Chapter 862

Chapter 860


There was also a lot of ancient and obscure information in this trembling knot, which was transmitted into Lin Chen's mind, giving him a feeling of going back to the ancient times across time and space.

In front of his eyes, there seemed to be scenes of scenes. He saw that in ancient times, the entire universe was almost chaotic, and the black dragons with horned horns wandered wantonly in the chaos, breathing heavily. , all of which have an extremely powerful chaotic aura surge.

The strength of every Tianjiao Molong is probably at least at the level of a god emperor.

Lin Chen was speechless secretly. At the same time, in this scene, there was also an indescribable mystery conveyed. Every movement of every Tianjiao Molong seemed to contain the most primitive relationship between this piece of heaven and earth. The law was transmitted to Lin Chen's mind without reservation, and it was deeply imprinted.

As long as Lin Chen had a thought, these dragon shadows would appear in his mind, allowing him to comprehend such laws anytime, anywhere.

Shocked, Lin Chen vaguely felt that these dragon shadows, combined in the end, might have an even more terrifying secret technique, surpassing Longsu Wushuang and Jiaotian!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen came back to his senses. He saw that the dragon god's seal had disappeared at this moment, and had completely entered his body, and the stone pillar no longer had any special features. up.

Only the many Motian clansmen here still knelt on the ground, bowing down to Lin Chen.

In their view, Lin Chen must be the Nine Heavens True Dragon, the God of Tianjiao Black Dragon, an existence worthy of worship by their entire Motian clan.

At this moment, all Motian clansmen have already recognized that Lin Chen is their god and their master.

And this was unexpected by Lin Chen.

In the past, the Motian clan was a big mountain pressing on him, making him breathless. In order to protect the Great Thousand World, he had to do everything possible to deal with the Motian clan, but now, the Motian clan actually kneel down. Under his feet, serve him as the Lord!
Feeling deeply moved, Lin Chen realized that before he knew it, he had really gone too far.

Scanning the audience and looking at these Ferris clansmen, Lin Chen understood that as long as he gave an order, even letting them die, there would be no problem at all, because in the eyes of these Ferris clansmen, Lin Chen had already been deified.

Lin Chen can somewhat think of it. These Motian tribes are most likely transformed from the Tianjiao Molong in ancient times. For them, Tianjiao Molong is their ancestor.

At the earliest time, Lin Chen believed that the threat of the Great Thousand World was alien races, but later he discovered that the alien races were just a group of poor bereaved dogs who fled to the Great Thousand World in order to survive.

Later, he reached an agreement with the alien species to deal with the Motian clan together. Up to now, the Motian clan has also knelt at Lin Chen's feet.

"Hehe, get up, everyone."

Lin Chen looked at the many Motian tribes and said with a smile.

Although this force is not particularly strong, it is not weak either. It is good to subdue these Motian clan.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Zhang Henshui looked at Lin Chen, without hiding the admiration in his eyes.

He suppressed these Motian tribes before, relying only on powerful force. In the hearts of these Motian tribes, they have never been convinced, and it is impossible to be subdued. In the end, he can only kill all the Motian tribes, and let this race disappear in time. in the long river.

There is also that ancient dragon pillar, Zhang Henshui has no way to do it even with the strength of the Yuzu level, but now Lin Chen is able to capture it with his hands, perfectly solving everything, which makes Zhang Henshui sincerely admire.

Perfectly becoming an emperor, Tianjiao Black Dragon Wuhun, Eight-Clawed Golden-eyed Shenlong Wuhun, Lin Chen has too many inconceivable things.

"It's just luck."

Lin Chen saluted Zhang Henshui.

"This time, I would like to thank Senior for helping me a lot!"

"Small matter, small matter! If you need help, just tell me!" Zhang Henshui shook his hand.

For him, these things are nothing more than a little effort, but if they can be exchanged for Lin Chen's friendship, it will be worth it.

"Speaking of which, there is really one more thing that needs help."

Lin Chen thought for a while and said to Zhang Henshui.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Zhang Henshui signaled Lin Chen to continue.

"I want to go to Liancheng Starfield, there are still some things to deal with." Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Zhang Henshui nodded, showing a look of sudden realization.

Back then, Lin Chen was brought back from the Liancheng Starfield to the Eternal Shrine by the Tianhe Taoist. It can be seen that this kid is from the Liancheng Starfield, and it is reasonable to have something to deal with there.

"Well then, what's your matter, I'll go with you and help you solve it!"

Zhang Henshui waved his hand and said.

Powerful chaotic evil spirits may appear anytime and anywhere now, and even two of the former spirit bearers appeared. He was worried that Lin Chen would act alone.

Especially in a remote star field like the Liancheng Star Field, it is very likely that there are still many chaotic evil spirits hidden.

Once something happened to Lin Chen, it would be over.

Hearing this, Lin Chen froze.

The existence of the Great Thousand World has always been a secret. Even though his strength is extraordinary at the moment, and his status in the Eternal Shrine is also very detached, he still does not want this secret to be known by others.

He just wants his hometown to continue to be peaceful, so that the people he cares about can live a good life, that's all.

Seeing Lin Chen's troubled expression, Zhang Henshui also understood that this kid should be dealing with his own private affairs.

"Well then, I'll send you back, and I'll be waiting for you in the Liancheng Starfield. After you're done, I'll take you back to the Eternal Shrine. That's all right!" Zhang Henshui said so, Lin Chen really couldn't continue to refuse.

"Then thank you senior!"

Lin Chen saluted respectfully.

Waving his hand, Zhang Henshui signaled that there was no need to do so. Immediately afterwards, he pushed the palm of his hand across the air, and a passage had appeared, leading directly to the Liancheng star field.

"All you need to do is stay here. These Motian tribes have also been subdued, and they will be very obedient."

Before leaving, Zhang Henshui gave instructions to his subordinates.

After reaching the domain ancestor level, the huge universe can only be traversed in a few steps. The concept of distance is already very vague.

Stepping into the passage, the two disappeared in the Chiyun Starfield in an instant, and rushed to the Liancheng Starfield.

And as he moved forward in the passage, Lin Chen's heart became inexplicably tense, and sweat seeped out of his palms.

Counting it, I haven't returned to the Great Thousand World and the Small Thousand World for many years to see my relatives and friends, and I don't know how everyone is doing.

His breathing became a little short, and Lin Chen at this moment was actually a little timid.

(End of this chapter)

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