Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 863 My chapter is here!

Chapter 863 I'm back!

Chapter 860 Four I'm Back!

The two moved forward in the passage, and soon, a slightly familiar starry sky appeared in front of Lin Chen.

Stepping out of the passage, Lin Chen saw that there were huge meteorites moving in the endless sea of ​​meteorites in front of him, which was the sea of ​​meteorites in the Liancheng star field!

Here, he fought against Zhang Yichen, and finally fled to the depths of the Meteorite Sea in embarrassment, and fell into the turbulent flow set by the Tianhe Taoist, and then went to the Eternal Shrine.

Returning again at this moment, Lin Chen's strength is already far from the same.

Even if that Zhang Yichen is not dead, he will definitely not be able to handle Lin Chen's every move at this moment!
Feeling a little emotional in his heart, Lin Chen recalled that he had just stepped into the vast universe, but in such a short period of time, he had already established himself firmly and became the core genius among the most powerful forces in the universe.

At this moment, even if he returned to his hometown in fine clothes, it can be said that Lin Chen did not embarrass the world, on the contrary, he was very disgraced!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen also had a confident smile on his face, and there was a touch of warmth in this smile.

After leaving for such a long time, even with Lin Chen's disposition, it is difficult to keep calm!

"I'll just send it here, I'll wait for you here, if you have something to do, send me a message at any time."

Zhang Henshui said.

Hearing this, he nodded, and after Lin Chen thanked Zhang Henshui, he shot straight and disappeared into the sea of ​​meteorites.

Going around, Lin Chen flew around the meteorite sea for a long time before leaving and went to the Ditian League again, where he saw Demon Sheep, Qian Fengliu, Wang Shaowei, Sui Chaoqi, and the leader of the Ditian League.

"Lin Chen, your strength..."

Seeing Lin Chen at first glance, the Demon Sheep thought he had made a mistake.

Qian Fengliu and the others on the side also widened their eyes, carefully sensing Lin Chen's aura.

Half step Shishen!

How long has it been? !
A group of people are amazingly talented people, and they stepped into the universe together, but no one thought that Lin Chen's cultivation speed would be so fast.

Suddenly, a sense of frustration was born in their hearts.

"The Motian tribe has been subdued by me. It's a long story, but there will be no more threats in the entire Great Thousand World. I plan to go back and have a look, and then practice quietly. After all, the evil spirit of chaos appears. There is bound to be a huge turmoil brewing, and the more strength, the more confidence."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, everyone became numb.

Lin Chen, when he first set foot in the starry sky, was still a true god, but now he has reached the half-step god of beginning, and he has also subdued the Motian clan!
With their strength, it is already extremely difficult to try to get an expert to stop the Motian clan from coming to the Great Thousand World, but who would have thought that Lin Chen would subdue this huge threat in this way!
Fortunately, it was not the first day for everyone to know Lin Chen, and they quickly accepted this fact.

Of course, although Lin Chen's strength has been improved even more, the others are not dead, and with the deliberate support of the leader of the enemy, their strength has also improved a lot.

Especially the devil sheep, he had made up for the loss caused by the seizure of the house and the consumption of life power by the origin of time and space, and his strength has improved to a higher level, and there are faint signs of a breakthrough.

The same is true for Wang Shaowei and Qian Fengliu, who have made great progress.

"The Goddess of Thousand Illusions has been teleported to the Thousand Illusions Starfield by the leader of the Ditian Alliance. I don't know when she will be able to help us..."

Qian Fengliu mentioned Qianhuan Goddess, and said with a sigh.

The Thousand Imaginary Goddess at this moment is undoubtedly the last straw for him. The motivation to support him to continue his cultivation is that one day, the Thousand Imaginary Goddess can help him revive Beihanyu.

Hearing this, Lin Chen took a breath, and then said: "I already know about this, I went to the Thousand Illusionary Starfield, there will be no more danger there, just wait for the Thousand Illusion Goddess to improve her strength, Brother, let's continue to wait, it will definitely work."

These words are not only for Qian Fengliu, but also for Lin Chen himself.

"Leader Ditian, I'll go and have a look, and then I'll return to the Great Thousand World. If any of you want to go back, you can come with me."

Lin Chen said.

The demon sheep will definitely not go back, he is very nourished here, he must hurry up to practice, otherwise, he will not be able to keep up with Lin Chen's footsteps.

Wang Shaowei is also a carefree person, he doesn't need to go back, only Qian Fengliu has a family.

The family devoted all their resources to the cultivation of Qianfengliu, which led to today's Qianfengliu. Therefore, Qianfengliu has a lot of affection for the family, and decided to go back and have a look.

After finalizing, Lin Chen went to look for the leader of the enemy.

"Lin Chen, I have met the leader."

Seeing the leader of the enemy alliance, Lin Chen immediately saluted respectfully.

In any case, the leader of Ditian has helped him a lot.

But looking at Lin Chen, Di Tian's leader had mixed feelings in his heart.

I used to have the opportunity to accept this young man as an apprentice, but I still missed it after all. Now Lin Chen is a genius in the ancient shrine. He even heard some news faintly, and vaguely knew some of Lin Chen's situation. .

It can be said that Lin Chen's status at this moment is much higher than that of the earth emperor of the Liancheng Starfield!

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, you don't have to be polite, my little friend is no less than me now, you and I are just equal."

The enemy leader said.

This is true, in the universe, only strength is the first, even if there is a huge age difference between the two, but the strength is similar, there is no difference.

Even young people with higher potential will have higher status in the future.

"Lin Chen didn't dare. Although he joined the Eternal Shrine, he still wanted to join the leader's sect at first. You can be regarded as my half master. During this time, I also want to thank you for your care, so that my brother can Stand here."

In Lin Chen's heart, he was already thankful to the leader of the alliance, but at this moment he also said what he thought.

Hearing this, the leader of Ditian Alliance was naturally very happy, and looked at Lin Chen even more pleasing to the eye.

At such an age, to achieve such an achievement, without arrogance or impetuosity, this is simply too commendable.

The two chatted for a while, before Lin Chen left and left Ditianxing with Qian Fengliu.

In this starry sky, after going around again and again, after confirming that no one would follow, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu finally came to the meteorite sea where they first appeared, heading towards the tunnel they came from and go.

Soon, they discovered that tunnel.

When they first came here, the tunnel almost killed them. Even now, the tunnel is still full of danger.

With a swipe of his palm, Lin Chen took out a space ship, and after boarding the ship with Qian Fengliu, he threw himself into the tunnel without hesitation.

His eyes were excited and his heart was surging, Lin Chen couldn't help but let out a happy howl.

Great Thousand Worlds, I, Lin Chen, are back!

(End of this chapter)

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