Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 868 Dividing life and death!

Chapter 868 Dividing life and death!
Chapter 860 Nine Divide Life and Death!

Long Su Wushuang!

This is the second time Lin Chen has used Longsu Wushuang's secret technique. He is already familiar with it, and it is even more powerful than the first time.

The majestic dragon shadow, carrying ancient divine power, enveloped the entire Situ Dynasty, causing everyone to bow down involuntarily, including the ancestor Situ, who also bowed to such mighty power.


At this time, if anyone still wants to resist and fight against this force, then his fate will definitely be extremely miserable.

Among the audience, only Emperor Hehuan still maintained his standing posture, but even he still had an ugly expression on his face.

He just woke up from hibernation, and he urgently needs to recover his strength. During this period of time, he has to refine a female warrior every day, but the female warriors here are too weak. For the energy he needs, it is not enough. It is a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, even though he was once an extremely powerful spirit bearer, at this moment, facing the powerful Lin Chen, Emperor Hehuan still felt the pressure.

"Hmph, damn kid!"

Emperor Hehuan's eyes were full of gloom, he snorted coldly, and when he raised his hand, there was finally a terrifying power in his body, which escaped from the chaos.

The power of the spirit!

This seems to be a terrifying power that transcends this universe. Just after it appeared, it caused the sky of the entire Situ Dynasty to collapse irreversibly, as if it could destroy this piece of the world, making people feel extremely desperate .

And with the appearance of this spiritual power, Lin Chen's dragon shadow was immediately suppressed, and the ancient divine power in Lin Chen's body became agitated as if facing a formidable enemy.

Long Ying let out a roar, and suddenly, a majestic golden tornado storm swept away, tearing apart the sky, and impacting on the Emperor Acacia.

Wherever the storm passed, everything above the ground was destroyed, and a bottomless gully appeared, just looking at it made one's legs go weak.

Facing such an offensive, Emperor Hehuan also had a serious expression on his face. Between the pinching of the handprints, the mysterious spiritual power was attached to his arms, and finally, his arms showed an indescribable pain. Colors surge with incredible power.

The power of the spirit!

This kind of power surpassed any power Lin Chen had ever seen, as if it could destroy everything!
Immediately afterwards, Emperor Hehuan swung his arm forward fiercely. Immediately, above his arm, the power of the spirit began to expand, and finally, outside his arm, a huge phantom of the arm was formed, flying in the air. It collided fiercely with Lin Chen's tornado.

Suddenly, an indescribable loud noise rang out, centering on the sky above Situ Shenchao, a storm of energy swept in all directions, as if it wanted to poke a hole in the sky of the entire Great Thousand World!

This kind of collision, even in the universe, would cause indescribable damage, not to mention in the universe, this can be called a battle to destroy the world!
Everyone's expressions were extremely horrified, and they couldn't help stepping back, looking at Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan, full of horror.

With such a cultivation base, he can indeed destroy the world with every move!

The power of the spirit collided with the ancient divine power, and the powerful fluctuations made Lin Chen spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face was a little pale, and Emperor Hehuan didn't feel too well, he stepped back with a thump, every time he stepped back One step, and there will be a bottomless huge footprint on the ground below.

And even with this method, it couldn't completely remove the impact he received. With a sweet voice, blood was already flowing from the corner of Emperor Hehuan's mouth.

His complexion was extremely gloomy, and Emperor Hehuan still underestimated Lin Chen's strength.

I don't know how many days later, when he just woke up, he encountered an enemy with ancient divine power. It has to be said that his luck was also bad.

Gritting his teeth, Emperor Hehuan felt extremely aggrieved.

If he could return to the primordial sea to absorb the power of chaos at this moment, he would soon be able to restore his peak strength, and by then, it would be much easier to kill Lin Chen.

But now, if he wanted to defeat Lin Chen, he might have to pay a huge price.

The sound of explosions continued, making people's eardrums hurt. The ears of the people who kept retreating below were bleeding, and they could no longer hear any sound. There were still many weak people who were stunned by such fluctuations. unconscious.

And Lin Chen's phantom of the Long Su Wushuang secret technique finally dissipated slowly, and similarly, the arm of the spiritual power of Emperor Hehuan also disappeared from the sky.

This blow actually had some meaning of being evenly matched.

"damn it!"

Emperor Hehuan's complexion turned extremely ugly, staring at Lin Chen above the sky.

It was beyond his expectation that Lin Chen possessed such power, and if he continued to fight, it might be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

Such a delay would be very detrimental to him.

On Lin Chen's side, he was carefully guarding the Emperor Hehuan, and was also counting the time. Thinking about it now, Qian Fengliu should have rushed out of the tunnel to seek help.

It's just that Lin Chen also underestimated the strength of Emperor Hehuan. Even if Qian Fengliu recruited the enemy leader, it would not have much effect.

I am afraid that only Zhang Henshui will be able to subdue this guy if he comes in person.

"No delay!"

Emperor Hehuan gritted his teeth. He understood that the more the delay, the more unfavorable it would be. Lin Chen must be killed as soon as possible, and then continue to lurk, trying to find a way to return to the wild sea.

Thinking of this, an unprecedented terrifying force erupted from Emperor Hehuan's body, which immediately made Lin Chen feel terrified.

He understood that the opponent probably wanted to decide the outcome with one blow, to decide whether a person would live or die.

The expression on his face was extremely solemn, behind Lin Chen, the martial spirit of the Tianjiaomolong slowly soared into the air at this moment, and an ancient divine power that seemed to be inherited from the ancient prehistoric, slowly poured into the blood-ink color of the Tianjiaomolong Among the giant horns, this dragon horn erupted with indescribable power at this moment.

Closing his eyes, in front of Lin Chen's eyes, the totem on the ancient dragon pillar seemed to reappear, and the shadows of the surging sky-horned black dragons seemed to come alive in front of his eyes, conveying an indescribable power. The breath of the avenue penetrated into the dragon shadow above his head.

Immediately, a terrifying aura that surpassed Longsu Wushuang's aura just now finally dissipated and erupted completely, shaking the entire Great Thousand World once again.

All of a sudden, on all the land of China, there seemed to be a dragon's chant resounding through the sky, which lasted for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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