Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 867: Fighting the Acacia!

Chapter 867: Fighting the Acacia!
Chapter 860 The Eighth Battle of Acacia!

When it comes to the Supreme Immortal Emperor, the Emperor Acacia seems to be a little disdainful.

Regarding this, Lin Chen vaguely knew some old rumors.

At the beginning, among the chaotic evil spirits, there were nine spirit bearers under Emperor Zun. Among these nine spirit bearers, the Supreme Immortal Emperor ranked ninth, and logically speaking, he was the weakest one. .

But in fact, it is the Emperor Acacia who is really strong from the outside.

However, the Emperor Hehuan ranked eighth, but he overwhelmed the Supreme Immortal Emperor. Therefore, the Supreme Immortal Emperor has always been very dissatisfied with the Emperor Acacia and wanted to change the ranking.

There have been many fights between the two in private.

Therefore, Lin Chen mentioned the Supreme Immortal Emperor at this moment, which made Emperor Hehuan so dissatisfied.

"This guy is immortal, his strength is not very good, but his ability to escape is good!"

Emperor Hehuan sneered.

He looked down on the Supreme Immortal Emperor very much.

"Where are they now?"

Emperor Acacia asked.

"They fled into the wild sea." Lin Chen replied.

Flood sea.

Hearing the words Hong Huanghai, Emperor Hehuan also nodded, and the matter was still within his expectations.

After all, looking at the entire universe, the only thing that is most suitable for the activities of their chaotic evil spirits at this moment is the Great Desolate Sea.

At the beginning, they guys arrived in this universe from the wild sea.

"Calculate the time, it's time too, hehe."

With a smirk, the Emperor Hehuan also flicked his palm, and directly sent Situ Yuxin flying, and immediately continued to look at Lin Chen.

"You have an aura that I hate very much!"

Saying that, the aura of Emperor Hehuan's whole body also became dangerous.

He had already obtained the news he wanted from Lin Chen, and after careful observation, he confirmed again and again that Lin Chen was really just a half-step Shishen, and Emperor Hehuan no longer had any doubts in his heart.

Changes come later, and this is undoubtedly the best time to get rid of Lin Chen!
Thinking of this, Emperor Hehuan immediately burst out with his aura, covering Lin Chen, which shocked the whole audience. These Situ Shenchao people all looked extremely frightened, even the old man Zu, also subconsciously stepped back.

Obviously, they have all seen the power of the Emperor Hehuan, and they are terrified at the moment.

But Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and from all over his body, a mighty power that seemed to come from ancient times slowly radiated out. Suddenly, he was able to rival the aura of the Emperor Acacia!

"Hmph, it really is ancient divine power, boy, you must die today!"

Emperor Hehuan let out a cold snort, his murderous intentions raged.

Lin Chen's heart sank.

The time was delayed a bit, but the Emperor Hehuan quickly figured out his own details, and there was no longer any delay, and Lin Chen had no choice.

At this moment, Qian Fengliu should still be in the tunnel, and if he wants to wait for foreign aid to arrive, it may take a long time.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Lin Chen could only fight hard.

In an instant, the heaven-shaking sound of the dragon's chant erupted accompanied by a mighty force from the ancient times, shaking the entire Situ Dynasty. Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the figure in the blue shirt.

No one thought that at this moment, Lin Chen had grown to such a point that he could fight this terrifying and powerful enemy who was extremely mysterious!
Even Patriarch Situ was still terrified when he felt Lin Chen's breath.

He reckoned that if he wanted to fight Lin Chen, he might not be his one-shot enemy.

"What a kid pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

Emperor Hehuan's face also turned serious. He could feel that under Lin Chen's so-called half-step Shishen's cultivation, there was definitely a terrifying strength that could leapfrog combat.

Even him, if one is not careful, he may capsize in the gutter.

After all, the young man in front of him possesses the legendary ancient divine power. Looking at this universe, only this kind of power can rival their spiritual power.

Lin Chen's heart was solemn, and he burst out with all his strength, his whole body tensed up.

This was the first time he used his own strength to contend against the legendary spirit bearer.

Even Emperor Hehuan, the weakest among the nine spirit bearers, should not be underestimated.

Not daring to be careless in the slightest, behind Lin Chen, there are already two dragon shadows reaching the sky, accompanied by an immortal shadow of god and magic, shaking the entire Situ Dynasty, and even the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou. It is able to detect such a terrible breath.

At the same time, at the place where the Dongsheng Divine Pagoda was located, one of the tower guards looked far away, extremely deep, as if he could see Lin Chen at this moment.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

The tower keeper put his hands behind his back and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In the end, he still stepped forward and disappeared in place.

He knew in his heart that some things cannot be avoided.

On the other side, Qian Fengliu here, knowing the seriousness of the matter in his heart, immediately left the great world, drove the space ship, rushed out, and entered the tunnel.

However, without Lin Chen's help this time, it seemed a bit reluctant for him to go through the tunnel by himself.

But at the critical juncture, Qian Fengliu's potential was also fully stimulated. He attacked desperately, causing the meteorites outside the ship to rupture one after another, unable to affect the flight of the ship. Under such extreme flight, Finally, a vast extraterrestrial starry sky appeared ahead.

Out of the tunnel, Qian Fengliu's spaceship was close to being scrapped, and he didn't have any extra spaceships, and where he was right now, he couldn't send a message, so he immediately flew forward and wanted to leave This area of ​​the meteorite sea.

And just when Qian Fengliu was trying to find foreign aid, Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan had already started fighting in Situ Shenchao.

Above the sky, there seemed to be a divine thunder that exploded. At this level, with just a few gestures, a whole world could be destroyed!
Back then, Patriarch Situ killed Zhou Tianshen Dynasty for Lin Chen, fought a half-step god-level battle, and defeated Patriarch Zhoutian. Now, Lin Chen has also reached the level of half-step gods, A battle against a powerful spirit bearer begins!

The dragon's chant echoed, and Lin Chen's handprints were pinched, and a golden eight-clawed dragon shadow hovered behind him, releasing unparalleled mighty power, making the entire Situ Dynasty shrouded in the power of a dragon, as if there was a dragon that could encompass it all. The giant golden dragon shadow of heaven and earth covers everything.

Facing such a powerful enemy, Lin Chen immediately used the secret technique of Longsu Wushuang, and under this dragon power, there is still a trace of ancient divine power, wrapped in a prehistoric aura, flowing And open!

(End of this chapter)

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