Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 877 Yu Qing, Lost

Chapter 877 Yu Qing, Lost
Chapter 870 Yu Qing, the puzzle
You know, Ozawa was very clever back then, just like a child.

Once Lin Chen tried his best to contact him, wanting to be recognized, but Zhou Yangpengcheng ruined the situation. At that time, Ozawa was very witty, and he would definitely not be like this now.

Lin Chen took a closer look, and saw that although Ozawa had already transformed into a child, but the spiritual energy was too much, giving people a feeling of twilight, which was very strange.

"How could this be? The last time I had a brief contact with him, his intelligence has already been enlightened, and there will be absolutely no signs of regression!"

Lin Chen frowned.

There was also a hint of heartache on the face of the tower guard.

He watched Ozawa give birth to his idea, and he already regarded Ozawa as a relative.

"Also, the first few layers originally possessed all kinds of original power. You kid absorbed a lot before, but at this moment, there has been a significant reduction. I suspect that someone is causing trouble, but I can't find any Clues!"

said the keeper.

This immediately made Lin Chen's heart tense.

It seems that there must be something strange in this.

"Steal the power of the source?"

Lin Chen took a deep breath, feeling a faint feeling in his heart, but he couldn't express it.

"When did this situation start?"

Lin Chen asked.

Hearing this, the tower keeper thought about it carefully: "It was probably half a year ago!"

Half a year.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth. If someone really stole all kinds of original power in the tower for half a year, it must have been extremely impressive.

It can be seen from Ozawa that there is very little of his wood essence left, if this continues, Ozawa will disappear completely.

The first thing Lin Chen thought of was Chaos Evil Spirit.

But the chaotic evil spirit in this world is probably only the Emperor Hehuan, who has been taken away by Taoist Tianhe at this moment, so there is no trouble.

It shouldn't be Chaos Evil Spirit.

Lin Chen continued to think, but couldn't think of anything.

In his mind, there seemed to be countless threads, only one of which was the key, but he couldn't grasp this key point.

"The first few layers are indeed showing signs of exhaustion. I thought it was because of my last time. Now it seems that I overestimated myself."

Lin Chen murmured, as if there were countless clues circulating in his mind.

He had a faint feeling that he must have known the person who did this.

Origin, origin!
The key lies in the source, this guy just absorbs the power of the source, then, could he himself be the so-called spirit of the source?

Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly thought of Yu Qing.

This goddess Yu Yuan had already surrendered to him, but then disappeared mysteriously. Lin Chen thought about it carefully, and the time when Yu Qing disappeared was not much different from the time when the source here was stolen.

"Is it really her?"

Lin Chen took a deep breath, closed his eyes immediately, and sensed.

As the original spirit of Yu Qing, it should be very easy to hide in this world, and she herself is the original source of the five elements, absorbing Ozawa's power, it will match.

Seeing that Lin Chen seemed to have a clue, the tower guard didn't dare to disturb him, but waited anxiously aside.

But at this moment, Lin Chen's mind stretched out, swept in all directions, and carefully searched every inch of land.

With the passage of time, Lin Chen's thoughts have covered the entire Wanmu Mystery Realm. It seems that the Ten Thousand Wood Mystery Realm that trapped him at the beginning has no secrets at all.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen continued to search, and soon, the entire area of ​​the Dongsheng Tower was almost covered by him.

At the same time, there is a majestic and ancient aura, which emanates if there is any, which makes the tower guards extremely frightened and silent.

The young man who was still a little weak at the beginning has finally become full-fledged and revealed his majesty. This vast world is no longer worth setting foot on it!

Just when the tower guard was deeply moved, Lin Chen's whole body was shocked, and then he opened his eyes suddenly, stepped forward, and his figure disappeared in place, only a voice rang out.

"She's on the seventh floor!"

Hearing this, the tower guard was overjoyed, and immediately followed Lin Chen to the seventh floor.

Lin Chen took a quicker step, and reached the seventh floor in an instant. With a sweep of his eyes, he saw a beautiful figure, which disappeared in a flash and disappeared from his sight.

"Yu Qing!"

Seeing this figure from the back, Lin Chen was even more sure that this was Yu Qing.

It seems that all of this is really her fault.

Lin Chen only felt that he had been deceived by Yu Qing in the past. These original spirits were all evil, and it was his own carelessness.

Moving forward at a high speed, Lin Chen chased Yu Qing and had already rushed to the eighth floor.

The tower guard followed closely behind, but did not see Yu Qing's figure.

However, he was also very witty, immediately blocked the entire Dongsheng Tower, and no one inside could get out.

Continuing forward, Yu Qing and Lin Chen have arrived at the center of the eighth floor, leading to the ninth floor.

Lin Chen in the past failed to reach the eighth floor, but for him now, he can reach the top casually.

However, at this moment, he felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable aura in the ninth floor, which made people feel a little palpitating.

Facing the ninth floor ahead, Yu Qing did not act rashly, as if the ninth floor was an extremely dangerous forbidden area.

Therefore, Lin Chen was already standing behind him, and the aura of his whole body radiated out, covering the whole audience, leaving Yu Qing nowhere to escape.

"What's your purpose?"

Lin Chen stared at Yu Qing's beautiful face and asked.

This guy can mysteriously disappear from the small thousand world, and come to the big thousand world to steal the power of the source under the eyes of the tower guards, which shows how powerful his means are.

I'm afraid she has been pretending to be a pig and a tiger in front of Lin Chen before!
This feeling of being deceived made Lin Chen even angrier and stared at Yu Qing.

However, Yu Qing sighed helplessly, with sadness in her eyes, she took a deep look at Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, you can't win, stop struggling, okay?"

Can't win!
Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, he was a little confused about what Yu Qing was referring to.

"Are you talking about fighting against the Chaos Evil?"

"Even if I can't win, I will fight hard and use all my life and strength to protect this world!"

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, the sadness in Yu Qing's eyes became more intense.

"It's not just the Chaos Evil Spirit...uh..."

Yu Qing spoke again, but this time, when she was about to say something, she stopped abruptly. Then, there seemed to be an irresistible force erupting in her body. In just a split second, she His body exploded with a loud bang, turning into nothingness in front of Lin Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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