Chapter 866
Chapter 860 VII Zhou Xuan

Emperor Acacia!

After returning to the Eternal Shrine from Honghuanghai, Lin Chen had a detailed understanding of the original emperor and the nine spirit bearers under him.

Among the spirit bearers, there is an existence who is good at the way of carnival. He can harvest yin and nourish yang, use women as his cauldron, improve his cultivation, and call him the emperor of carnival.

These methods cannot be regarded as aboveboard, and the strength obtained by this method is naturally not too strong, so the strength of the Emperor Acacia has always been the weakest among the nine spirit bearers.

However, even if he was the weakest, Lin Chen still felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and his whole body tensed up.

"It seems that you know a lot of things. In this world, you can't get such news. Have you ever gone out? Or, you came in from the outside in the first place."

Emperor Hehuan said.

It is true that in this great world, it is really impossible to know about the ancient chaotic evil spirits. Lin Chen did go out and come back again.

"Does it matter?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, calming his mind.

He could see that the Emperor Hehuan should be extremely afraid of the ancient divine power emanating from him, and his own strength had not fully recovered, so he was not in a hurry to act.

This fell right into Lin Chen's arms. Originally, Lin Chen wanted to delay the time.

It must be extremely difficult for him to deal with the Emperor Hehuan himself, but if he adds other strong ancestors, even if only the leader of the Ditian League comes, the chances of winning will be much higher.

Once Qian Fengliu managed to contact Zhang Henshui, the Emperor Hehuan would be very dangerous.

"If you can tell me what's going on outside, I don't have to kill you."

Emperor Hehuan said.

"Outside? I don't quite understand what you're talking about."

Lin Chen played a sloppy eye and continued to stall for time.

He did a little calculation. At this moment, Qian Fengliu should have rushed out of the Great Thousand World on a space ship and entered that tunnel.

It's just that without his own help this time, Qian Fengliu would have to go through the tunnel without some danger.

"Boy, you'd better not challenge my patience, every three counts, I will kill one person here!"

With the experience of Emperor Hehuan, he could naturally see Lin Chen's plan at a glance, and he became secretly vigilant.

This kid probably came back from the outside world, and there should be backup outside. At this moment, his strength has not recovered. If this kid brings stronger enemies, he will be in danger.

Therefore, he must get the information he wants from this kid as soon as possible.

And this kid is obviously related to this weak Situ Shenchao, so it is logical to use Situ Shenchao's people to threaten him.

Sure enough, seeing the change in Lin Chen's expression, Emperor Hehuan secretly felt complacent.

Then, with a swipe of his palm, he grabbed Situ Yuxin back, strangled Situ Yuxin by the throat, and looked at Lin Chen.

"Boy, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise, I'll let her die in front of you!"

Emperor Acacia threatened.

However, immediately he saw that Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Situ Yuxin with a smile that was not a smile.

If Emperor Hehuan threatened Situ Yu, Lin Chen would not dare to delay, but at this moment, Situ Yuxin is another matter.

This woman has made things difficult for Lin Chen many times before. Lin Chen has always disliked her very much in his heart, and if he can use the hand of the Emperor Hehuan to get rid of Situ Yuxin at this moment, at least Lin Chen will not have any troubles. What conflict.

Of course, Lin Chen would not be so stingy that he forced Situ Yuxin to death, but in the current situation, using Situ Yuxin to delay time was undoubtedly the wisest choice.

Seeing Lin Chen smiling and not saying a word, Emperor Hehuan was short-tempered, and the palm holding Situ Yuxin's throat increased strength, making a clucking sound, which immediately made Situ Yuxin turn purple and unable to speak.

At this moment, she just looked at Lin Chen with pleading eyes.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on Lin Chen!
However, looking at Lin Chen's appearance at this moment, it seemed that he made it clear that he didn't take Situ Yuxin's life or death seriously.

With her feet kicking wildly, Situ Yuxin's eyes were rolling upwards. Under the power of Emperor Hehuan, she didn't even have a chance to struggle.

Seeing that Situ Yuxin was about to die, Lin Chen opened his mouth and looked at Emperor Hehuan.

"Wait, put the person down!"

If Situ Yuxin died, Emperor Hehuan would definitely look for the next target. If Situ Yu was locked, it would be difficult.

Hearing this, he loosened his palm slightly, giving Situ Yuxin a chance to breathe, and Emperor Hehuan looked at Lin Chen coldly: "Why, are you willing to say it?"

"Hehe, tell me, what do you want to know, I didn't do well outside, so I just came back in despair, and I don't know much!" Lin Chen said.

Of course, Emperor Hehuan would not believe such nonsense.

Lin Chen felt very dangerous to him, and he had the aura of ancient divine power, which made him dare not act rashly until now. How could such a guy be an ordinary person.

Besides, this world is very mysterious, he also stumbled into it by mistake, hibernating here, and Lin Chen can come and go freely, which proves that he is not ordinary.

And being able to say the name of his Emperor Hehuan proves that Lin Chen knows the ancient things, and his status must be detached. You must know that in this vast world, no one knows about the chaos evil spirit, even in the outer starry sky. , After such a long time, the average person can no longer touch this level.

"Now, what is the strength of the outside human race?"

This is what Emperor Hehuan desperately wants to know. If after a long period of development, there has been a strong person above the ancestors, then he doesn't have to continue to linger, and he can directly kill himself.

"Outside, as far as I can get in touch, the highest strength lies in Yuzu. No one has ever been able to break through Yuzu." Lin Chen replied.

Hearing this, Emperor Hehuan's eyes flashed with joy.

The strength of their nine spirit bearers is at the level of the domain ancestors, and the strongest outsiders are only domain ancestors, so there is an opportunity to deal with them.

And once their ultimate goal can be achieved, then this piece of the universe will be nothing to worry about.

"Very good, then, how many of my nine spirit bearers have recovered?"

This is also a concern of Emperor Acacia.

"Besides you, there are two more, one is called Supreme Immortal Emperor, and the other is called Nine Lives Emperor." Lin Chen replied truthfully.

"Immortal and Nine Lives, hum, I didn't expect these two guys to come first." Emperor Hehuan mentioned the Supreme Immortal Emperor, but he snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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