Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 849 Heading to the Phantom Star Field

Chapter 849 Heading to the Thousand Fantasy Starfield
Chapter 850 Heading to the Thousand Illusory Starfield
Half step Shishen!

At this moment, Lin Chen stood up, his whole body was filled with extremely powerful strength.

The two dragon shadows circled around and returned to his body again, filling his whole body with a terrifying dragon power.

In fact, Lin Chen could have broken through to Shishen in one go, but at the critical moment, he forcibly suppressed this impulse and stayed at the half-step Shishen.

The reason is very simple, Lin Chen still feels that his foundation is not enough and the time has not come yet.

Even if he can break through to the real Shishen Realm with the help of two dragon powers at this moment, it will still be unstable in the end.

All the powerful Domain Ancestors present were able to understand Lin Chen's thoughts, and he immediately admired him even more.

Young people like Lin Chen are generally arrogant and not calm enough. When they encounter such a situation, they will choose to break through, but it is really not easy for Lin Chen to suppress it.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen more highly.

"Good boy!"

Taoist Tianhe couldn't find anything to say, so he just stepped forward and patted Lin Chen on the shoulder.

"I'll settle down for a while longer, and then I'll rush to the Thousand Illusionary Starfield immediately."

Lin Chen said to Taoist Tianhe.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe's eyes once again flashed a strange color, but this time, Lin Chen keenly caught it.

"what happened?"

he asked immediately.

After waving his hand, Taoist Tianhe smiled: "It's okay, going here will definitely be dangerous, but I believe that with your ability, you should be able to handle it, if it's really not possible, just put this out and show it to Star Master Dark Cloud! "

With that said, Taoist Tianhe had already stuffed Lin Chen with a token.

Ancient order.

Obviously, this is the token representing the Eternal Shrine. In the entire universe, few people from the Eternal Shrine dare to provoke them.

Lin Chen put away the ancient token and thanked Taoist Tianhe.

"I don't know about that chaotic evil spirit, what happened?"

Lin Chen always felt that this chaotic evil spirit would cause a catastrophe.

"The Chaos Evil Spirit probably fled to the Great Desolation Sea. We will send people to search for it."

Taoist Tianhe said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded. It is not something that he can interfere with now.

"Then I will continue to practice first!"

Lin Chen said to everyone.

It was said that many old guys gradually dispersed.

Sui Chaoqi also left with the ancestor of Jiuyangyu. I believe that with the guidance of the ancestor of Jiuyangyu, Sui Chaoqi's strength will also make great progress.

Everyone left one after another, only then did Lin Chen submerge himself to stabilize the realm he had just broken through.

In addition, the two ancient secret techniques also need to be studied carefully.

Whether it is Longsu Wushuang or Jiaotian, Lin Chen believes that as long as it is unleashed, it must be a powerful force that can shake the universe!

And now, such power is in his palm.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Chen practiced with peace of mind.

But at this moment, in that distant prehistoric sea, a scene like an ancient prehistoric one was shocking.

I saw that within the vast sea of ​​prehistoric desolation, there was a strong aura of chaos, and even those who were not in the realm of Shishen dared not set foot in the slightest.

And the Qi of Chaos here is exactly what the Chaos Evil Spirit needs most, which is a great supplement to the Chaos Evil Spirit.

In the primordial sea, endless chaos filled the air, and death stars floated one by one, giving people a feeling of prehistoric world.

Here, even the laws of the Dao are very disordered, if you don't have enough strength, if you stay here for a long time, you will go crazy.

Chu Lingxiao's figure flew straight forward, but he didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

He has practiced here since the beginning of God's realm, and he has long been accustomed to the environment of the whole prehistoric sea.

And in the entire universe, only Hong Huanghai can continue to improve Chu Lingxiao's strength.

Standing forward, looking straight into the depths of the wild sea, Chu Lingxiao understood that only the place where the power of chaos is the strongest is the place where the evil spirits of chaos may hide.

And as he went so deep, he also gradually felt a little helpless. The pressure here is already enough to crush the average god emperor level powerhouse. Going forward, I am afraid that only the domain ancestor powerhouse can set foot .

Gritting his teeth, Chu Lingxiao continued to move forward...

At the same time, in the Thousand Illusory Starfield, there was a raging war.

On a huge star that was cut in half by an unknown force, there is still a faint breath of life escaping, and it begins to walk towards the death star. This star has been destroyed.

And above the stars, a beautiful figure stood, with serious eyes, looking at the starry sky in the distance.

"Star Lord Dark Cloud's knife was really overbearing, directly killing hundreds of living stars!"

This woman is naturally the Goddess of Thousand Illusions.

She was automatically sent to the Thousand Illusionary Starfield by the leader of the Enemy Sky. She immediately presided over the battle, which can be regarded as alleviating the defeat of the Thousand Illusionary Starfield.

And she knew in her heart that if this stalemate continues, it will be a matter of time before she loses.

After all, the background of the Thousand Illusion Starfield is much worse than that of the Dark Cloud Starfield.

With an incomparably dignified expression, the Thousand Illusion Goddess suddenly thought of that figure in the blue shirt for some reason.

If Lin Chen was here at this moment, what would it be like?
"Eternal Shrine..."

Saying these four words slowly, there was a bit of helplessness in the eyes of Goddess Qianhuan.

A peerless genius like Lin Chen really joined the Eternal Shrine. She had a premonition of this, but when the leader of the Ditian told her, she was still very surprised, she didn't expect it to be so soon.

And once she joins the Eternal Shrine, she is almost destined to set foot on the top of the starry sky. Although she, the Thousand Illusion Goddess, has a lofty status and extraordinary strength, there is no way to compare with it.

Even the Thousand Illusion Goddess didn't know when, Lin Chen's shadow had been buried in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Sometimes, she even thought, if she was that avatar, it wouldn't be bad...

Shaking her head, the Thousand Imaginary Goddess flew away, left the death star, flew into the starry sky, and continued to devote herself to the battle.

Soon, more than a full month passed. During this period of time, Lin Chen had perfectly mastered half a step of Shishen's power, and he had almost comprehended the two ancient secret arts.

He really wanted to try his current combat power.

Immediately found Taoist Tianhe, Lin Chen said that he was going to the Thousand Illusionary Starfield.

"Go, I know you can't sit still, this time, don't make any troubles, that dark cloud star master is very powerful, you must not be head-on, tell him earlier that you are from the ancient palace ,do you understand?"

Taoist Tianhe cared about Lin Chen very much.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen said that he would be careful.

Seeing this, Taoist Tianhe opened the passage, Lin Chen didn't hesitate, and walked into the passage without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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