Chapter 851

Chapter 850: The Secret Realm in the Desolate Sea
Lin Chen? !
Goddess Qian Huan smiled wryly, it seemed that she was really about to die, which is why she had hallucinations.

It was only at this moment that she realized that Lin Chen's shadow had been imprinted in her heart, but at the same time, she knew very well that Lin Chen's love was never her Thousand Illusion Goddess, but a clone of her, Mei Wu. Son.

The wry smile was even worse, the Thousand Illusion Goddess continued to detonate this Thousand Illusion Heart, and wanted to drag everyone present to die together.


Two shouts broke out at the same time, it was Lin Chen who rushed over, and the Dark Cloud Star Lord!

"Lin Chen, is it really you?!"

The Thousand Illusion Goddess was stunned this time, she never expected that Lin Chen would actually come, and all this was not her hallucination!
Immediately wanted to detonate her own detonation, but with the current strength of the Qianhuan Goddess, she still couldn't do this, so she had no choice but to smile wryly, and looked at Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, let's go, I'm sorry, I can't help you revive her..."

The voice was full of bitterness, the Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and tried his best to prevent the detonation of the Thousand Illusion Heart, but he also found that it was impossible for him to do so with his half-step Shishen cultivation.

"let me!"

Dark Cloud Star Lord was also sweating from fright, he immediately approached him, stretched out his palm, and pressed on the Thousand Fantasy Heart.

Immediately, an incomparably powerful force spread, and Lin Chen only saw that there seemed to be a group of dark clouds enveloping him, directly covering the heart of a thousand illusions, and also made the self-destructing fluctuations gradually Disperse.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and watched this scene with lingering fear.

One must know that if the Thousand Illusions Heart blew itself up just now, the entire Thousand Illusions Starfield might turn into a death starfield, and there might not be a few people present alive.

This Thousand Imaginary Goddess is really uncommonly ruthless!

And it was only at this moment that Star Lord Dark Cloud had the first chance to look at Lin Chen carefully.

He was well aware of the temperament of Goddess Qian Huan, but he never thought that she would choose to give up detonating Qian Huan's heart for the sake of a man.

And from the eyes of Goddess Qianhuan, he also saw a strong friendship. It was obvious that Goddess Qianhuan had a deep love for the man in front of him.


Lin Chen looked at Star Lord Dark Cloud, snorted coldly, and swiped out the ancient token with a wave of his hand.

"I am a member of the Eternal God Palace. I hereby order you to immediately stop the attack on the Thousand Illusory Starfield. If not, your Dark Cloud Starfield will be destroyed!"

Lin Chen was annoyed. If he showed up later, the Thousand Illusion Goddess would have died.

And once the Thousand Imaginary Goddess died, even if he had great abilities, he would never be able to revive Mei Wu'er again.

Eternal Shrine, Eternal Token!
Seeing this token and the terrifying aura emanating from it, Star Lord Dark Cloud was stunned.

He never expected that this matter would actually involve the Eternal Shrine!
You must know that the Thousand Illusionary Starfield has nothing to do with the Eternal Ancient Shrine, which allowed him to boldly attack the Thousand Illusory Starfield.

In general, the Eternal Shrine would not interfere in any battle between two star fields, but he did not expect that a kid from the Eternal Shrine would appear with the Eternal Token, and he also had a relationship with the Thousand Illusion Goddess. Deep entanglement.

This immediately made all the efforts of the dark cloud star master all in vain.

Very unwilling, Star Lord Dark Cloud looked at Lin Chen and then at the ancient order, and gritted his teeth.

"I don't want every plant and tree in the Thousand Illusions Starfield, I just want this Thousand Illusions Heart!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen sneered again and again.

At this moment, Lin Chen can keep calm even when facing the powerhouses of the domain ancestor level. After all, in the ancient shrine, there are domain ancestor powerhouses everywhere.

"Hehe, this is the core of the Thousand Illusory Starfield, how can I give it to you?"

Lin Chen wanted to cut off Star Lord Dark Cloud's thoughts directly.

"I am willing to pay any price in exchange for this Thousand Fantasy Heart!"

Star Master Dark Cloud had an ugly expression on his face, but he still said so.

He hated in his heart, why didn't he use all his strength to take the Heart of Thousand Illusions earlier, in that case, I'm afraid there would be no such disturbances.

But at this moment, it was too late to say anything, Lin Chen showed the ancient token, which meant that he no longer had any chance to forcibly capture the heart of Thousand Fantasy.

He can only offer huge conditions in exchange for this Thousand Fantasy Heart.

"I can't give it to you."

The Thousand Fantasy Goddess was pale, and she let out a miserable laugh, filled with endless hatred.

For this Thousand Illusionary Heart, the Dark Cloud Star Lord set off a great war between the two star regions, resulting in the deaths of countless people. At this moment, the Thousand Illusionary Star Lord is still seriously injured, and the entire Thousand Illusionary Starfield suffered heavy losses. It takes a long time to recover.

And under such circumstances, no matter what conditions Star Master Dark Cloud offered, Goddess Qian Huan would never agree.

With a long sigh, Star Lord Dark Cloud felt so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, looked at the Dark Cloud Star Lord, very curious, why did the Dark Cloud Star Lord acquire the Heart of Thousand Illusions.

This Thousand Illusion Heart is formed by the essence of the entire Thousand Illusion Starfield, and only in the Thousand Illusion Starfield can it play a huge role. If it falls into the hands of others, it will be a tasteless existence.

Especially the Dark Cloud Star Lord has reached the level of domain ancestor, a piece of Heart of Thousand Illusions is really nothing to him.

Lin Chen was very puzzled by mobilizing teachers like this.

"To be honest, this Thousand Illusion Heart involves a secret realm in the Great Desolation Sea. You need to use the Thousand Illusion Heart as a key to open this secret realm. It is said that there are great benefits in the secret realm!"

Dark Cloud Star Lord said.

"Only I know the location of the secret realm. If your Thousand Fantasy Starfield is willing to give the Thousand Fantasy Heart, I can take you there together to find that opportunity!"

Up to now, the Dark Cloud star master can only tell the whole story.

With the presence of people from the Eternal Shrine, he dared not snatch it. Once the Eternal Shrine was angered, the entire Dark Cloud Starfield would cease to exist.

Under such circumstances, he can only talk about the benefits of the secret realm in order to seek a chance to cooperate.

Hearing this, Lin Chen felt somewhat yearning.

Especially the Chaos Evil Spirit, who should have fled to the Great Desolation Sea at this moment, Lin Chen has always wanted to take a look in the Great Desolation Sea.

Moreover, this huge opportunity to lure the Dark Cloud Star Lord must be very difficult.

Chance is such a thing, but no one would think too little, especially Lin Chen, he is eager to continue to improve his strength.

Lin Chen looked at Goddess Qianhuan, and sure enough, Goddess Qianhuan also had an unspeakable look in her eyes, obviously a little moved.

The benefits here are definitely not small, and it is worth taking the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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