Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 830 Dragon Soul Possession

Chapter 830 Dragon Soul Possession
Chapter 830 Dragon Soul Possession

A dragon chant seemed to be able to resound through the sky, and it spread at this moment, shocking everyone present.

Even the powerhouses at the level of Shishen still feel trembling all over their bodies. Under such a strong dragon power, their bodies and minds tremble endlessly.

This is Tianjiao Molong!
Inherited from ancient times, a powerful creature that has experienced countless years in this starry sky!

Zhang Yichen instantly felt that the power in his whole body was a little uncontrollable, and even the starry sky trembled. Such a change made his mind tremble.

This is why the master of Yunhai Sect issued the Yunhai Blood Order to Lin Chen. Such a person must not survive!
Once Lin Chen becomes stronger, then the dragon soul of his Tianjiaomolong will also become stronger, eventually reaching an unimaginable level!

Even now, Lin Chen is only a true god, and he can possess such power. Once he becomes the first god, even the god emperor may not be able to suppress him.

Such a situation, just thinking about it, is scary.


Zhang Yichen had already turned against Lin Chen at this moment, but he couldn't let Lin Chen live anymore. He continued to attack, using all his strength, and the roaring sound continued. The power of that big star hand gradually increased, and continued to crush To Lin Chen's dragon soul.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen had already exerted all his power and blessed it on the dragon soul, but facing the crushing force of absolute power, he was still a little powerless.


On the huge Immortal Supreme God's magical appearance, there are already cracks bursting out one after another, and it is beginning to be shattered.

The dragon soul trembled, and the huge horn of the sky was gradually unsupported, and a trace of tiny lines appeared. Obviously, it could not last long.

Lin Chen frowned. If this continued, he would not have time to run into the meteorite sea. Even if he did, if Zhang Yichen pursued him closely, he would still be caught.

With only one opponent, Lin Chen was almost forced into a deadlock!

"Lin Chen, run first, I'll help you block him!"

Sui Chaoqi, who was about to rush into the sea of ​​meteorites, saw that Lin Chen was about to lose his hold, so he turned back and came straight for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was shocked when he heard the words, he didn't expect that he and Sui Chaoqi had just met, and the other party would be so righteous!

Just about to say no, but then, Lin Chen saw that with Sui Chaoqi waving his hands, the nine suns rose up, and at the same time, the nine suns overlapped in the starry sky, turning into a sun, making the starry sky It was shining like daylight, and in an instant, the power of Zhang Yichen on the opposite side was actually suppressed!
Zhang Yichen practiced the way of the star warrior, absorbing the power of the stars in the starry sky to fight, but here, Sui Chaoqi used the power of the scorching sun, which far exceeded the power of the stars, thus forming suppression.

Although Sui Chaoqi's realm is not as good as Zhang Yichen's, such suppression is still there.

Immediately afterwards, after the nine rounds of shining sun merged into one, Sui Chaoqi turned his hand and took out another ancient seal. With a wave of his hand, the ancient seal swelled against the wind and instantly became extremely huge. It directly supported the palm of the star and blocked it. That huge pressure!

Sure enough, he is a child of the royal family, but his background is different.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was no longer pretentious, and flew away from here, rushing towards the sea of ​​meteorites.

"Hmph, are you a child of the Sui family?"

Zhang Yichen also recognized the origin of this ancient seal. It was a treasure among the Sui royal family. He did not expect to be given to Sui Chaoqi. Obviously, Sui Chaoqi was cultivated here as a successor.

With this ancient seal, under the God Emperor, I am afraid that someone can hurt Sui Chaoqi in the slightest!

Yunhaimen and Liancheng Starfield often fought, and they had already figured out the methods of the nine royal families. Now that they saw this ancient seal, they naturally recognized Sui Chaoqi.

Lin Chen is fine, but now Sui Chaoqi really can't move.

First of all, with Zhang Yichen's strength, it is not easy to break the ancient seal. Secondly, if Sui Chaoqi makes a mistake, the royal family of the Sui clan may be furious and chase Zhang Yichen madly. At that time, even the Yunhaimen will not be able to keep him.

Moreover, the task this time was to hunt down Lin Chen, so Zhang Yichen didn't intend to waste time with Sui Chaoqi.

With a cold snort, he immediately stopped, ignored Sui Chaoqi, and flew directly to Lin Chen, and he was bound to catch up with Lin Chen.


Sui Chaoqi's pupils shrank suddenly.

As long as the other party fights with him, it can buy some time for Lin Chen, but this Zhang Yichen is not fooled at all.

At this moment, Lin Chen hadn't run very far, and Zhang Yichen had already chased after him, which made Lin Chen hold back a bad breath in his heart.

During this trip to the battlefield, I accidentally obtained the blood essence of ancient gods and demons in Tears of Chaos, which led to the transformation of Jielong's martial soul and turned into Tianjiao Molong. You know, the other party simply cannot allow him to grow up, and issued a cloud sea blood order to hunt down and kill him!

At this moment, the leader of Ditian League has been entangled by the master of Yunhai Sect, unable to come to rescue, and Zhang Yichen who is present is invincible. In this way, even if Lin Chen can run into the meteorite sea, he may not escape death.

It is impossible for him to have such good luck every time. The last time he was lucky enough to get the inheritance of Daoist Tian Xing, this time, I am afraid that there will be absolutely no luck.

The 36 Shishen puppets were controlled by Lin Chen and flew from a distance, trying to block Zhang Yichen, but every time, Zhang Yichen's random blow could knock up a Shishen puppet, causing it to fly upside down, and even Many puppets of Shishen were damaged!

Lin Chen rushed towards the meteorite sea at high speed, but Zhang Yichen pursued him relentlessly.

All the people from the Ditian League who came to the rescue have been stopped by a large number of people from the Yunhaimen, unable to draw their hands, they can only watch Lin Chen fall into danger.

"Today, you will be buried here!"

Zhang Yichen looked at Lin Chen indifferently.

With a single word from him, Lin Chen was about to be sentenced to death!
Hearing this, an unyielding feeling surged in Lin Chen's heart like never before.

There was an astonishing surge of light in his eyes, Lin Chen took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Yichen.

"In my life, I don't know how many people want to take my life, but no one has ever done so. Today, you will be no exception!"

"It's not that easy to take my life!"

Lin Chen let out a roar, and then Tianjiao Molong's martial spirit seemed to sense his intentions. With a loud roar, it directly impacted into Lin Chen's body, which also made his whole body explode at this moment. Come on, become extremely huge, just like that god of magic!
Immediately, the even more violent and vast Longwei was unstoppable at this moment, dissipating in the entire starry sky!
ps: The weather is turning cold, everyone pay attention to adding clothes, I am already sick, I just came back from the hospital, and I haven’t been able to write well in the past few days, everyone must pay attention to your health!
(End of this chapter)

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