Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 871 Secret

Chapter 871 Secret
Chapter 870 The Second Secret


Emperor Hehuan was very apprehensive, and looked at Kita Luo Zetian.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly discovered that a large number of terrifying characters had been born in this closed world, and even if they were placed outside the territory, they were definitely among the best.

"Stop pretending, you and I both know what's special here, otherwise, you won't be here after you've recovered, domineering!"

The origin of time and space said coldly.

And hearing such words, the Emperor Hehuan's whole body was shocked suddenly, looking at the source of time and space, his complexion has become extremely gloomy.

This sentence can be said to have hit the biggest secret in his heart, the secret about this world.

When Lin Chen heard the words, his heart jumped, and he immediately understood.

From the Thousand Fantasy Goddess, he learned that this world is very special, and it is very likely that it came from the handwriting of ancient masters, and there are huge benefits hidden in it. Now, it is obvious that Emperor Hehuan and Time and Space Yuanyuan is all about this benefit.

"What do you want to bet on?"

Emperor Hehuan stared at the origin of time and space, gritted his teeth and said.

This secret, the fewer people know, the less he knows, of course he doesn't want others to know.

"It's very simple, I think you are also very clear, that thing is within the sea of ​​time and space, but right now you and I can't touch it."

The origin of time and space said seriously.

"Hmph, how can you and I touch this, do you have a way?"

Emperor Hehuan snorted coldly.

"Of course, this world is divided into three layers. They are connected through an unprecedented method of ascension, which can be called a miracle. The biggest secret lies within this ascension!"

The words of the origin of time and space shocked everyone present.

Except for Lin Chen who already knew the specialness of the Great Thousand World, most people heard such words for the first time, and couldn't help but feel complicated and thought of a lot.

As for Lin Chen, his pupils shrank suddenly.

According to the source of time and space, the biggest secret of this world is hidden in the way of ascension!

Moreover, there is an extremely important thing that I don't know what it is, which is hidden in the sea of ​​time and space.

"You and I are the most peculiar existences in the world, and there is this person, who has ascended step by step. As far as I know, he still has part of the original existence of this world. Together, we may not be able to find out secret!"

The source of time and space said with great excitement.

Indeed, he was born from a source of spiritual wisdom. After all, Emperor Hehuan is just an evil spirit born from chaos, and they are all extremely special beings. As for Lin Chen, he ascended step by step from the East Pole Continent!
If anyone can find out the hidden secrets of this world, the three of them are probably the most promising.

"You mean, the three of them teamed up to find out the secret, and then fight for it by themselves?"

Emperor Acacia asked.

Nodding, the source of time and space said: "That's right!"

"It's not fair. If you want to find out this secret, I'm afraid it will take two people to run through the center of the three-layer world, and one person guards the sea of ​​time and space, and the one who guards the sea of ​​time and space will definitely get the first benefits!" Emperor Hehuan Said immediately.

"Hehe, I am the only one who can really go deep into the sea of ​​time and space. What's more, do you think your strength can match mine?"

"And you, Lin Chen, I know you value love and righteousness, and you can't kill me, as long as you don't agree, I will let you taste the pain of losing a loved one!"

The source of time and space thought that they had grasped the fate of the two.

However, upon hearing such words, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and suddenly a strong murderous intent emerged.

This is his Ni Lin, since he was extremely weak, he has always been, no matter who dared to threaten his relatives, without exception, they all died in the hands of Lin Chen.

On the side of Emperor Hehuan, his face was also gloomy, and he was obviously unwilling to cooperate.

He just wanted to enjoy such benefits alone, and even if he wanted to share them with others, it had to be other spirit bearers.

Right now, it is absolutely impossible for this space-time origin to get a share of the pie.

Moreover, Emperor Hehuan has already decided in his heart that if there is an opportunity in the future, he must refine this source, attribute it to his own chaos, and strengthen himself!

"It should be almost there."

Lin Chen murmured slowly, and at the same time raised his head, looking at the distant sky, but there was still no movement at all.

But he calculated in his heart that at Qian Fengliu's speed, he should have already asked for foreign aid at this moment, why still no one showed up?
Seeing Lin Chen's actions, the origin of time and space also felt a sudden shock in his heart. He came here directly from the sea of ​​time and space before, and didn't know that Qian Feng was leaving to find foreign aid, but at this moment, he already had a guess.

He knew about Lin Chen's departure from the Great Thousand World and going outside the territory. From the looks of it, Lin Chen seems to have a strong backing outside the territory. Once he seeks powerful foreign aid, the situation will change dramatically. Moreover, this secret may also be leaked out.

Therefore, the complexion of the source of time and space changed suddenly, and at the same time, he became cautious about the surrounding situation.

However, just when he was on guard, an old laughter suddenly spread, and then, a figure appeared out of thin air, accompanied by an upside-down Tianhe, appearing in everyone's eyes.

Tianhe Taoist!

Lin Chen's eyes widened, but he didn't realize when Taoist Tianhe arrived.

But at this moment, this river of heaven swept away, breaking through the shackles of time and space in an instant, and surrounding the source of time and space tightly, imprisoning him.

The face of Time and Space Origin changed drastically, and he tried his best to break free, but facing the strength of Taoist Tianhe, he couldn't continue at all.

At the same time, the Emperor Hehuan was also facing a formidable enemy. He did not expect that such a strong person would show up.

The first time he wanted to pull back, but behind him, there was also a person with the same joking smile on his face, and his palm directly strangled his throat.

Zhang Henshui!
Taoist Tianhe and Zhang Henshui appeared on the stage at the same time, and the source of time and space and Emperor Hehuan were subdued in an instant!

Seeing this, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and a stone fell from his heart.

These two are both veterans and powerhouses of the Eternal Shrine, who have reached the imperial level. With them, these two guys should not be able to escape.

"When did you come here?"

Lin Chen asked in surprise.

"Hehe, tell me, don't be angry. For your safety, I have been monitoring your whereabouts. I know you are in that tunnel and entered the other side's unknowable world. I was surprised, but I didn't follow. Until this little guy comes out and asks for help!"

As Zhang Henshui said, with a move of his palm, the space around him fluctuated, and Qian Fengliu's figure also appeared.

Lin Chen suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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