Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 864 Returning to Situ

Chapter 864 Returning to Situ
Chapter 860 Returning to Situ


In this tunnel, huge meteorites flew one after another, carrying unimaginable force, smashing towards the spaceship.

Qian Fengliu was very nervous, staring intently at the turbulent flow outside the ship, always vigilant.

On the other hand, Lin Chen looked like he was strolling in the garden, but his gaze was extremely sharp.

And soon, Qian Fengliu noticed that it seemed that when all meteorites were about to hit the space ship, they would almost reverse their direction very strangely, and fly past the space ship, or cause a very slight shock. Impact, can be ignored.

Qian Fengliu is not stupid, such a situation cannot be explained, it can only be Lin Chen's handwriting.

In fact, it was Lin Chen who was manipulating these meteorites.

In the first teleportation, Lin Chen had an epiphany, and faintly touched the true meaning of the starry sky, and obtained the real blessing of the starry sky. From then on, under the starry sky, his power was incomparable.

But at this moment, these meteorites, under the control of Lin Chen's mind, deflected a little direction, it couldn't be easier.

However, such a picture, in the eyes of others, is too mysterious.

Fortunately, Qian Fengliu was no longer surprised by Lin Chen's monstrosity, he was surprised for a while, and then accepted the fact.

And since Lin Chen was strong enough to deal with the dangers in this tunnel, Qian Fengliu felt relieved. He stopped staring nervously at the meteorite outside the ship, and lay down comfortably on the deck, starting to drink.

During this period of time, he has been obsessed with cultivation, but he rarely has the time to relax like this. With Lin Chen around, Qian Fengliu is very relaxed.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled helplessly and said nothing.

And soon, in this passage, the end has been seen.

Today is different from the past, Lin Chen's vision is broadened, and he is no longer the little true God Realm. Now when he looks at this passage and the entrance leading to the Great Thousand World, Lin Chen deeply feels that all this is not that simple .

As the Thousand Fantasy Goddess said, this will definitely not be formed naturally, but has human power in it.

In other words, the Great Thousand World, the Small Thousand World, and the East Pole Continent are all written by the human race.

And it's hard to imagine who is able to reach such a level.

After all, in Lin Chen's cognition, even if he reached the level of Taoist Tianhe, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

With a heavy heart, Lin Chen looked towards the entrance, and also controlled the ship to enter it.

With his current strength, it is still difficult to find out the secrets, so he simply ignores it.

After manipulating the ship, and entering the entrance, Lin Chen felt a sudden enlightenment in front of him, and there was also an extremely friendly and familiar aura coming from him.

Looking around, I saw a vast sky appearing in front of my eyes. The land of Shenzhou below was vast and endless. There was still the faint sound of waves rolling, bringing a sense of humidity. This place is Dongsheng Shenzhou!
Taking a deep breath, his chest was excited, and Lin Chen's eyes also had a different emotion.

In this vast world, Dongsheng Shenzhou was his first stop, and it was here that he gained a great reputation.

At this time, above the sky, flying the ship, Lin Chen sailed straight towards Situ Shenchao.

For Situ Shenchao, Lin Chen has a sense of belonging, and this force has been tied to him.

Especially when Patriarch Situ led the entire Divine Dynasty to attack the Zhoutian Divine Dynasty in a fit of anger, Lin Chen will never forget that scene.

At the same time, Qian Fengliu also got up, flew away from the space ship, and rushed straight to his family.

The ship roared, and Lin Chen drove the ship, and soon arrived at the place where Situ Shenchao was located. Looking from a distance, a large group of incomparably brilliant buildings were lined up one after another, which was very spectacular.

At this moment, Dongsheng Shenzhou can be said to be under the control of Situ Shenchao. It is a dominant family, naturally powerful and extraordinary.

Lin Chen manipulated the space ship and landed outside the Divine Dynasty, but he frowned, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

The atmosphere in Situ Shenchao seems to be a little strange, not the usual vigor and strength, but rather gloomy.

Feeling tense, Lin Chen immediately rushed in, not caring much, and went straight to the valley where the ancestor retreated.

The figure turned into an afterimage, Lin Chen came to the valley, and saw the small wooden house where the ancestor retreated, but at this moment, the wooden house was already dilapidated, and there was no sign of the ancestor !
Lin Chen is 100% sure that something happened to Situ Shenchao.

With an ugly face, he heard a faint voice in the distance, and he rushed over immediately.

"what is the problem?"

Lin Chen was worried and rushed all the way. Soon, he saw a figure standing proudly in a square in front of him. A terrifying aura swept the audience, making people feel tremendous pressure.

And the face of this person is none other than the former Great Elder, Situ Nan.

Lin Chen's pupils shrank, and he faintly felt a familiar aura from this guy. He looked into Situ Nan's eyes again, and after seeing that chaotic color, Lin Chen felt an astonishing murderous intent in his heart. It skyrocketed in restraint.

Chaos evil spirit!

Unexpectedly, the tentacles of these guys have already reached here!
Scanning the audience, Lin Chen saw that Patriarch, Situ Yu and the others were fine, but looked depressed. Standing in front of the crowd, he felt relieved, but looked at the body occupied by the evil spirit of chaos. Situ Nan still had an unquenchable anger in his heart.

All signs indicated that these guys were about to make a comeback, and there was not much time left for the entire universe, but Lin Chen did not expect that in a place like the Great Thousand World, there would also be a chaotic evil spirit.

So, what about Xiaoqian World and the East Pole Continent?
Lin Chen's relatives and friends are all in the Little Thousand World at this moment, if there is also a chaotic evil spirit in the Little Thousand World, Lin Chen dare not think about it.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen observed this guy. He found that the strength of this chaotic evil spirit was not very strong, but it definitely surpassed Shishen and was approaching the level of god emperor. Situ Shenchao Among them, naturally no one can beat them.

"Hehe, today, it's your turn."

A lustful light flashed in Situ Nan's eyes. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, pointing at a woman in the crowd.

When the woman saw this, her face turned pale, her whole body trembled, and she looked around helplessly.

"Old Ancestor, save me, Old Ancestor!"

"Brother Yu, I was wrong, I shouldn't have opposed you before, please help me!"

The woman cried and complained constantly, and her frailty sifted through the chaff.

And Lin Chen saw that she was exactly that Situ Yuxin.

(End of this chapter)

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