Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 853 Arriving at the Desolate Sea

Chapter 853 Arriving at the Desolate Sea

Chapter 850: Arriving at the Primordial Sea
"what happened?"

Seeing the expression of the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, Lin Chen immediately asked.

"My current strength is still far behind, and you may have to wait a long time."

Imaginary Goddess immediately calmed down and said this.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, as long as it can be done in the end, I can wait. If you need help, you can find me. This time, I will try to get you the greatest benefit and improve your strength as soon as possible. "

For Lin Chen, the so-called mystery of the beginning of chaos in the secret realm is not very attractive, because, in his mind, there is a secret book of the universe!
The mystery of this cosmic secret book is the scene of the primordial chaos and the evolution of the universe, which Lin Chen has been comprehending.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Goddess Qianhuan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and finally swallowed all the words.

Some things, it's better not to tell Lin Chen!

Secretly making up her mind, the Thousand Illusionary Goddess said: "I will rectify the Thousand Illusionary Starfield, and when everything is in order, we can set off."

Nodding his head, Lin Chen motioned to let her do it.

Lin Chen himself wandered around in the Thousand Illusory Starfield.

The last time he had an epiphany in the tunnel, Lin Chen possessed an extremely powerful means.

Everyone knows that star warriors are blessed by the starry sky, and it is easier to move in the universe than other warriors.

And Lin Chen strengthened this advantage again. At the same time of epiphany, he faintly touched a mystery close to the essence of the starry sky, so that his every move could affect the power of the entire starry sky.

Really speaking, Lin Chen's level can truly be regarded as the blessing of the starry sky.

With one step, one can go from one star to another. Lin Chen's aura is like that of Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, full of the demeanor of a master.

The majesty exuded by the half-step Shishen realm is far more than that. At this moment, it is even accompanied by the coercion like the starry sky, which makes people look sideways.

At this moment, Lin Chen stepped on a death star, and saw that the death star seemed to be hit by a violent force, and it was directly torn apart, and even the star core was destroyed.

On this star, there is a strong death air, and there is no life breath.

Standing on a piece of wreckage, Lin Chen seemed to be able to sense the power of this blow.

However, Lin Chen had a feeling in his heart that if he did his best, he would definitely be able to reach this level!

Unknowingly, Lin Chen has transformed from the true god realm that just set foot outside the territory to the current level, which can be called powerful.

"After going to Honghuanghai, I have to find a way to go back to the Great Thousand World!"

Thinking of this in Lin Chen's heart, he missed his relatives and friends even more.

A full month!

For a month, Lin Chen wandered in the Thousand Illusory Starfield, feeling that everyone who saw him admired him very much.

After all, without Lin Chen, their Thousand Fantasy Starfield would probably be a dead starfield by now.

Lin Chen is the savior of the entire Thousand Illusory Starfield. After seeing him, many people bowed to the starry sky and couldn't afford to kneel.

One month is not very long, and with the ability of the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, she can barely arrange the big and small things of the entire star field, and hurried to Lin Chen's side.

"I've taken care of it, we can leave anytime."

When Lin Chen saw this, he smiled.

"Okay, then let's send a message to Star Lord Dark Cloud now!"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the Thousand Illusion Goddess also started a message, and immediately got a response from the Dark Cloud Star Lord.

"The two sides meet at the junction of the Dark Cloud Starfield and the Thousand Fantasy Starfield, and rush to the Primordial Sea!"

Lin Chen and Goddess Qianhuan had no objection to this, and they set off immediately, and soon, at the junction of the two star fields, they saw Star Lord Dark Cloud.

What surprised them was that behind the Dark Cloud Star Lord, there were actually no less than a hundred people, all of whom were true gods.

"What are you doing with so many people?"

The Thousand Fantasy Goddess felt that something was wrong.

The bronze drum belonged to Star Lord Dark Cloud, and he destroyed the map on it. Thinking about it now, it was probably not only the map that was destroyed, but also more key things.

These more than 100 people must be preparing to compete for something.

"Hehe, these are all my subordinates. If there are other opportunities this time, let them get it, and they will be able to grow a little bit, right? Don't worry, I don't dare to have this little brother from the Eternal Shrine. Move your Thousand Illusory Starfield again."

Dark Cloud Star Lord said.

Indeed, Lin Chen's status in the Eternal Shrine is definitely not low. If he dared to use any tricks, he might not end well.

But these more than 100 people must be of great use. Lin Chen and Goddess Qianhuan looked at each other, and they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Star Lord Dark Cloud may not dare to deal with them, but he should still be able to find a way to monopolize the opportunity.

He is a strong man in the Ancestral Realm, Lin Chen is only half a step away from God, and the Thousand Fantasy Goddess is reborn with a clone, and even only has the strength of the True God Realm, relying on the heart of Thousand Fantasy, can fight across the ranks, the two of them combined, None of them will be the opponent of Dark Cloud Star Lord.

The only guarantee for this trip is Lin Chen's status as the Eternal Shrine. I have to say, this is too unsafe.

The prehistoric sea is dangerous and unpredictable, and accidents are prone to occur. When Lin Chen dies in an accident, the Eternal Shrine will not be able to trouble the Dark Cloud Star Lord.

This is something that both parties can think of. Star Lord Dark Cloud can think of it, and so can Lin Chen and Goddess Qianhuan.

Star Lord Dark Cloud has prepared this time, and Lin Chen didn't leave empty-handed!

The two sides are cooperating on the surface, but in fact, they are still fighting and playing a game.

For Lin Chen, fighting wits and bravery with a strong ancestor of the domain was too exciting. He was very excited, and immediately flew towards the direction of the wild sea.

The Thousand Illusion Goddess followed closely behind, and the Dark Cloud Star Lord also brought more than 100 real god-level powerhouses to break through the starry sky and fly forward.

From where they are, not far or near to the Great Desolation Sea, the group of people flew for ten days, and finally saw that in the distant starry sky, a strong ancient prehistoric aura surged violently, and the power of chaos rolled It was shocking, and it turned into a vast ocean beyond sight.

Even from a long distance, it still makes people feel stagnant.

In particular, the ancient aura emanating from the depths of the wild sea made people feel extremely awed.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, his eyes were full of radiance, looking at the boundless wild sea, a smile slowly rose from the corner of his mouth.

He had a premonition that in this prehistoric sea full of endless opportunities, his strength would take another leap and be greatly improved!
(End of this chapter)

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