Chapter 845
Chapter 840 Leave

Chaos evil spirit!

Looking at the vast starry sky outside, Lin Chen felt a little uneasy.

This evil spirit has been suppressed here, but this time it escaped because of the intrusion of their group, and there must be a lot of trouble.

At the same time, he also received the vast message from the two longan eyes, and his heart was inexplicably shocked.

It turned out that this dragon statue was not just a simple statue, but a real eight-clawed golden-eyed dragon, and the reason why this dragon was turned into a statue was to suppress this chaotic evil spirit.

However, after too long a long time, the power of Shenlong has almost been consumed. Up to now, there are only two longan eyes left, and there is still power, which can no longer suppress this terrible chaotic evil spirit.

Thus, there was the current scene, two longan eyes entered Lin Chen's body, and fused with his eight-clawed golden dragon spirit, just like the blood essence of the horned black dragon entered the body that day, allowing the eight-clawed golden dragon spirit , also completed a life-level transformation!

The eight-clawed golden dragon at this moment has become an eight-clawed golden-eyed dragon, which is not what it used to be.

The two dragon shadows were once again on equal footing, reaching a kind of balance.

However, feeling the powerful power in his body, and even the terrifying ancient secret technique inherited from the longan, Lin Chen didn't feel much joy in his heart.

After receiving the message from Longan, he knew very well the power and ferocity of this chaotic evil spirit, and if he escaped at this moment, it would definitely cause a terrible catastrophe!

Back then, the strength of this eight-clawed golden-eyed dragon had already reached a level of transcendence, but after all, it was unable to completely suppress this chaotic evil spirit, it could only temporarily suppress it.

Lin Chen felt deeply worried.

But at this moment, that Chu Feng had long since died, and all his vitality was controlled by the evil spirit of chaos just now to bombard the Shenlong statue.

This originally high-spirited and powerful genius of the Taitian Temple, probably would never have imagined in his wildest dreams that he was actually walking towards death like this!
The woman in the red skirt was full of disbelief, staring at the dead Chu Feng, feeling extremely sad in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, she cast her gaze on Lin Chen.

"You killed Chu Feng!"

As she said that, she rushed over frantically, using all her strength to deal with Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen just waved his hand, and suddenly, a vast dragon pattern that seemed to have been inherited from ancient times swept away, instantly causing the woman to vomit blood and fly backwards.

"Everyone has seen that Chu Feng didn't die at my hands, so don't mess around."

Lin Chen said in disgust.

A person like Chu Feng really has no redeeming qualities other than better talent, and I don't know what this woman likes about him.

After all, Lin Chen left the hall directly with a heavy heart.

He must pass this news back to the Eternal Shrine as soon as possible.

The birth of the Chaos Evil Spirit will definitely cause a catastrophe, and in the entire universe, the only one with the power to stop him is probably the huge power like the Ancient Shrine.

Flying out of the palace, Lin Chen was relieved to see Sui Chaoqi still waiting outside.

"Brother Sui!"

Lin Chen hurriedly came to Sui Chaoqi.

Sui Chaoqi was still injured, and his complexion was not very good.

Seeing Lin Chen appearing, he immediately greeted him.

"Lin Chen, I just saw a terrifying figure flying out of the palace, and the whole body exuded a terrifying chaotic atmosphere. It looks like a legendary chaotic spirit!"

Sui Chaoqi said.

As a child of the royal family of Liancheng Starfield, he has a wide range of knowledge.

"That is the evil spirit of chaos. It was suppressed here before, but at this moment, it has escaped from the trap. You should send it back to the Liancheng Starfield as soon as possible!"

Lin Chen said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Sui Chaoqi's complexion also changed drastically.

Chaos evil spirits only exist in ancient legends. It is said that every time there is an accident with chaos evil spirits, it will be a huge catastrophe, which will cause the loss of life.

There is also a saying that the universe in ancient times was not divided into star domains as it is now, but a whole. Later, a large number of chaotic evil spirits appeared, causing chaos and causing terrible wars.

In that battle, the entire universe was shattered, countless stars were destroyed, turned into death stars, and even collapsed into powder, and many dead places were born, leaving many places without any life. .

After that battle, the Chaos Evil Spirit disappeared, and the entire universe was horribly damaged. In the end, it became what it is today, one star field after another.

The human race continued to multiply, and continued to grow to the extent it is today. There have also been great forces such as the Ancient Shrine, as well as many powerful ancestors.

However, it is conceivable that once the evil spirit of chaos appears again, it will definitely cause the catastrophe to repeat itself!

Lin Chen didn't want to stay for a moment, and immediately started sending messages back to the Eternal Shrine. Soon, in the starry sky, a terrifying turbulence was born out of thin air, and then, an old figure stepped out, which immediately gave way to the starry sky. They all showed signs of collapse.

Taoist Tianhe actually arrived in person.

It can be seen how much the Eternal Shrine attached importance to Lin Chen.

"This breath..."

Just after showing up, Taoist Tianhe's complexion changed drastically. Immediately afterwards, he frowned and rushed directly into the palace.

At this moment, with the collapse of the dragon god statue and the escape of the chaotic evil spirit, the restriction in the palace no longer has any effect, and even if the restriction still works, it cannot stop a strong man like Taoist Tianhe.

Entering the palace, Taoist Tianhe saw the broken statue at a glance and exclaimed.

"The eight-clawed golden-eyed dragon is indeed an extinct ancient dragon!"

Immediately, he sensed carefully, and also felt a chaotic atmosphere, and his face was extremely dignified.

"It really is the Chaos Evil Spirit!"

"In the first battle of the ancient times, the evil spirit of chaos was almost wiped out, and it was born again very young. I didn't expect that one was suppressed here. Things are a bit big!"

Even Taoist Tianhe felt it was very difficult.

You must know that the Chaos Evil Spirit was a terrifying creature that almost destroyed the entire universe. Now even if there is only one, it can definitely cause huge waves and endanger all living beings.

"Go, go back first."

Taoist Tianhe frowned, and with a swipe of his palm, a passage appeared again in the starry sky. Lin Chen did not hesitate, and wanted to leave with Taoist Tianhe.

However, Lin Chen looked at Sui Chaoqi, intending to let Taoist Tianhe help Sui Chaoqi to send it back by the way.

Seeing what Lin Chen was thinking, Taoist Tianhe simply waved and called Sui Chaoqi over.

"Little guy, the Nine Suns Dao is not so easy to comprehend. In our ancient shrine, there is a Nine Suns domain ancestor. Today is also considered a fate. I will accept this apprentice for him. Come with me. Go to the Eternal Shrine!"

(End of this chapter)

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