Chapter 869

Chapter 870

In the final analysis, the Tianjiao Molong at this moment, due to various opportunities, is still stronger than the eight-clawed golden-eyed dragon.

Especially the mighty power brought by the totem on the ancient dragon pillar is simply indescribable in words.

At this moment, as if reappearing the scene on the dragon pillar, Lin Chen's Heavenly Horned Black Dragon Martial Soul also split apart, causing majestic shadows of Heavenly Horned Black Dragons to appear in the sky. Show various poses!
hoo hoo hoo!
The sound of the dragon chant was endless, shaking the whole world at this moment, and then, all the dragon shadows roared, and the huge horns above their heads burst out with a bloody ink color that was extremely terrifying, making the sky Layers collapsed.

The secret technique of cornering the sky, competing with the sky!
At this moment, Lin Chen has finally displayed the secret technique of the horned sky, and combined with the insights from the ancient dragon pillar, so that the power of the dragon can be divided into hundreds of ways.

In other words, at this moment, Lin Chen had used the Horned Sky Secret Technique hundreds of times to deal with the Emperor Hehuan!

In an instant, a terrifying aura that seemed to destroy the world swept over and deeply shocked the souls of everyone present. Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the terrifying dragon shadows above the sky, what's more? Those who couldn't bear such coercion at all, fainted directly.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer!
Lin Chen at this moment, in the eyes of these people, is absolutely no different from a god, because the power he exerted has far exceeded the limit that human beings can achieve!

Under such an attack, I am afraid that even the powerhouses of the god emperor level will have no choice but to perish.

And this Emperor Hehuan just woke up from hibernation, and his strength is probably not even one in ten. Facing such an attack at this moment, his complexion is pale, and his whole body is trembling faintly.

However, at any rate, he was also one of the spirit bearers under Emperor Zun's seat. He had seen a person who was in a turbulent situation. Emperor Hehuan quickly calmed down, pinching his handprints, and a terrifying spiritual power burst out all over his body.

Facing Lin Chen's offensive, he had to do his best to have a chance of survival.

All the spiritual power in the body emerged at this moment, covering his body surface, bursting out with suffocating power. Immediately afterwards, this spiritual power also slowly condensed behind the Emperor Hehuan, It turned into a beautiful female body, without a trace.

And this female body transformed by the power of the spirit, with a sweet smile and beautiful eyes, just like a real beauty!
This is the embodiment of Emperor Hehuan's own Dao. The way of Hehuan is inseparable from women. The woman's shadow that appears at this moment is the embodiment of the life characteristics of women that he has possessed in his life!
With the appearance of this light and shadow, there was another powerful and unparalleled energy in the sky, confronting Lin Chen's hundreds of dragon shadows.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The former Emperor Hehuan, no matter what, was a top figure in the Yuzu level. Although his strength has dropped greatly at this moment, he still has extremely terrifying methods.

All of a sudden, two equally powerful and unparalleled energy impacts swept away, and suddenly collided together in the air with a very shocking posture. In an instant, the dazzling strong light scattered, causing the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou to shudder. I fell into a situation where I couldn't speak.

I'm afraid the real end of the world is nothing more than that!
The blood-ink color erupting from the horns of hundreds of black dragons, and the illusory spiritual color erupting from the beautiful body, each occupying half of the sky, colliding crazily and eroding each other. unprecedented.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, crazily urging such a secret technique, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood, he was already overdrawing his strength.

The same is true for Emperor Hehuan's side. Both of them know that they can only win, not lose.

So, the two of them were in a stalemate like this, refusing to give an inch to each other, crazily mobilizing the terrifying power.

Bang bang!

On Lin Chen's side, dragon shadows exploded due to exhaustion and dissipated invisible. At the same time, with the sound of explosions, Emperor Hehuan was also severely injured. The light and shadow of the spiritual power, Gradually faded, obviously unable to last for a long time.

Both of them had already tried their best, but they fell into such an evenly matched situation. I have to say that this battle was really exciting.

The entire Great Thousand World didn't react until this time. The powerhouses of the major Chinese states rushed towards the direction of Dongsheng Shenzhou, wanting to see what happened.

"Could it be that kid is back?"

On the Demon Soil side of the Western Regions, Gai Jiuyou suddenly woke up from his latent cultivation, looking at Dongsheng Shenzhou with suspicious eyes.

One must know that such fluctuations can be felt even at an extremely long distance, which is shocking.

In Gai Jiuyou's heart, Lin Chen was the only one who could make such a big commotion.

In fact, this is exactly Lin Chen's handwriting.

With a thought, behind Gai Jiuyou, there was an extremely dark and terrifying corpse abyss. Immediately afterwards, Gai Jiuyou's body slowly entered the corpse abyss and disappeared.

At the same time, in the entire Great Thousand World, there are all kinds of masters, in their own way, rushing to Dongsheng Shenzhou at high speed to check out the scene of such a battle.

And the one who arrived the fastest was naturally the tower keeper.

The old body took almost one step, crossed the space, and came to Situ Shenchao, and saw Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan fighting inextricably.

With a horrified expression on his face, the tower guard did not expect that the battle would be so fierce that even with his strength, he did not dare to intervene easily.

Seeing the appearance of the tower keeper, Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan were taken aback. They felt that the tower keeper's strength is still very good. If he makes a contribution at this time, he can definitely ease the stalemate in the battle.

The tower guard naturally thought so too. He looked at Lin Chen, marveled in his heart, and at the same time prepared to attack the Emperor Hehuan.

Without even asking, he subconsciously felt that he must be helping Lin Chen.

"Old man, help me out, and I will protect your glory and wealth!"

Emperor Hehuan shouted angrily.

Hearing this, the tower guard sneered and dismissed it.

He is willing to be lonely, guarding the Dongsheng Divine Pagoda for so many years, even he himself can't remember clearly. Isn't it a big joke that the Emperor Hehuan promised him glory and wealth at this moment?

Without the slightest hesitation, the tower guard made a move with the palm of his hand, and the momentum of his whole body was exuded, and he had already begun to concentrate his attack.

(End of this chapter)

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