Chapter 852
Chapter 850

The existence in the prehistoric sea has always been of great value.

But at this moment, this relic is so exciting that even the powerhouses of the domain ancestor level are extremely excited, so it must be even more precious.

Although he hated this dark cloud star master in his heart, there was no need to struggle with a big opportunity.

With Lin Chen's ancient decree, and giving Star Lord Dark Cloud a courage, he would not dare to continue to endanger the Thousand Fantasy Starfield.

After all, there is only one domain ancestor in the entire dark cloud star field, and there are too many domain ancestors in the ancient palace!

The two are not on the same level at all.

"The Heart of Thousand Illusions is used to open the ruins, so, after that, can the Heart of Thousand Illusions continue to exist?"

Thousand Fantasy Goddess asked.

The Heart of Thousand Illusions is the core of the entire Dark Cloud Starfield. It is very important. If the Heart of Thousand Illusions is destroyed in order to open the ruins, she will have to reconsider.

"This should not be the case. The Heart of Thousand Illusions is just a key and cannot be damaged."

Dark Cloud Star Lord said after thinking about it.

"Tell me how much you know about this ruin."

Holding the ancient order in Lin Chen's hands, he had already brought on an unquestionable aura, which made the Dark Cloud Star Lord not dare to disobey it.

Even if it is as strong as the ancestor of Yu, when facing the ancient palace, it must bow its head.

"I don't know much. It's just that I got a bronze drum by chance, and found that there are many ancient words engraved on the bronze drum, recording things about this ruin."

As he said that, Star Lord Dark Cloud waved his hand and took out a bronze drum.

Immediately, a sense of antiquity came out through the bronze drum. There is no doubt that this is an extremely ancient thing.

Lin Chen immediately looked at the bronze drum.

On the bronze drum, there are a large number of tadpole-like characters, which flow densely, making people dazzled.

And Lin Chen could tell at a glance that this was an ancient text from the prehistoric period. If it had been put in the past, he would not have been able to recognize it. I learned this ancient text.

After all, whether it is Long Su Wushuang or Jiaotian Secret Art, they are all recorded in this ancient text, and directly imprinted in Lin Chen's mind with a very mysterious attitude, which also allows him to understand such words .

"The four directions are called the universe, and the past and the present are called the universe! The heaven and the earth first opened, and there was chaos, which gave birth to all things..."

Lin Chen recited these ancient words silently, and his heart was inexplicably shocked.

From these words, he learned that this ancient relic seems to be traced back to the period when the chaos first opened, when the entire universe was just beginning to brew life!
And this relic seems to contain the secret of the first opening of the world, the secret of controlling chaos!

This is enough to drive anyone crazy.

This is probably the most primitive thing in the entire universe. Once obtained, the strength must be unparalleled, and it is even possible to break through the realm of the ancestors and reach an unprecedented state.

And on the bronze drum, it is also mentioned that if you want to enter this secret realm, you must use the Heart of Thousand Illusions as the key. As for why you need the Heart of Thousand Illusions, there is no explanation.

Returning the bronze drum to Dark Cloud Star Lord, Lin Chen told Goddess Qianhuan everything he saw, and let her make a decision.

Hearing this, the Thousand Illusion Goddess has already moved her heart.

The things handed down from the ancient times are definitely of great value, not to mention, the secret realm recorded on the bronze drum is also related to the secret of the first opening of the world.

"Then if the benefits are obtained, how should they be distributed?"

The Thousand Imaginary Goddess is still unwilling to believe in the Dark Cloud Star Lord.

"We are five to five, and I guess that the most precious thing in this secret realm is not any treasure, but the perception of the beginning of the world and the transformation of chaos into all things!"

Dark Cloud Star Lord said.

Indeed, it would be easy to deal with if it was enlightenment, as long as anyone who went there could understand it, naturally there would be no problem of distribution.

"In that case, let's go together."

Thousand Imaginary Goddess nodded.

Although Lin Chen has already seen the words on the bronze drum, there should be a map on the bronze drum, which has been destroyed by the Dark Cloud Star Lord. That is to say, in this world, there is only the Dark Cloud Star Lord at the moment. I know where this secret realm is.

They are all masters, so they will naturally leave behind. At this moment, if Lin Chen and Goddess Qianhuan want to enter this secret realm, they must use the heart of Qianhuan to cooperate with him.

"Then I'll rectify and leave after a while."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

After this great battle, the entire Thousand Illusionary Starfield was almost wiped out, and suffered a great loss, and it took time to adjust. Similarly, although the Dark Cloud Starfield has been fighting against the Thousand Illusionary Starfield, it is definitely There are also losses.

After an agreement was reached, Star Lord Dark Cloud withdrew immediately.

The purpose of attacking the Thousand Illusions Starfield was to get the Heart of Thousand Illusions. Although I didn't get it now, the cooperation was reached, and the difference was not too much. The Dark Cloud Star Lord let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, you can explore the mysterious secret realm!

Ever since he got the bronze drum, there wasn't a single day when he didn't think about it, and now that this day was finally coming, he was naturally extremely excited.

Immediately, the troops retreated, and the mighty army also left the Thousand Illusionary Starfield and returned to the Dark Cloud Starfield.

On Lin Chen's side, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, this Dark Cloud Star Lord is a strong man in the realm of the ancestors, and he has always been a little nervous when dealing with such a strong man.

There was even an ancient amulet hidden in one of his sleeves. As long as the dark cloud star master made any moves, he would immediately cast the ancient amulet.

But in fact, Lin Chen still underestimated the influence of the Eternal Shrine. Lin Chen took out the Eternal Token, which means that he has a detached position in the Eternal Shrine. Such a person, give the Dark Cloud Star Lord another courage , he didn't dare to move.

"This time, thank you."

Goddess Thousand Fantasy looked at Lin Chen and said.

Speaking of it, whether it was teleportation to the Thousand Illusionary Starfield, or the rescue at the critical moment, it was only possible because of Lin Chen's existence.

Lin Chen saved the entire Thousand Fantasy Starfield.

Looking at the man in the green shirt in front of him, even with the aloof temper of Goddess Qianhuan, he was a little crazy.

"Have a good preparation. In a few days, we will go to the Great Desolate Sea. The danger level there is very high. Even if you are a god emperor, you dare not go there."

Thousand Fantasy Goddess said.

Lin Chen nodded and asked at the same time, "Can you tell me in detail about the resurrection of the avatar?"

Although Goddess Qianhuan looks exactly like Mei Wuer, she is not Mei Wuer after all. The reason why Lin Chen helped her so much is to revive Mei Wuer.

And upon hearing Lin Chen's words, a trace of indiscernible panic flashed across the eyes of the Thousand Illusion Goddess.

(End of this chapter)

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