Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 854 In-depth

Chapter 854 In-depth
Chapter 850 Going Deep

The Great Desolate Sea has finally arrived.

Looking at such a scene, even Star Master Anyun, who is in the realm of Yuzu, feels a little dignified.

Looking for opportunities in such a place is no joke. If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

Even Star Lord Dark Cloud did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

On Lin Chen's side, he felt a heavy and chaotic atmosphere, as if pressing on people's hearts, making people breathless.

"This is the wild sea."

The Thousand Illusion Goddess murmured, and there was an unspeakable look in her eyes.

The Great Desolate Sea is the most mysterious place in the entire universe, and it may even be the birthplace of all life, and everything is brewed out of this chaos.

Of course, there is also a chaotic evil spirit hidden here!

The first time he saw Hong Huanghai, Lin Chen concluded that if the chaotic evil spirit wanted to hide somewhere, Hong Huanghai was definitely the best choice.

The power of chaos here is very sufficient, and it is also full of crises and dangers. Hiding here is not only conducive to the hiding of the evil spirit of chaos, but also conducive to the recovery of his strength.

It's hard to imagine what kind of strength he will achieve if he hides for enough time.

Everyone present thought of such a possibility, and felt a chill in their hearts.

It is undoubtedly almost impossible to find a chaotic evil spirit in the huge wild sea, and it is difficult to search for any clues with the power of the entire universe.

Therefore, the growth of this chaotic evil spirit is almost a foregone conclusion.

Feeling a little heavy in his heart, Lin Chen sighed, and could only hope to improve his strength as soon as possible.

After all, the evil spirit of chaos absorbs the power of chaos here, and its strength will increase rapidly. If you want to resist him, you must have stronger strength.

"Lead the way!"

Lin Chen looked at Star Lord Dark Cloud.

Arriving at the Great Desolation Sea, the next road will be guided by the Dark Cloud Star Lord.

Hearing this, Dark Cloud Star Lord also nodded, stepped forward, and walked into the wild sea.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen and Goddess Qianhuan also took steps and entered.

In an instant, a powerful and unparalleled chaotic force formed a vast coercion, as if rushing from all directions, making Lin Chen feel difficult to breathe, and his face became very ugly .

The situation of the Thousand Fantasy Goddess is also not good. Her strength is not as strong as Lin Chen's, and the suppression she receives is even greater.

Seeing this scene, a hint of sarcasm flashed deep in the eyes of Star Lord Dark Cloud.

But on the surface, he immediately came together nervously.

"How are you doing? I was negligent. I should release the field to protect you, but I am afraid that the consumption will be huge, and it will be difficult to deal with the sudden danger."

Dark Cloud Star Lord said.

"Hehe, this little pressure is nothing."

Lin Chen straightened his body slowly, as straight as a gun. On his body, half-step Shishen's aura exuded, and the light of stars shone, as if it had attracted the mighty power in the vast starry sky to protect him.

At the same time, there is also a faint dragon's power inherited from the ancient prehistoric era, which makes the chaotic atmosphere around Lin Chen show signs of retreating!

Star Lord Dark Cloud's pupils shrank, he didn't expect Lin Chen to have such power that could resist the pressure of chaos in this wild sea!

At the same time, the Thousand Illusion Goddess at the side also made a move with a jade hand, and took out the Thousand Illusion Heart. Immediately, this Thousand Illusion Heart exuded a misty luster, covering the body of the Thousand Illusion Goddess, helping her to block it. The coercion of the power of chaos.

Star Master Dark Cloud's face was even more ugly, but he still smiled.

"It seems that I was worrying too much. How could the two geniuses be trapped by this little pressure? It's a bit embarrassing for the waste I brought."

Star Lord Dark Cloud looked behind him, there were hundreds of real god-level powerhouses, each of them had ugly faces, and they barely formed a formation, which was able to withstand the pressure.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say much.

He has already noticed that there is no way to send a message in this wild sea. I am afraid that the Dark Cloud Star Lord has settled for this, so he has many thoughts.

At this moment, Lin Chen can be sure that once the opportunity arises, the Dark Cloud Star Lord will definitely take action and kill the two of them.

After all, for Star Lord Dark Cloud, why not do this kind of death without proof?

A smile flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and he continued to fly forward following the Dark Cloud Star Lord.

And the further one moves forward, the greater the pressure. Logically speaking, even in the Beginning God Realm, they must stop at this moment.

Here, the Goddess of Thousand Illusions can still resist it by relying on the Heart of Thousand Illusions. After all, it is also the core of a star field, so it cannot be too weak.

Lin Chen didn't have any problems, he was still very relaxed when Long Wei was gone.

On the contrary, the hundreds of real god-level powerhouses brought by the Dark Cloud Star Lord are completely useless.

Even with the help of formations, they couldn't resist the pressure at all at this moment, their faces were all pale, and it became extremely difficult for them to breathe.

"Hmph, trash!"

Seeing this, the Dark Cloud Star Lord cursed angrily, and immediately made a move with his palm. Immediately, an invisible and powerful force escaped, and then, it turned into a large and extremely powerful field, covering it There are hundreds of true gods.


This is the first time Lin Chen has seen the existence of domains.

The most unique symbol of the Ancestral Realm powerhouses is the field they can display, which is derived from the miniature universe, a symbol that belongs to a strong Ancestral Realm, and also a representative of his strength.

At this moment, the domain of the Dark Cloud Star Lord is a large dark cloud, dense and dense, covering hundreds of true gods, and helping them to completely isolate the terrifying coercion.

These hundreds of true god realm powerhouses breathed a sigh of relief, each of them felt lingering fear and fear.

If it weren't for the appearance of this field, I'm afraid they would die under this pressure today. Hong Huanghai really deserves its reputation, even Shishen would not dare to rush indiscriminately.

Once lost in it, it must be a dead end.

"Let's go!"

Star Lord Dark Cloud waved his hand, and continued to enshroud these true god realm powerhouses in the field, moving forward all the way.

Lin Chen and the Thousand Imaginary Goddess followed closely behind. As they went deeper, the atmosphere of chaos in front became more and more intense. It was obvious that they had already reached the depths of the Great Desolation Sea.

Moreover, Lin Chen found that the surrounding scene had also changed a lot.

At the beginning, one or two dead stars could be seen floating, faintly showing signs of human activities, but as it deepened, an increasingly ancient aura hit, as if returning to ancient times.

The surrounding area was empty, filled with the aura of chaos, and it was impossible to see the edge, giving people a feeling of despair.

"It's just ahead."

Star Lord Dark Cloud spoke excitedly, pointing to an open space in front of him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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