Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 844 Chaos Evil Spirit [Part 4]

Chapter 844 Chaos Evil Spirit [Fourth Update]

Chapter 840 Five Chaos Evil Spirit

Immediately, a terrifying force that definitely did not belong to him erupted from Chu Feng's body, causing the space around him to explode, which was very terrifying.

Lin Chen's heart sank, he looked at the chaotic color in Chu Feng's eyes, and the ominous premonition grew stronger.

Just now, Chu Feng must have heard something, so he happily agreed, shouted good, and then rushed towards the chaotic breath, but now, after the chaotic breath entered his body, Lin Chen instinctively felt that Chu Feng's There is already a terrifying evil power on his body!

This chaotic aura was originally suppressed under the Shenlong statue, and it must have been not a good thing, but now, with Chu Feng's body as the carrier, it reappeared, and I am afraid it will definitely cause disaster.

Lin Chen felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and immediately took precautions.

At this moment, Chu Feng seemed to have lost himself, his whole body exuded a chaotic aura, and was also full of evil. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Lin Chen to imagine that the chaotic aura would have such a strong of evil.

At this moment, Chu Feng looked around and let out a hoarse sneer, revealing an extremely evil feeling, which made people's hair stand on end.

Lin Chen immediately concluded that this Chu Feng must not be the original Chu Feng at this moment.

But the woman in the red skirt was concerned and didn't react. She looked at Chu Feng with a worried look on her face.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Chu Feng turned a deaf ear to it, and just turned his attention to the huge dragon statue.

Immediately afterwards, he shot suddenly, and a chaotic ball of light shot out from his palm, directly hitting the Shenlong statue, making the huge statue tremble.

The roar continued, and the Chu wind crazily bombarded the statue, causing the entire hall to crumble. This scene shocked everyone.

And such a high-intensity continuous attack, even with Chu Feng's strength, it is difficult to sustain it for a long time. In just a short moment, his body was exhausted.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen's scalp tingled even more.

This is surprisingly similar to the scene after the magic sheep was entered into the body by the source of time and space!

There is no doubt that Chu Feng's body at this moment has been invaded by something inexplicable, and this thing doesn't care about Chu Feng's body at all, it just wants to use Chu Feng to bombard the statue.

The woman in the red skirt also sensed something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward to stop Chu Feng.

"Go away!"

Chu Feng shot a beam of chaotic light at the woman without looking back.

There was no time to dodge, and she didn't expect Chu Feng to attack her at all. The woman was hit in the chest, vomited blood, flew backwards, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"He is no longer Chu Feng. He is possessed by the thing suppressed by the statue. Everyone works together to stop him. We must not let the thing under the statue come out!"

Lin Chen shouted immediately.

Those who were able to come here are definitely not ordinary people, and some of them have experienced the experience of being taken away. Hearing Lin Chen's words at this moment, they immediately reacted.

It is absolutely extraordinary that something that can be suppressed by the dragon statue, imprisoned in this ancient palace, and exiled into the turbulence of the universe is absolutely extraordinary. At this moment, some shadows can be seen on Chu Feng's body.

Once this thing gets out of trouble, I am afraid that everyone present will be doomed.

Immediately, everyone became nervous, ready to attack and besiege Chu Feng at this moment.

"Hehe, there is still a sensible person, boy, I advise you not to stop me, I just want to get out of trouble, I don't care about the life and death of you little fish and shrimp, there is still time to leave now!"

Chu Feng turned his head and said to Lin Chen.

Hearing this, many people were moved.

That's right, if you run away now, why do you need to stop it?

Chu Feng himself is very strong, and being possessed by this unknown terrifying existence at this moment must be even more powerful. Even if they work together, they will not be opponents.

Immediately, someone flew back and left the hall.

Even Lin Chen hesitated in his heart.

There is really no need to dip into this muddy water. It must involve the secrets of the ancient times. Once it is involved, it will be extremely troublesome.

A thought of quitting emerged in his heart, and Lin Chen didn't want to stay any longer.

However, just when he was about to leave, there was a long sigh echoing in his ears, and then, the entire statue of the dragon flashed golden light, and the two longan eyes that had not been seen before flew straight out of the statue's mouth , turned into two golden lights that were approaching the extreme, directly penetrated into Lin Chen's body, and disappeared.

Immediately, Lin Chen's whole body erupted with a dazzling golden light, and he felt that every inch of flesh and blood was extremely hot, as if he was in a frying pan, which made him cry out in pain.

At the same time, two dragon chants resounded, and immediately behind Lin Chen, there was also the shadow of a domineering Tianjiao black dragon and a brilliant eight-clawed golden dragon, bursting out with amazing dragon power.

At this moment, the two golden longan eyes wandered to the eyes of the eight-clawed golden dragon, and finally they were inserted into them tightly, turning into the two eyes of the eight-clawed golden dragon.

In an instant, two bursts of golden light soared into the sky, shot out from the eyes of the eight-clawed golden dragon, and hit Chu Feng directly, causing the chaotic aura around Chu Feng to shatter, and he flew upside down, vomiting blood continuously .

"Tianjiao Molong, eight-clawed golden-eyed dragon!"

An unbelievable voice came from Chu Feng's mouth. Looking at Lin Chen at this moment, his heart trembled.

No matter what, he never thought that he finally had a chance to get out of trouble, and unexpectedly met a person with two divine dragon spirits!

Bang bang bang!
At this moment, as the two longan eyes left the Shenlong statue and entered Lin Chen's body, a violent impact suddenly came out from under the huge Shenlong statue, and between breaths, the statue was torn apart and turned into pieces. Splinters splatter in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that under the statue, there were actually many chains, forming a natural and terrifying formation. In the center of the formation, a strange beast was locked!
I saw that this strange beast has long hair all over its body, has four legs, and looks like a dog, but its whole body exudes a chaotic breath, which is very powerful.

At this time, all the formations had been destroyed, and the chains on the limbs of this strange beast were all broken, and it could no longer be trapped.

"Chaos! This is Chaos of the Alien Beast!"

I don't know who shouted, and Lin Chen immediately realized that this should be the strange beast in ancient legends, born in chaos, its name is chaos, it is an evil spirit!
Flying out, looking at Lin Chen, there was a trace of fear in the eyes full of scarlet light. The strange beast rushed towards the outside of the hall at the first time. Just as Lin Chen was about to catch up, he felt a huge pain in his head. There was a burst of dizziness in front of my eyes, and a lot of complicated information flooded into my mind.

And in the blink of an eye, the Chaos Evil Spirit had already disappeared into the starry sky, never to be seen again.

(End of this chapter)

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