Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 850 Detonating the Heart of Illusion

Chapter 850 Detonating the Heart of Thousand Illusions
Chapter 850 Detonating the Heart of Thousand Illusions

The teleportation was still very stable. Not long after, Lin Chen had already exited the tunnel, and what appeared in front of him was a desolate and terrifying scene.

I saw that the vast starry sky was filled with a terrifying scene of death. Huge stars were floating, and they had lost all their vitality and were shattered.

When Lin Chen looked at these stars, he could still feel the breath of life passing away. Obviously, not long ago, these stars must have been stars of life.

Looking around, there were no fewer than a hundred such death stars, which made Lin Chen speechless.

"What kind of battle is this, and it will end like this?"

Lin Chen was shocked. Even with his current strength, he might not be able to do this step. It is conceivable that this is definitely the handwriting of a super powerhouse at the level of Yuzu.

With a deep feeling in his heart, Lin Chen found that the situation in the Thousand Illusory Starfield was worse than he expected.

Flying forward, Lin Chen saw more Death Stars and found many corpses along the way.

"Damn it, what did it look like?"

Lin Chen was anxious, no matter what, nothing happened to the Goddess of Thousand Illusions!
Once something happened to her, it would be even more difficult for Lin Chen to revive Mei Wuer.

With an eager heart, Lin Chen moved forward.

At the same time, at the edge of the Thousand Illusory Starfield, there are two armies fighting.

The planets of life are already full of flames of war, and there is a powerful Shishen who makes a move. Every blow can deter a star. If the impact is violent, it may destroy a star of life.

This kind of battle is already very fierce. Not only the strong are fighting desperately, but many sergeants are also fighting hard to kill the enemy. The blood even stained the starry sky red and stained many stars of life. , all painted a layer of blood.

A battle involving two star fields is naturally very terrifying.

And on one of the biggest life star fragments, there are two figures standing impressively, fighting fiercely.

One of them has strands of dark aura surging all over his body, giving people an eerie feeling, and every shot he makes seems to be able to corrode the starry sky, making people fearful.

Judging by his aura, this person is a strong man at the level of Shishen!
On the opposite side of him, there was a beautiful figure with a delicate body trembling, trying to resist such a force, but it was obviously a little exhausted.

This woman is none other than the Thousand Fantasy Goddess.

At this moment, the whole body of the Thousand Illusion Goddess has a layer of almost dreamlike color, enveloping her and blocking such a terrible attack for her, but as the battle progresses, she is becoming more and more powerful up.

Her complexion was pale, with sweat dripping from her forehead, and the jade hand of the Thousand Illusion Goddess made seals again and again, and she used her attacking power to resist the attack of the strong opponent. However, her movements became slower and slower, showing signs of failure.

"Jie Jie, Goddess, I am blessed today, I don't know what it will be like to be a Goddess!"

This person had a lewd smile on his face, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva as he looked at the bumpy figure of Goddess Qianhuan.

This appearance is really disgusting to the extreme.

Goddess Qianhuan's complexion was ugly, and at the moment when she was retreating steadily, her heart was desolate.

This time, even if she returned to the Thousand Illusory Starfield, she still couldn't recover from her failure.

In the previous confrontation, the Thousand Fantasy Star Lord had already been seriously injured and was unable to fight anymore, but her Thousand Fantasy Goddess, relying on the heart of Thousand Fantasy, reluctantly led the army to resist, but kept retreating. If this continues, the entire Thousand Fantasy The Illusory Starfield is about to fall into the hands of the Dark Cloud Starfield.

Moreover, Star Lord Dark Cloud seemed to be playing a cat-and-mouse game. Except for the knife before, which killed hundreds of life stars, he never made a move again.

It's just that this knife gave Thousand Illusion Goddess infinite despair, and made the soldiers in the Thousand Illusion Starfield unable to continue fighting.

This tyrannical knife was deliberately done by Star Lord Dark Cloud, in order to completely suppress the morale of the entire Thousand Illusory Starfield.

And this has indeed achieved results. No matter how much the Imaginary Goddess boosts morale at this moment, there is no effect. Even she herself has no hope at all.

At this time, it was almost the last battle. In this battle, the Thousand Illusion Starfield would probably fall completely and become the possession of the Dark Cloud Starfield.

The Thousand Illusion Goddess had already expected this ending, and at this moment, she had already thought of death.

Even if you die, you have to teach the enemy a painful lesson!

With this thought in mind, she pinched the Yin Jue with her hand, and the aura of her whole body became decisive.

And this scene made the opponent's Primordial God Realm expert's eyelids twitch, and he immediately had a bad feeling.

With such a level of cultivation, he is naturally very sensitive. This strong man in the Beginning God Realm naturally understands that at this moment, the Thousand Imaginary Goddess already wants to burn everything.

And how could he allow the Thousand Illusionary Goddess to use it, and immediately burst out with all his strength, a powerful coercion shrouded in it, and he wanted to stop the Thousand Illusionary Goddess.

It's just that at this moment, the whole body of the Thousand Illusion Goddess has erupted with a terrifying color, and the fluctuations rushed straight into the starry sky of the universe, making it too late for even the strong in the beginning of the gods to escape.

"Crazy, crazy!"

This strong man in the Beginning God Realm was terrified and wanted to pull back, but it was too late.

I saw that in the hands of the Thousand Illusion Goddess, a color that could cover the entire universe suddenly emerged, causing everyone's eyes to flash, and then, I felt a feeling of suffocation, and my face was extremely horrified .

Heart of Thousand Fantasy!

At this moment, Goddess Thousand Illusions can't care about anything anymore, even if she dies, she still can't let the Heart of Thousand Illusions fall into the hands of the Dark Cloud Starfield.

Therefore, without any hesitation, she directly wanted to use her own life to detonate this Thousand Illusory Heart!
"Crazy, stop!"

Aware of such fluctuations, Star Lord Dark Cloud, who had been watching the excitement in the distant starry sky, finally couldn't sit still anymore.

Once the Thousand Illusion Goddess completes the detonation, most of the people present today will probably be killed or injured. Even if he is the master of Dark Cloud Star, he may not be able to survive.

He couldn't bear such a heavy loss.

Moreover, this battle is mainly for the Heart of Thousand Fantasy. If it is detonated by the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, then all the previous efforts will be in vain.

"Ha ha."

The Thousand Illusion Goddess sneered and continued to detonate.

And for some reason, when she was really about to face death, her heart was incomparably calm, and a phantom appeared in front of her eyes at the same time.

Because she saw that there seemed to be a domineering figure in green clothes, accompanied by a dragon chant resounding through the starry sky, appearing in front of her!
(End of this chapter)

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