Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 861 Ancient Dragon Pillar

Chapter 861 Ancient Dragon Pillar

Chapter 860 The Second Ancient Dragon Pillar

Among the Skyscrapers, there is a big secret!
In the depths of this ethnic group, there is actually an ancient totem stone pillar that is comparable to the ancient god monument, and the aura emanating from it is not much different from the ancient god monument.

Killed most of the Motian clan, controlled the rest, and waited for the order from the ancient shrine.

Moreover, what was transmitted back at the same time was the specific appearance of this totem stone pillar. On this stone pillar, there were unexpectedly hideous dragon shadows engraved, exuding terrifying power.

When the news came back, the Eternal Ancient Shrine immediately shook. Taoist Tianhe personally studied the totem stone pillar, read through the classics, and finally determined that the carving on this stone pillar should be the Tianjiao Molong.

You must know that Lin Chen's Tianjiao Molong Wuhun was evolved from the power of the Motian Clan's Jielong Wuhun, and there is definitely a deep relationship between the two.

At the same time, Lin Chen got the news and became excited.

Regarding the Motian clan, he has never really had direct contact with them. He just got the Motian ancient seal from a remnant soul back then.

But at this moment, this is an opportunity to go to the Motian clan, Lin Chen immediately decided to go to the Motian clan in person.

The totem stone pillars related to Tianjiao Molong must not be missed.

The real reason why Lin Chen used Long Su Wushuang that day was that the Jiaotian secret technique consumed too much, and Lin Chen was not sure that he could use it!

That's why he used Long Su Wushuang.

However, at the level of half-step Shishen, even Long Su Wushuang is still a strong load, which is difficult to support.

"You have to go there in person, oh, well, this totem stone pillar, in the entire universe, is probably useful to you, and the Motian clan can't get anything after such a long time, and you should be the only one who can get it mysteries."

Taoist Tianhe thought for a while, but he still didn't stop Lin Chen.

After all, apart from Motian Clan, only Lin Chen could possibly touch Tianjiao Molong's totem stone pillar.

You know, in the entire universe, the only person with the Tianjiao Molong Wuhun is Lin Chen himself.

But at this moment, Lin Chen's strength was already infinitely close to that of the real Shishen. He had a hunch that going to the Motian Clan this time would be another leap forward for his strength.

Without further ado, on the day he got the news, Lin Chen set off immediately, and rushed to the location of the Motian Clan under the transmission of Taoist Tianhe.

The Motian tribe is located in a relatively remote Chiyun Starfield in the universe, and it is even farther away from the Liancheng Starfield. It is hard for Lin Chen to imagine how the original alien race crossed such a long distance to reach the Liancheng Starfield of.

And in this Chiyun Starfield, there is a chaotic origin, speaking of it, this can be regarded as an existence second only to the Great Desolation Sea.

Looking at the entire universe, apart from the Great Desolation Sea, there is only the origin of Chaos, which possesses the powerful power of Chaos.

The tear of chaos that contained the blood essence of Tianjiao Molong back then was discovered by the alien race in the origin of chaos.

However, compared to the Great Desolation Sea, the scope of the origin of chaos is much smaller.

The wild sea is boundless, but the original place of chaos, although it sounds taller, is actually very small, and there is nothing special about it except for the strong power of chaos.

After being teleported, Lin Chen soon appeared in this pool of clouds.

Stepping out, stepping on this piece of starry sky, Lin Chen can also see it from a distance. In this cloud star field, people from the ancient shrine are already everywhere.

With the power of the entire star field, Zhang Henshui is naturally omnipotent. How can this Chiyun star field resist?
After receiving the guidance, half a day later, Lin Chen finally appeared in the territory of the Motian clan and was taken to the deep core area of ​​the Motian clan.

"Lin Chen, you're here."

Seeing Lin Chen, Zhang Henshui couldn't help being amazed.

Although he was not in the Eternal Shrine during this time, he had heard about Lin Chen.

This young man with ancient divine power is the hope of the entire universe. Now there are two full spirit bearers. That level of spiritual power is quite difficult, and only with ancient divine power can it be restrained.

Saluting to Zhang Henshui, Lin Chen also saw that the depression in the Motian clan was completely over at this moment.

This also means that the Motian clan is no longer a threat, and the entire Great Thousand World is also safe.

A boulder fell in Lin Chen's heart, and he felt very comfortable.

Back then, he rushed out of the Great Thousand World on a space ship, risked his life, and came to the unknown Liancheng star field, in order to create a future for the Great Thousand World, but now, the once powerful and irresistible enemy The feeling of falling at his feet caused Lin Chen to have mixed feelings in his heart.

Along the way, he never stopped, but the enemies became stronger one by one, so he didn't dare to relax.

Only in this way can he protect the people he cares about!

All the way forward, Lin Chen finally saw that there was actually a white stone pillar reaching the sky in front of him. On the stone pillar, blood-black totems flowed, exuding an ancient atmosphere, which moved people.

In an instant, Lin Chen felt that in his body, the roaring sound of the Tianjiao Molong's martial spirit came out, and it appeared directly behind him. induction.

Immediately, with the sound of a violent roar, the totem black patterns on the stone pillar actually flowed up one after another, separated from the stone pillar, and gathered in front of Lin Chen to form a complex pattern. The ancient totem imprint knot reached to the extreme is in the shape of a ferocious Tianjiao black dragon.

"Dragon God, Dragon God!"

At this moment, such fluctuations had spread throughout the territory of the Motian clan, and the surviving Motian clan members were all shocked at this moment, knelt down and worshiped Lin Chen.

Since ancient times, there has never been a person who can make such a change in the dragon god totem pole, but now, Lin Chen has just appeared, and this divine pillar has such a vision, and even a dragon god's seal!
This is a scene in the legend that can only happen when the Dragon God comes in person, and the Tianjiao Molong Wuhun behind Lin Chen also shows that he is the so-called Dragon God passed down by word of mouth in the Motian clan!
All the Motian tribe immediately worshiped Lin Chen, but at this moment, Lin Chen didn't have any intention to take care of them at all.

Slowly stretched out the palm of his hand and touched this seal, and immediately, the seal of the Tianjiao Black Dragon seemed to come alive, flowing continuously, and at this moment, it gradually merged into Lin Chen's palm. Inside!

(End of this chapter)

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