Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 874 Doubt

Chapter 874 Doubt

Chapter 870 Doubt

All the way forward, Lin Chen and others have penetrated into the sea of ​​time and space.

When he left at the beginning, Lin Chen also took a space ship and circled in the sea of ​​time and space, but he never went deep. At that time, Beiluo Zetian must have been affected by the origin of time and space, and entered the deepest place .

But at this moment, Lin Chen looked forward, and in the extremely chaotic time and space, there was an indescribable fluctuation, which penetrated into the void, and then affected the entire Great Thousand World. It was the Small Thousand World below. mainland.

With solemn eyes, looking at the ball of time and space, Taoist Tianhe and Zhang Henshui looked at each other and shook their heads.

"what happened?"

Lin Chen's heart tightened and he asked.

"The chaos of time and space here is beyond imagination. Even if I wait, if I want to step in, there is a great possibility that I will be completely lost, and I will never be able to get out. Only the ancestor level can enter!"

Taoist Tianhe said with a sigh.

"Since Emperor Xuanyu placed the ancestral soul jade here, it will not be easily taken by others. We should have thought of it long ago. However, it is good to come here to have a look. At least you can confirm that the ancestral soul jade , there is a [-]% possibility that it is hidden in this space!"

Zhang Henshui said.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Lin Chen frowned.

"But just now, the origin of time and space said that there is a way to get the things inside!"

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe looked at the source of time and space, and then said: "Hehe, this guy is so blinded by his interests and brains, he has such an idea!"

"All the mysteries of this world lie in the Ancestral Soul Jade. He wants to reversely break the laws through the connection of the three worlds, so as to break through the chaotic space set up by Emperor Xuanyu and obtain the Ancestral Soul Jade. It’s just a fool’s dream, the biggest possibility is that you will all be involved in it and get lost forever!”

With a chill in his heart, Lin Chen looked at the origin of time and space.

Hearing such words, intense unwillingness appeared in the eyes of Time and Space Origin, and he struggled violently.

"You fart! Only this method is feasible. I think you want to monopolize the ancestral soul jade, so you are deceiving Lin Chen!"

Taoist Tianhe narrowed his eyes, and a murderous intent surged forth.

Unexpectedly, the origin of time and space turned out to be a counterattack, trying to provoke the relationship between him and Lin Chen.

His heart can be punished!
"Own the ancestral soul jade? Old man, my potential has long been exhausted. Even if I get the ancestral soul jade in this life, I will not be able to step into the realm of the ancestral emperor. If there is anyone in this world who should get the ancestral soul jade most, then Lin Chen is the only one!"

"If I can get the ancestral soul jade to Lin Chen at this moment, even if my Tianhe is lost in the time and space forever, it's nothing. Isn't it ridiculous for you to use this to provoke me now?"

After all, Taoist Tianhe made a move with his palm, and suddenly, a mighty force burst out, and immediately acted on the body of the origin of time and space.

Swish swish!
Immediately, traces of bright silver surged out from Bei Luo Zetian's body, twisting violently, it actually affected the power of time and space in the entire sea of ​​time and space, wanting to escape.

It's just that Taoist Tianhe had been prepared for a long time, and the upside-down Tianhe turned into a field that belonged to him alone, sealing the surrounding area tightly, and the origin of time and space could not escape at all.


The space trembles, this fluctuation is moving, but here, Taoist Tianhe remains completely still, continuing to extract the original power of time and space in Bei Luoze Tian's body.

In the end, Lin Chen saw that in Bei Luo Zetian's eyes, the silver light had completely disappeared, replaced by a daze, followed by clarity, surprise, and astonishment.

In Taoist Tianhe's hands, there was already a group of silver light clusters, which were sealed by chains of rivers and were still twisting violently.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with!"

"Boy, after I clear this guy's mind, I will refine it for you!"

Turning his hands away, he put away the source of time and space, Taoist Tianhe said.

Lin Chen nodded, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Although he believed in Taoist Tianhe in his heart, Taoist Tianhe's reaction just now was a bit fierce.

Without even giving the source of time and space a chance to continue to say something, he directly collected his uniform.

If what the source of time and space said was all false, Taoist Tianhe would not have to pay attention to it at all. Now that Taoist Tianhe has such a big reaction, it is very likely that the source of time and space has hit the mark!

Suddenly, a trace of vigilance rose in Lin Chen's heart.

You know, the ancestral soul jade is a treasure that can help people reach the level of the ancestor emperor. It can be called the most precious treasure in this universe, and it is enough to make anyone fight for it.

Tianhe Taoist's potential has long been exhausted, but once he gets this ancestral soul jade, maybe he can be reborn, and even go a step further to reach a higher level.

On the surface calm, Lin Chen just looked at Bei Luo Zetian.

"Bei Luo Zetian, how are you doing?"

Hearing this, Bei Luo Zetian came back to his senses, looked at everyone present, and was even more shocked.

He has already understood that he was taken away by the origin of time and space before.

"What a cunning source of time and space! I thought I had already refined him, but I didn't expect..."

In his life, Bei Luo Zetian had never suffered any loss at the hands of other people except for being on par with Lin Chen. He never thought that now he was here at the origin of time and space, and almost capsized.

If Tianhe Taoist hadn't taken action to subdue the origin of time and space and pull it away, I'm afraid that all his vitality and will would be wiped out in the end, and this body would also belong to the origin of time and space!
Breaking out in a cold sweat, Bei Luozetian secretly thought that he would never be so careless again.

Immediately afterwards, he nodded to Lin Chen, and bowed deeply to Taoist Tianhe.

"Junior Bei Luo Zetian, thank you for your help!"

This obeisance is sincere, after all, it is related to his wealth and life.

With the pride of Luo Zetian in the north, he has already decided that he owes the life of Daoist Tianhe, and if he has the opportunity in the future, he must pay it back.

Seeing this, Taoist Tianhe waved his hand, and said with a smile: "It's a small matter, little guy, it's rare to be able to cultivate the Dao of Time and Space to your level. I hope you can join in my Eternal Shrine!"

Eternal Shrine?

Although he had never heard of this name, Bei Luo Zetian could already deduce that this must be the force that Lin Chen joined after he left the Great Thousand World and went outside.

With Lin Chen's arrogance, the forces he was willing to join must be extremely powerful. Moreover, the unfathomable strength of the old man in front of him shocked Bei Luo Zetian.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Bei Luo Zetian readily agreed.

"This junior is willing to join the Eternal Shrine!"

(End of this chapter)

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