of fear, Lin Chen moved forward with all his strength and rushed towards the sea of ​​meteorites.

Anyone blocking the way along the way, Lin Chen always released Shishen puppets to block them, and soon, a total of 36 Shishen puppets were released, and they fought together with those who blocked the way.

There were many experts from Yunhaimen, but there were also many people from the Ditianmeng side. When the two sides met, it was a fierce battle immediately, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Lin Chen mixed in the crowd and kept shuttling back and forth, which made it difficult for Zhang Yichen to do anything.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Yichen intends to make a move, but there are always people from the Yunhaimen around him, telling him to be cautious.

With a roar of rage, the entire starry sky trembled. Finally, following Zhang Yichen's fury, everyone at Yunhai Gate recognized the situation and retreated one after another, staying away from Lin Chen.

Immediately, Lin Chen's figure was exposed under Zhang Yichen's eyes. He sneered, and waved his only left arm. Suddenly, there was a surge of crushing force in the starry sky. Take forest dust straight.

Immediately felt the huge pressure, Lin Chen had difficulty breathing, even with the support of the star soul master's cultivation base, it was not enough to resist Zhang Yichen's coercion.

With a thought, a microcosm has been released from behind Lin Chen, and the absolutely perfect microcosm released powerful power to help Lin Chen resist such pressure.

At the same time, behind Lin Chen, a huge immortal god magic figure appeared, and two galloping dragon shadows were entangled, erupting with extremely terrifying power.

Especially Jielong, who has turned into the legendary Tianjiao Molong at this moment, is unparalleled in strength, once it appears, its power and power will shock the starry sky!
Everyone was shocked and looked at this Tianjiao Molong in disbelief.

Even Zhang Yichen lost his mind for a moment, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chen moved forward quickly and got a little closer to the meteorite sea.

At this moment, in comparison, not many people stopped Sui Chaoqi, so he was about to rush into the meteorite sea, and Lin Chen's place was not too far behind.

"Damn it, stop!"

Zhang Yichen immediately stepped out and rushed towards Lin Chen, and wherever he passed, the entire starry sky seemed to be giving in to him, without the slightest resistance, allowing him to walk unimpeded.

The figure quickly approached Lin Chen, and Zhang Yichen also felt the breath of Tianjiao Molong more and more, and his heart was shocked.

"No wonder the sect master killed you, so you have such aptitude!"

Zhang Yichen sneered coldly, stretched out his palm, and suddenly, on top of Lin Chen's head, a huge palm of stars that seemed to cover the sky and the sun appeared, and it slapped down angrily, intending to smash Lin Chen into pieces.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen felt the threat of death, and turned his head to look at Zhang Yichen.

The Tianjiao Molong let out a roar, and was already entangled in the arm of the god and magic figure. Immediately afterwards, the Fentian Glazed Fire also flourished, and attached to the sky horn of the Tianjiao Molong.

Immediately, Lin Chen erupted with the most powerful attack, and Immortal Supreme's god-magic figure raised his arm, facing the giant palm of the stars in the air to meet him, he actually wanted to regret this attack!
Pupils shrank suddenly, Zhang Yichen did not expect that Lin Chen would be so courageous.

The palms slapped down angrily, and they collided with the divine magic. The two attacks collided instantly. In an instant, the entire starry sky was about to change color. Shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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