Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 843 Mutation [Part 3]

Chapter 843 Mutation [Third Update]

Chapter 840 Changes

All the way forward, with Lin Chen's current strength, it is naturally not a problem to pass through the weakened turbulent current, and soon, he arrived in front of the golden palace.

At this moment, the golden shield protecting the temple was already very weak. Seeing that Chu Feng, Lin Chen cut a hole with one hand and walked in.

Without hesitation, Lin Chen raised his hand, and the Dragon God Halberd tore off the shield and walked in.

And as he stepped inside the shield and came outside the palace, Lin Chen also immediately felt a more ancient and desolate aura rushing towards his face, very strong.

At the same time, Lin Chen also suddenly felt that in his body, the two dragon souls seemed to be emitting desire. It was obvious that there really was the so-called ancient dragon blood essence in this palace.

Lin Chen looked forward and saw that the gate of the palace had been slowly opened at this moment, as if to welcome these visitors who did not know how many years later.

Through the gate, an even older terrifying aura emanates, which can make people tremble.

Chu Feng was excited, even if he did not cultivate the power of the dragon, but once he got the power of the essence and blood of the dragon, he could still greatly improve his strength.

For anyone, such ancient relics are extremely precious, and can even change the level of life.

Just like Lin Chen, his Jielong Wuhun has transformed into Tianjiao Molong, and even himself, has transcended ordinary people, and can exude a more prehistoric power.

Stepping in without hesitation, Chu Feng led the woman in the red skirt into the gate.

Seeing this, Lin Chen didn't want to be outdone, and also walked in, following the guidance of the dragon soul in his body, and walked forward.

After entering the gate, Lin Chen suddenly saw a golden dragon statue standing in an extremely spacious hall, exuding ancient majesty.

On the statue's head, where the two eyes are, there are two groups of brilliant golden lights flowing, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"Dragon Blood Essence!"

Chu Feng exclaimed, kicked the sole of his foot on the ground, and immediately rushed to Longan.

Seeing this, Lin Chen flew up immediately, wanting to fight for the blood essence of the dragon.

However, seeing Lin Chen moving, the woman in the red skirt immediately blocked Lin Chen, waved the huge scythe in her hand, and came straight for Lin Chen's face.

The sickle pierced through the space, bringing up a sharp edge, making Lin Chen's whole body tense.

The strength of this woman has reached the level of half-step Shishen, extremely powerful.

This Taitian Shrine is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Not only does it have a talented genius Chu Lingxiao, but there are also many amazing talents.

On the other hand, there are old guys in the Eternal Shrine, and Lin Chen didn't see any other young geniuses.

Lin Chen knew that in the Eternal Shrine, there must be a large number of young and strong geniuses, some of them might be cultivating latently, and some of them were going out to do missions, but he was sure that there should be almost no one who could reach Chu Feng's level. .

Even Lin Chen realized something during the transmission process this time. He made rapid progress as a star soul master, and even got the blessing of the starry sky, so that he could compete with Chu Feng. Otherwise, the current him might not be enough. Enemy with Chu Feng.

It is conceivable that Chu Lingxiao will be even stronger.

Even the mighty Daoist Tian Xing died in the hands of Chu Lingxiao, Lin Chen felt deeply pressured.

Not wanting to get entangled with this woman, he tried to take out the puppet of the beginning god to stop her, but Lin Chen was shocked to find that there seemed to be some kind of powerful restriction here, and it was impossible to take out the puppet of the beginning god.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen had no choice but to wave his hand. The Dragon God's Halberd collided with the sickle, bursting out with powerful force, and collided with this woman.

There was a loud noise, and the two retreated at the same time. Lin Chen felt his arms go numb.

This woman looks weak, but if anyone underestimates her, she will die a miserable death.

Just when the two collided, Chu Feng's figure had already rushed to the dragon's head, facing the two longan eyes, feeling the powerful breath of dragon blood that was close at hand, Chu Feng was so excited that his whole body was trembling, he Without hesitation, he stretched out his palm to pick off the longan.

For a moment, Lin Chen only felt a very dangerous feeling welling up in his heart. He has experienced all the way to life and death, and his sense has become extremely sensitive.

The first time he pulled back, Lin Chen immediately saw that Chu Feng's outstretched palm had just touched the longan, and suddenly there was a violent and indescribable force burst out, and there was an ancient dragon's roar. The chants reverberated, and Chu Feng was instantly shaken away. At the same time as the golden light flashed, the huge golden dragon statue seemed to be trembling.

"How is this going?"

Chu Feng was so shaken that his Qi and blood were unstable. He looked at the dragon's eyes in shock, and suddenly found that the dragon's blood essence in the eyes was flowing slowly, and began to sink into the statue, making the whole statue's aura , more powerful and terrifying.

Lin Chen was also very surprised, and stepped back, with the Dragon God's Halberd across his chest, ready to deal with various changes at any time.

The dragon chant exploded, and the next moment, the huge statue actually started to move, shrouded in golden light, and suppressed downward.

At the same time, Lin Chen also saw that from the bottom of the statue, there was actually a trace of terrifying chaotic aura escaping, causing the space to collapse inch by inch, which was extremely terrifying.

"The breath of chaos?"

Chu Feng was extremely shocked. You must know that the power of chaos can only be touched once or twice when you have reached the realm of Shishen. If you want to really master it, it is the patent of Yuzu level.

It is only at the level of Yu Zu that one can do whatever one wants.

But now, under the statue of the dragon, there is an aura of chaos.

Everyone was shocked, and for a while, no one dared to act rashly.

The blood essence of the dragon was nowhere to be found, and the statue of the dragon tried its best to suppress the aura of chaos, and the scene was a bit chaotic and weird.

Lin Chen and Chu Feng looked at each other, both of them didn't know what to do, but at this moment, Chu Feng's expression changed, he suddenly looked at the chaotic atmosphere, and his expression showed ecstasy.

"it is good!"

Shouting inexplicably, Chu Feng's figure rushed directly to the location of the chaotic aura, stretched out his palm, and immediately, traces of chaotic power surged along his palm and entered his body.

This scene shocked everyone including Lin Chen, and before they had any reaction, a large amount of chaotic aura had surged into Chu Feng's body crazily, which also made Chu Feng's aura suddenly soar, breaking directly Opened the shackles and reached the level of Shishen.

Chaotic aura surged all over his body, and a chaotic color suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, which looked extremely strange!
(End of this chapter)

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