Chapter 875
Chapter 870

Bei Luo Zetian immediately agreed to join the Eternal Shrine.

With his mind, he naturally thought of it all at once. This is a great opportunity. The person in front of him can subdue the origin of time and space. Lin Chen also followed him. He must be powerful and trustworthy, so he can join.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes saw that Zhang Henshui and the Emperor Hehuan strangling in Zhang Henshui's hands again.

Feeling the terrifying power belonging to the powerful ancestor of the domain, even Bei Luo Zetian's expression changed a little.

"The origin of time and space has been dealt with, now it's time to deal with you!"

Zhang Henshui increased his strength, making Emperor Hehuan's complexion turn purple, and his whole body tensed up.

The current Emperor Hehuan is possessed in the body of the Great Elder of Situ Shenchao, and then restrained, he is no different from an ordinary person.

"I think it's better to use this person as bait to attract more chaotic evil spirits and catch them all!"

Taoist Tianhe said.

Hearing this, Zhang Henshui immediately agreed.

Now two spirit bearers have escaped into the wild sea, presumably soon, more spirit bearers will appear, once they gather together, it will be more difficult to deal with, taking advantage of the present to defeat them one by one is the last good way.

"This is a good idea. Let's go back to the Eternal Shrine first, and then discuss it!"

Zhang Henshui said.

At this moment, within the sea of ​​time and space, it is naturally not a good place to discuss things.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe looked at the turbulent flow of time and space in front of him, felt the fluctuations in it, and finally let out a long sigh.

"At least the ancestors are required to enter this place. We old guys should not think about it. We can only hope that Lin Chen will break through as soon as possible, get the ancestral soul jade, and reach the level of the ancestors to fight against the evil spirits of chaos!"

After all, Taoist Tianhe waved his sleeve robe, and he was heading out of the sea of ​​time and space.

It may be that in Lin Chen's heart, he already had some doubts about Taoist Tianhe, so when he looked at Taoist Tianhe, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

But at this moment, Zhang Henshui had already followed, and Bei Luo Zetian followed, so Lin Chen had no choice but to turn his head, take a deep look at the chaotic flow at that time, then turn and leave.

Soon, the group left the Sea of ​​Time and Space and returned to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

At this moment, strong men from the entire Great Thousand Worlds had already packed Situ Shenchao's position, looking at the scene of the great battle in amazement.

The huge Situ Dynasty is already full of devastation at this moment. Those glorious buildings have already collapsed under the fierce battle fluctuations. The mountains collapsed, and there are bottomless rifts above the ground, which is extremely terrifying.

Until now, there is still the aftermath of that battle faintly in the air, which makes people change color.

This has already surpassed the cognition of the people present. If they hadn't seen it, they couldn't even believe it. It can be achieved by human power.

"Lin Chen is so ridiculously strong..."

Gai Jiuyou stood with his hands behind his back, looking at this scene, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He never underestimated Lin Chen, but every time Lin Chen was able to give him greater surprises and create greater miracles, as if nothing was impossible for him.

"Lin Chen went to the outside world this time. He didn't expect to be reborn so soon!"

On the side of Patriarch Situ, he was also filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, Lin Chen was still a little guy who needed his protection, but in a blink of an eye, he had already achieved such strength.

If Lin Chen hadn't returned in time this time, I'm afraid that his entire Situ Dynasty would tremble and perish under the majesty of Emperor Hehuan.

Situ Yu was also very emotional, thinking back then, Lin Chen still needed their protection, but now he was able to fight against a strong man like Emperor Hehuan on his own.

There is no doubt that Lin Chen at this moment has already stood at the apex of this vast world and has become the real pinnacle.

Although this result was not too unexpected, the time Lin Chen spent was a little too little.

This monster!
Everyone was secretly stunned, and many people began to practice after realizing the residual fluctuations between the heaven and the earth.

And at this moment, Lin Chen and his party finally returned from the space and sea at that time, and returned to Situ Shenchao.

"We must take this guy back to the Ancient Shrine as soon as possible, and I will leave it to you!"

Taoist Tianhe and Zhang Henshui were in a hurry to go back.

After all, catching a spirit bearer was an earth-shattering event.

At this moment, they must return to the Eternal Shrine immediately, and use the safest means to imprison this spirit bearer, and they all understand the truth that changes will happen later.

Hearing this, he nodded, and Lin Chen also understood that it would be difficult for him to intervene in the next matter.

After all, this will soon involve more spirit bearers, and it will be an extremely peak battle in the entire universe. To be honest, Lin Chen's strength is still a bit weak.

Therefore, he doesn't intend to go back with these two people at this moment, let alone go to Xiaoqian World to see his relatives and friends.

"After I deal with it, I will go back."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, the two didn't hesitate any longer, and flew away with Emperor Hehuan, and disappeared into the sky, leaving only Lin Chen, Bei Luo Zetian, and Qian Fengliu.

And with their departure, the terrifying coercion belonging to the domain ancestor powerhouse in the audience finally dissipated slowly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, just standing there for such a strong person is enough to make it difficult to breathe.

"Lin Chen, this time, it's really thanks to you!"

Patriarch Situ looked at Lin Chen with great emotion.

"The old ancestor regarded Lin Chen as his own in the past, how can Lin Chen sit idly by today?"

Lin Chen looked at the ancestor, and was still very moved when he thought of the scene when the ancestor attacked the Zhou Tian Dynasty for him.

And Patriarch Situ couldn't have imagined that the investment he made in Lin Chen would pay off so quickly.

"Good good!"

Patriarch Situ was very moved, he kept saying yes, his heart was excited.

Originally, Dongsheng Shenzhou was ruled and dominated, but now with Lin Chen as a big backer, who in the whole world would dare to challenge him to the Situ Dynasty?

No one dares!

After seeing Lin Chen's strength, all the giants of the Great Thousand World present did not dare to have the slightest disagreement.

Even if Situ Shenchao's strength is greatly weakened at this moment, they dare not take advantage of it, but think about how to make friends with Situ Shenchao at this time and how to help them.

"Situ! My Divine Prison is willing to help you rebuild the mountain gate!"

"And I, Lingfeng Pavilion, will refine a batch of pills!"

"Hahaha, such things, how can we miss our Polangmen, no matter what you give, count me in!"

With a beginning, immediately, many leaders of super powers showed their favor one after another, which made Patriarch Situ feel a little flattered.

When Lin Chen saw this, he felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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