Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 876 Ozawa

Chapter 876 Ozawa
Chapter 870: Ozawa

I believe that after this battle, no one in the whole world would dare to plot against Situ Shenchao.

And in this case, Lin Chen can also leave with peace of mind.

Next, Patriarch Situ was busy entertaining these enthusiastic bosses, and the others were busy cleaning up the mess. As for the ruins of the battle, Patriarch Situ meant to keep it, on the one hand, to warn future generations, and make others want to touch Situ During the time of the gods, think about Lin Chen's strength.

On the other hand, there is still the volatile atmosphere of the great war here, and it is a good place for enlightenment. At this moment, there are already many big bosses who secretly mentioned that they want to practice here for a while.

After all, the battle between Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan has reached the level of a god emperor, which is very rare for these big shots.

If you can learn something from it, you can make a lot of money.

"It turns out that the outside world is like this!"

Bei Luo Zetian drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, deeply moved.

He has already learned about things outside the territory from Lin Chen's mouth, and he knows the ins and outs of all this clearly.

And even with his Bei Luo Zetian's disposition, he was still inexplicably shocked at this moment.

Unexpectedly, there are so many mysteries in it.

"Eternal Shrine, the most powerful force in the universe!"

Bei Luo Zetian laughed happily, and only such a powerful force is worthy of him, Bei Luo Zetian!

Standing up, Bei Luo Zetian couldn't help but want to go to the Ancient Shrine immediately.

However, he knew very well in his heart that since Lin Chen stayed, he must have something to do, and what Lin Chen wanted to do, without a doubt, was to return to the Little Thousand World, or even the East Pole Continent.

In contrast, Lin Chen has always been a passionate person, but Bei Luo Zetian is different. He only has practice in his heart, and even after he left, he never thought about that he still has a family.

After all, with Bei Luo Zetian's talent, he will reach an unimaginable level in the future, and his family will be nothing more than dust in history.

And it was this kind of temperament that made Bei Luozetian so focused on his cultivation.

But Lin Chen took another path. He was always thinking that behind him, there were so many people who needed to be protected, and he still had a lot of things to do, so he had to keep getting stronger!
"Forget it, let's take a trip to this small world, and the East Pole Continent. Speaking of which, we are all from the East Pole Continent!"

Bei Luo Zetian smiled.

Humans are not plants, if you really want to talk about it, how can he not have the slightest nostalgia in his heart, the East Pole Continent, after all, is the place where he was born.

Lin Chen also nodded, with nostalgia on his face.

The East Pole Continent, Xia's Manor, that is the place where he grew up, the place where his cultivation path started, and Xingnan College, etc., he misses it very much.

Now, I finally have to go back and have a look!

Continuing to drink, with Lin Chen's current strength, he could rely on his cultivation to restrain his drinking power, but he didn't do this, but got very drunk and completely relaxed his spirit.

For him who has been cultivating nervously, this is really commendable.

And on the second day, after waking up, Lin Chen also felt refreshed like never before. After such a thorough relaxation, he understood that he was going on the road again.

There will always be unknown challenges ahead, what Lin Chen has to do is to keep fighting and forging ahead.

After tidying up and saying goodbye to Patriarch Situ and others, Lin Chen came to the Dongsheng Tower.

This time, the tower keeper stepped forward, and it helped him delay a lot of time. What's more, Lin Chen felt that the tower keeper's strength was also unfathomable.

Obviously, at the beginning, his strength was still weak and he couldn't see anything, but at this moment, he could clearly feel it.

Arriving outside the Dongsheng Tower, Lin Chen saw at a glance that the tower guard had already been waiting here, as if he knew that Lin Chen was coming.

Seeing Lin Chen coming, the tower guard also smiled and looked at Lin Chen.

"Good boy, after all these days, he has grown to this point!"

The tower keeper was very optimistic about Lin Chen at the beginning, but the facts have proved that his vision is very sharp.

"I have seen seniors."

Lin Chen was very humble.

But in fact, with his current strength, it is possible to be comparable to this tower keeper.

After all, there are no fathers and sons on the battlefield, and on the journey of cultivation, they are never ranked according to age. The only thing that determines everything is strength.

"This time, you must be leaving again. Before leaving, the old man has something to ask you."

The tower guard greeted Lin Chen and walked into the Dongsheng Tower.

This is the second time for Lin Chen to enter the Dongsheng Tower. I still remember that he and Zhou Yang Pengcheng discussed and competed here. In a blink of an eye, it has been so long.

Walking into the tower, Lin Chen followed the tower guard and went directly to the fifth floor.

Back then, on the fifth floor, it was the Mysterious Realm of Myriad Trees, and even Lin Chen didn't go out.

And in the past, Lin Chen also felt that there was a pure source of wood under the world of myriad trees, which had already given birth to his own consciousness. Once he got it, it could help him greatly increase his strength.

Of course, the source of wood should not be of much help to Lin Chen now.

"Ozawa seems to have encountered some problems in the growth of his thoughts."

As the tower guard said, he moved his palm, and saw that the myriad of trees that once trapped Lin Chen spread out, and the numerous trees moved away, revealing an open space in front of the two of them.

And under this open space, Lin Chen felt an incomparably rich vitality, and he saw that the land was glowing with vigorous green.

Obviously, the origin of this tree is hidden here.

Under the communication of the tower keeper's thoughts, Lin Chen gradually saw that a dense emerald green brilliance flickered on the ground, slowly condensing, and a small figure appeared.

Obviously, the origin of this wood not only gave birth to wisdom, but also can transform into form, reaching an extremely high level.

"It stands to reason that Ozawa should be able to speak out at this moment, but recently, I discovered that his thoughts have degenerated, and the power of the wood source is not as good as before!"

said the keeper.

His face was very worried.

After all, he has been guarding the Dongsheng Divine Tower and watched Ozawa grow up. He was excited for a long time when he discovered that the origin of wood gave birth to ideas.

Lin Chen looked at Ozawa, also very puzzled.

He almost got Ozawa's approval once, but in the end he was disturbed by Zhou Yangpengcheng. At that time, he felt that Ozawa's mind was already very developed, and given time, he would definitely be no different from ordinary people.

But at this moment, when he looked at Ozawa, he found that Ozawa's thoughts were obviously much duller.

(End of this chapter)

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