Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 870 is too careless

Chapter 870 is too careless
Chapter 870 Too Careless

Seeing the movements of the tower guards, Emperor Hehuan's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

Originally, he had the confidence to continue the stalemate. Lin Chen must be the first to fall. After all, he is a strong man who has been famous for a long time, and his background lies there.

But now, once the tower keeper intervenes, he can break the current stalemate and cause him to be severely injured!
And under such circumstances, once he was severely injured, it meant that he was not far from death.

Emperor Hehuan gritted his teeth, thinking about countermeasures.

But no matter how he thought about it, the tower guard would not turn his back on Lin Chen.

Immediately, Emperor Hehuan felt a little hopeless in his heart. In such a situation, it was really called "every day should not be done, and the earth is not working!"

A trace of remorse arose in my heart. I was greedy for benefits and stayed in this world, which is very far away from the wild sea, so I was afraid of encountering the current situation.

But now, it was obviously too late to say anything, Emperor Hehuan gritted his teeth, and was already planning to fight to the death.

As one of the former nine spirit bearers, no matter how bad it is, he still has a hole card, but if he uses it, the price will be a bit high, but Emperor Hehuan can't care less.

The wrong estimate of Lin Chen's strength pushed him into such a situation. Even if he could escape with his life today, he would be in a terrible embarrassment.

"You guys forced me to do this!"

Speaking viciously, at this moment, Emperor Hehuan also erupted with a more tyrannical terrifying force, and in an instant, the dragon shadow on Lin Chen's side was greatly suppressed.

Lin Chen's complexion changed drastically, and Lin Chen understood that it was Emperor Hehuan who was going to play his hole card, and once he played his hole card, it would be a situation where both jade and stone would be destroyed, and all fish would die.

Immediately tensed up, Lin Chen was alert to every movement of Emperor Hehuan.

On the side of Emperor Hehuan, he was also quickly pinching the Yin Jue, circulating the terrifying power in his body, causing an extremely dangerous aura to surge in the audience.

The tower keeper immediately speeded up, and in his palm, a miniature tower-shaped light and shadow appeared, exuding an ancient aura.

Obviously, he is also going to do his best to stop Emperor Hehuan.

Sweating profusely, on the side of Emperor Hehuan, he has no idea.

The tower keeper has been preparing for this attack since he first appeared, and it is almost done now, but he is just starting, and he is likely to be blocked by the tower keeper halfway!
In this way, the damage he suffered will be even greater, and it is possible to fall here today!
Feeling uneasy, Emperor Hehuan has never been so embarrassed before, and the instigator of all this is actually a half-step god boy!

The speed in his hand was faster, but when a tower-shaped light and shadow in the hand of the tower keeper was completely formed, and he threw it directly at Emperor Hehuan, he realized that he was still slow.

And slowing down by this step, under such circumstances, almost meant that he was bound to die!

With a grim expression on his face, Emperor Hehuan was unwilling to let out a roar, but the tower-shaped light and shadow did not slow down at all, and rushed straight to his face.

If this blow is real, he will immediately fall into the abyss!
Everyone held their breath, waiting for the tower-shaped light and shadow to hit Emperor Acacia to end the battle.

Lin Chen was also very nervous, waiting for this moment to come. However, in the process of that tower-shaped light and shadow flying towards the Emperor Hehuan at high speed, a strange force suddenly appeared out of thin air. As if they were all at a standstill, this attack came to an abrupt end, staying in the air, unable to advance an inch!

Even the attacks of Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan were affected.

The dragon shadows stagnated without any movement, and the light and shadow of the spiritual power on the side of Emperor Hehuan seemed to have stopped, and the terrifying fluctuations stopped spreading instead of spreading.

As if his mind was about to explode, Lin Chen thought of a name in an instant.


Looking at the entire Great Thousand World, the only one who can achieve this level is Bei Luo Zetian.

Back then when he got the origin of time and space and the wheel of time and space, Bei Luo Zetian went deep into the sea of ​​time and space to cultivate, and did not enter the outer starry sky with Lin Chen and others, but in Lin Chen's heart, he always regarded Bei Luo Zetian as a rival.

Even if he doesn't go outside the territory, Luo Zetian's qualifications in the north can still make him flourish.

Facts have proved that Lin Chen's guess is correct. At this moment, when Bei Luo Zetian made a move, he controlled the audience, stopping all attacks and blocking time and space!
Such a handwriting is truly terrifying.

You know, even though Lin Chen is only a half-step Shishen present, he possesses ancient divine power, an ancient dragon soul, and terrifying strength. Humans, their strengths are also unpredictable, at least they can rival half-step god emperors.

However, the attacks of these three people, without exception, were all suppressed by Bei Luo Zetian's time and space, and they came to a standstill!
This is enough to prove how far Beiluo Zetian has traveled above the time and space.

"Bei Luo Ze Tian!"

Lin Chen let out an exclamation, and he saw that a figure, surrounded by silver divine light, had faintly appeared in the sky.

However, Lin Chen instinctively felt that Bei Luo Zetian at this moment was actually a little strange, and when he heard Lin Chen's shout, Bei Luo Zetian also looked at Lin Chen, and then grinned. He smiled, revealing his pale teeth.


Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat, and when he took a closer look, Bei Luo Zetian's eyes were no longer the same as before, but filled with a silver light, which was extremely strange.

The origin of time and space!

Lin Chen thought instantly that Bei Luo Zetian in front of him might not be himself anymore.

"Too careless, too careless!"

Lin Chen couldn't help feeling bitter and regretful.

At the beginning, he naively thought that the origin of time and space had been refined by Bei Luo Zetian, but he did not expect that the origin of time and space was only temporarily lurking, pretending to be refined by Bei Luo Zetian, and waiting for an opportunity to seize it!

After thinking everything through in an instant, Lin Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Under such circumstances, the appearance of Beiluo Zetian, who was successfully seized by the origin of time and space, is tantamount to sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, reaping the benefits of the fisherman. Whether it is Lin Chen or Emperor Acacia, they are extremely passive.

"Ha ha."

The source of time and space sneered, and instead of looking at Lin Chen, his eyes fell on the Emperor Hehuan.

There is a strange silver in the eyes, representing the power of time and space, and the origin of time and space opens its mouth and makes a hoarse voice.

"The feeling you give me is very unique. How about we take a gamble?"

(End of this chapter)

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